Slow Life After 8

Orthon City was under construction. The damages caused by the demon beast horde were slowly repaired. This city was divided into 2 region. The upper region and the lower region.

The upper region was resided by the nobles and high officials of the city. The City Castle also was located in the area. The important buildings such as Academy, Military, and Hospital were built around this zone.

The lower region was where the market area, city arena, and the residential zone of the normal citizens. The common health house and the military sub headquarters were also built on the area.

Zeux went to the military sub HQ because the city planning department was also located there. He asked for an available residential space. Rod the person Zed was talking to presented him with the available space of land.

They visited the three available plot of land. Zed favored the last area. It was just outside the marketplace zone. Only a wide road separate the marketplace and the plot of land. Also, it already had a 3 storey building.

Zeux paid 10 Goldstones for the building and lot. Afterwards, he was given a title deed. Every year, Zed had to pay 1 Goldstone for the tax. Rod thought that Zeux was a noble when he took out the 10 Goldstone, but sneered when he discovered that Zed was a level 5 citizen.

"Here is your id. If you could not pay for your tax, the place will be confiscated and you will become a slave." —Rod

"So there are slaves?" —Zeux

"Of course there are slaves." —Rod

"So, how could you get one?" —Zeux

"The government allowed slave trade, but they should be on the shadows. Most eastern side of this lower region is where the Slave Shop located." —Rod

"Thanks." —Zeux


3rd Floor of Zed's Residence

[Attribute-less Book]

Zeux took it out. He looked at it from every side. He opened it and there was nothing written.

He started to gather his magic energy and injected it in the book on his hand.

Unexpectedly, all of Zeux's magic energy was sucked dry. Before he lost his consciousness, he transfered himself inside the My World for safety.


Zeux did not really lost his consciousness. After he arrived inside the My World, he just fell down and was very mentally exhausted.

He opened the information window, and looked at the status of mp.

MP 5,250/999,999...

MP 6,300/999,999...

MP 7,450/999,999...

MP 8,500/999,999...

Zeux got filled with an idea. He stood up and gathered all his resolve. Once again, he injected his magic energy to the book.

He was about to lost his consciousness again, then after a second he recovered. He injected magic energy again, and after a second inject again. He repeated this action for hours. He was like a drunk man standing groggily.

After 10 hours, he let himself fall. He then fell asleep.


Another 10 hours past, Zeux woke up with a smile. His hair was messy and he was yawning. He went to the river, scooped the water with his hands, then splashed it on his face. He also drank some water from the river. He felt that his mental exhaustion was slowly gone away. He stretched his body and a book caught his attention lying on the ground.