46.5 Slaves

After the main manager or well, the retired main manager, left, Xuanmei directed her attention to the slaves.

"Please come with me."

"M-Miss, please do not say p-please to slaves like us."

Ignoring their words, Xuanmei walked to the nearest clothing store while the slaves waited outside, Xuanmei letting them go in one by one to take their measurements.

Despite the slaves' furious protests, Xuanmei knew that deep inside, they were glad to finally have clothes.

"Ten sets of clothing for each friend, please."

After hearing those words, some of the slaves whose eyes glanced at Xuanmei, doubtful that they would be cast aside once again after this, finally found it easy to stop suspecting her.

'Friend,' it's a relatively hard word for nobles to pronounce when talking about some mere slaves, and by the way Xuanmei was pouring out cash while looking at the slaves smilingly...

The slaves didn't know to laugh or cry.

...Which is why some did both.

As soon as the first tear trickled down, dripping quietly onto the floor, the other slaves joined in, weeping, for they had truly been lucky this time.

"Are you guys okay with doing some work for me?"

Who really asks slaves that?

"Don't worry, you will be paid."

The slaves had their mouths open as they stared at their new employer. The slaves reached a silent agreement. If they work, they worked together.

Nodding, a slave stood up and agreed to join 'him'.

"What's all your names?"

The slaves looked around strangely.

"Names? We were never given one."

Xuanmei nodded with a thoughtful look on her face, "Please, choose a name."

The slaves nodded as they kneeled down in unison. "Please, give us a name. If you do not, it shall mean that you do not accept us."

Xuanmei's look hardened, "If you want to be free, you must have to be headstrong. Have some individuality. What was a name you wished you had? Stand up if you've ever thought of having a name."

The slaves went into deep thought, some even standing up. In the clothing shop, this was one heck of a weird scene to watch as the clothes tailor made the slaves' clothes.

"Now, you can have that name, because you do not have to wish anymore. You are now free to go. I am only responsible for employing you. You can have your own life from now on. I will not control you."

Turning away, she said, "Close your eyes, do not be influenced by your peers' answers, raise your hands and tell me, who is willing to follow me?"

After that question was asked, everyone raised their hands in unison.

"Good. Now here's your starting pay. Please buy something to eat with this. I will pick you up from inside this auction house's manager's room two days from now to my restaurant."

Giving them all single golden coin, Xuanmei reminded them to eat and buy their living necessities, as she would be bringing them to their new dorms.