Convenience 7

[Coat of the King]

battle coat made of the Lion King's skin

Movement Spd +50

Def +50

Zeux obtained a good item from the Lion King. He immediately equipped it to make him look cool. He also liked the color of it. This black battle coat was hidden under his cloak so it was not yet revealed.

"We thank the Master that helped us save our beloved city. We will forever be grateful." —General Brooke

"Don't mind it. It would be ok if I take the Liong King's corpse?" —Zeux

"Of course, all the magic cores belong to the Master." —General Brooke

"Nah. I just want one. You can have it all. Use it to compensate your soldiers and volunteer and fix the damage of the city walls." —Zeux

"Will it be ok if our king could meet the Master. He will say his thanks and respect." —General Brooke

Zuex looked above the Main Gate. He thought for a while.

"With all respect, but I have something more important to do. Just tell your king that I felt his sincerity." —Zeux

Before General Brooke could utter a word, the Lion King's corpse and Zeux were gone.


Orthon City suffered 4000+ casualties, destroyed buildings, and broken walls. The people were still thankful though that the city was not completely destroyed. The King black listed all who betrayed the city and rewarded those who stayed loyal. The restoration of the city immediately started.


Inside the My World

Zeux checked his status first.




HP 999,999/999,999

MP 999,999/999,999

STR (209)79

SPD (208)88

MAG (208)49

DEF (400)0




«antagonist of darkness»


«supreme god killer»



Zeux had a great harvest. While browsing through his inventory window, he found a very interesting item.

[portable house]

He placed it between the Tree of Light and the River of Life. Afterwards, he entered the house. It was very beautiful. The walls are well-furnished and there are things already inside.

He took out the next item he was interested in.

[Goblet of gods]

He infused magic to the goblet which produced a wine inside. Zuex drank it. He was satisfied with the taste. He also felt that his mind was cleared from anxiety.

The third item.

[Yorn's Bow]

a magical bow that could rain down thousands of arrows (cd: 5min)

damage was based on the user's magic strength

Zeux tested it. He touched the string and an attribute-less magic arrow appeared. He let it loose. When the arrow reached mid-air, it multiplied into thousands of magic arrows that exploded as it hits the ground.

"Hahaha! Overpowered item." —Zeux

The last item.

[Black Glider]

aero transport that could speed up to 500km/hr

Zeux placed both his feet on the marker. He operated the glider using his thoughts. It started to fly slowly. At first, it was unstable, but little by little Zeux stabilized it.

"This is very useful with my adventure. I could go places that others couldn't. Added to it is the speed." —Zeux

Zeux stayed inside the My World until the next day. He practiced riding the glider and using the bow together.