
The first few days Devanta hadn´t do that much. She attended school together with Jackson and trained with him. But on a Saturday evening Brother B who was father´s right hand informed Jackson that he had a mission. She just coincidentally walked past Jackson´s room when she heard both of them talk about it.

"Young master. Your father wants you to finish this mission successfully. Your inauguration is nearing. You can´t disappoint him. You saw what happened to Miss Devanta." Curiously she walked closer to the door to hear them better.

"Yeah I got it. So what do I have to do?"

Brother B leaned nearer and spoke quietly to Jackson: "Tonight there is VIP party downtown. At this party you have to find a person named Andrew Scott. He is the new master of the Swan group. Despite his young age he already surpassed his father. We have to stop them from entering our territory. Today is an important meeting at that party. You have to go and stop them." After telling about the mission Brother B left the room.

Devanta hurriedly went to her room and closed her door quickly. After hearing about this mission, she could pretty much guess what Jackson has to do tonight. A thought struck her mind. Cold sweat ran down her spine. If Jackson really wants to kill Andrew she has to act quickly.

When she was sure that Brother B left, she walked to Jackson´s room. Hearing the shower in the bathroom running, she quickly looked around to find the tracking device that he had. When she found them in one of the drawer, she quickly put them into Jackson´s shoes. Then she took the little monitor for the tracking device with her to her room. She also took a quick shower and put on comfortable clothes on. She knew that the bouncer will look for any kinds of weapons so she had to find a way to hide them. But she didn´t have an invitation so there is no way she could enter the party unless... there could be a way for her to enter the club and also bring weapons with her.

All ready she waited for Jackson to move and follow him.

When he got into the car she pulled out one of the motorbikes in the garage and followed him in a save distance. She hadn´t have to drive that closely to him because she had the tracking monitor to see where he was heading to. When the green point on the monitor stopped, she knew that he had reached his destination. The party was already in full swing. A lot of famous person stood before the club and waited to get in. No one could enter who didn´t have an invitation.

Luckily she worked a long time for different clubs and knew a few people. She went to the back door and knocked on it. The door opened and a greasy looking man came out. His hair was gelled back with so much gel that even a fly would fall off of his head. His face was unshaved and his clothes literally screamed "please notice me" caused by the blinding colour combination and gold necklaces. Before he could ask what she wanted she already spoke up.

"Hey Toni! Do you remember me? I´m looking for a job. Do you need me?" He sized her up and down. After he took her appearance in, he smiled smugly.

"There is a job for you. We´re short of servers. You can start right away." He motioned her to come in and he led her to a changing room.

"Change your clothes here. When you´re done I assign you your table." She was already used to this. Despite her mothers warning she had worked a few years in this business when her mom was lying ill in the hospital. Her usual part time jobs were tiring but didn´t had a high pay like this. The pay for being a server was better and she could get a lot more tips. On the other hand she had to deal with those old sleazy men but she knew how to handle them. She quickly changed into her costume and walked up to Toni. He once again looked at her. This girl looked young and her body wasn´t bad either. A lot of guests liked this type of girl and he was sure the young master who threw this party would be pleased with her. Therefore he assigned Devanta the table of the young master.

Devanta couldn´t believe her luck because she got immediately assigned to Andrew´s table. This is going to be easy.

She walked to her assigned table ready to serve them.

"Good evening. My name is Devan. Can I bring you something to drink?" Some of the men noticed her and looked at her and smirked.

One of them spoke up. "Sweetie. Why don´t you accompany us here. It´s sad to drink alone with these guys." He grabbed her hand and pulled her right next to him. Seeing their friend taking the girl all for himself the other guys complained.

"Hey that´s not fair. Don´t keep her for yourself. She has to serve us too."

"I don´t care. I saw her first she is serving me first, right sweetie?" The man tried to kiss her but Devanta escaped his attempt swiftly by leaning forward and pouring everyone their drink.

"Here you go. Enjoy your drink." She gave each one of them their drink. While doing so she looked around for Andrew but didn´t see him. This was his table so where did he go? All she could do was patiently wait for him to return to his table while she served these men.

The man next to her now pulled her closer to him and put his arm around her. Seeing his kiss attempt was avoided he decided to tease her a bit. Slowly he rubbed her back and let his hand wander down. Soon he reached her ass and started to squeeze it. Devanta knew that if she let him do what he wanted it would end badly for her but if she avoided him again he would get angry. So her only possible way was to distract him.

"Sir do you want something to drink? I can get you our special cocktail. It's really delicious." She tried to smile brightly at him.

"I am indeed thirsty but not for a cocktail. Could you help me release my thirst?" He licked his lips and looked her up and down. He slowly put a hand on her tights and stroked it. Devanta was disgusted. She had the urge to slap his dirty hands away but if she caused a commotion her plan would fail. So she could only defend herself with words.

"Sir I can't do anything else besides giving you drinks. Everything else you have to get from another person."

"But I want you. Come on. I give you a good tip. Don't you know me? I'm rich." While he spoke his hand traveled up her tights.

"Sir I appreciate you interest but I won't do it. Please stop it. My boss is watching. I don't want to lose my job."

"I don't care if he is watching. You can work with me. Be my partner in bed and you will never starve." The man slowly lost his patience and stated clearly now what he wanted. If she still refused he will get her forcefully. He is one of the richest man in the city how could she reject him.

Before he could make an attempt a shadow laid before him. He looked up to see young master Andrew standing before. He gulped when he saw the young master looking at him with a dark expression.

"Move. You're in the way."

Hurriedly all of the men at the table moved to make space for the young master. He ignored all of their looks and just stood there not intending to sit down. He now focused his stare on the man beside Devanta.

"I allow you guys to eat, drink and to have fun as much as you want but if you want to do that kind of business in my club, leave. There are plenty of opportunities to relieve your needs in the red light district." The man shivered in fear. He often saw and experienced the anger of the young master. He didn't dare to anger him more and quickly moved away from the young girl. Now Andrew looked at the young girl.

"You come with me." He ordered and walked away. Devanta saw her chance and quickly followed him, leaving behind the sleazy man who was now shivering in fear.

Andrew walked to the back of the club and waited for Devanta to arrive. When he saw her he grabbed her shoulder and glared angrily at her.

"What the hell are you doing here? Do you know that it's dangerous to work here?" He shook her in his fury. He shook her so hard that she could only give him one sentence as a answer.

"I'm here to see you." Her answer stunned him and he stopped shacking her.

"What? Can't you contact me in a normal way? Why do you have to work as a waitress?"

"I didn't have much time and this was the only way to get to you without anyone noticing."

"What happened?" He sensed that there was something wrong.

"Actually I heard that my father wants to get you out of his way. He gave Jackson the mission to attend to this party and... you know... eliminate you."

Andrew wasn't surprised to hear that. After he took over his father business he had made a lot of enemies. He just didn't understand why Devanta had to go to such lengths just to warn him.

"Who do you think I am. I have my men standing guard everywhere. Nothing will happen to me."

"You don't know Jackson. He is very clever and knows what he does. Trust me."

"So what do you want to do? Fight him when he comes at me? Why do you care?"

"You're my friend since middle school. How could I let you all alone when my father wants to kill you?"

"Then how's the plan?" Andrew was amused that this little girl tried to help him.

"My father recently disowned me and threw me out of his house. Now he degraded me to be Jackson's servant. I don't need a father like him. I'm switching sides and this is the perfect opportunity to tell the world." She grinned thinking about her plan. Andrew on the other hand looked worried.

"Are you sure? Even though you are no longer his daughter but living under his roof is a much better protection then coming to me."

"I know what I am doing. Trust me. I just need your help in this."

"Okay let me hear your plan."