At last, he got what he wants

After the wedding, Jeff is the most sad person. Even a prolonged kiss is making Iris so nauseous. Then how can he expect her to have first night. 

It is better to sleep in other room rather than sleeping beside her and making her uncomfortable. 

Why should this happen to him!! 

Most of the pregnant women crave for sex during their pregnancy but his Iris is quite opposite…..she totally started to hate it. 

He remember how sex driven his sister and brother in law are at during his sister's pregnancy. He use to fantasize how his Iris would be….he even use to think that he can ravish her. 

"Someone looks so down hearted now" Jean teased her brother who is looking sadly at Iris who is  talking to Mia. 

"That, I am" Jeff sighed. 

"Enjoy, dear brother in law. Have a good, first night" Scott mocked as he took little hurricane into his arms from his wife's arms.