Devy explained her plan shortly to Andrew. After he listened to her, he nodded understandingly.
"I see. Your plan is good but you would get in danger, you know that right? Such betrayal I don´t think your father will leave you alone."
"Why should he interfere? I´m no longer his daughter. If he wants to kill you he has to do it personally or get back at you with another method. Both situations are of advantage for you."
"Okay. But if we do this you have to move out of that house immediately. It´s too risky to stay there. Jackson can´t protect you forever."
"I got it. I will move out." Devanta hesitated but maybe switching sides would be of more advantage.
"Then shall we start our performance?" Andrew smirked at her. She rolled her eyes.
"Yeah sure. Just let me go change first. This outfit doesn´t fit the image." She walked back in and walked to the changing rooms. She took her clothes and changed into it. Then she walked to Toni.
"Hey Toni. I´m sorry but my boyfriend doesn´t want me to serve some strangers and forced me to quit. I won´t take my payment." Before he could answer her she bowed before him and left into the club room. There she walked to Andrews table. The men at his table saw her but didn´t recognize her because she had put on heavy make up earlier in the changing room. She walked past them right beside Andrew.
"Hey baby. Did you miss me?" She smiled sweetly and sat beside him. He smiled back at her and hugged her tight. All of the men around them looked at them wondering. They never saw or hear Andrew mention a girlfriend so it was very surprising to see her here when they wanted to have an important meeting.
"Young master, is this your girlfriend?" A man beside him asked curiously.
"Yeah she is. She just came back from abroad and will join our meeting. Got a problem with that?" All the men at the table gaped at him and then at the girl beside him. He was the young master of on of the biggest companies in this city but how could he bring a girl to such an important meeting. How could they be sure that she wasn´t a spy?
"Young master I don´t think it´s a good idea. Please think this through. This meeting today is very important. The word about this meeting can´t get to other people." The men whispered lowly. Andrew hadn´t had to do much. He just looked at them sharply and they knew what his answer was. Then he stood up and took the hand of the girl.
"I see you´re eager to have this meeting. Then let´s start it now." He walked to one of the body guards. "Get the back room ready."
The men had no choice and also stood up and followed him.
From the other side of the room a figure was leaning against the wall and watched how the group started to move. He grinned lightly.
It´s starting.
He started to follow the group in a few distance. Earlier when he saw the young master walking away he had feared that he wasn´t in a good mood and wouldn´t attend the meeting anymore. He already started to feel uneasy and was already thinking about go looking for his target when Andrew walked back in. And a moment later a girl appeared at the men´s table and sat beside him.
He wondered what that girl would do there. Andrew wouldn´t take her with him to the meeting room right? Well he did.
He took a drink from the counter and smoothly walked past the crowd. He then walked right into one of the bodyguards and spilled his drink on himself.
"Oh man. What are you doing standing in the way. Look at what you´ve done. My clothes are a mess now." He accusingly pointed at the bodyguard. The poor man didn´t even realize that someone had walked into him so he was confused on what to do. Seeing a handsome man before him he feared that he had angered a powerful person so he immediately apologized.
"Sir I´m sorry. I´m really sorry. Should I..."
"Forget it. I´m not in the mood to talk to the likes of you. Just let me through. I´ll go change my clothes." With that he walked past the guard to the back rooms. The guard wanted to stop him but when he saw that the man walked into the very first room he heaved a relieved sigh.
Two more men are standing right in front of the door of the farthest room in the back. He had to keep unwanted guest out of this area but if this man just wanted to change his clothes it should be no problem.
Little did he know that that man used the room at the front to climb into the ventilation shaft and carefully crawl to the meeting room. When he was right above the meeting room he carefully took out his belt. Inside of the belt he had hidden a knife. He started to screw the screws of the ventilation shaft with his knife open. When he was done with two of the four screws he put the knife back and pulled out a pack of cigarettes. Inside the pack he had hidden a small blowpipe filled with one of the deadliest poison he had. He slid the blowpipe through the gap that was created due to the missing two screws who held on the bottom plate of the ventilation shaft.
He had a quick look into the room to find Andrew. When he saw the top of his head right below him he grinned. He thanked his luck. If the target was right underneath him it was almost impossible to miss his target. He could finish this mission successfully and prove Mr. Machiavelli that he was a suitable heir. He leaned closer to the gap to have a better look on his target. If he just shoot the arrow right at the top of his head there is a possibility that he would just hit the bones. The poison had to get into the blood so he had to avoid the head. He saw that it was best to aim at the neck. He only had to wait at the right opportunity. He leaned forward a little more. Suddenly the plate underneath him creaked and gave in. Shocked he tried to hurriedly crawl back but it was too late. He and the plate both fell down. The remaining two screws and the thin plate couldn´t hold the extra weight of the man and just broke off.
He fell down right behind his target. Everyone turned around and looked at him who had fell out of the blue down from the ventilation shaft. Everyone was too surprised to even react. Andrew and Devanta who both had waited for Jackson to strike his attack stood up in a lightning speed and retreated a couple of steps.
Jackson who didn´t expect to fall right before his target hurriedly stood up and took out his hidden knife. When he saw Andrew he wanted to use the given confusion and attack before someone could react properly. He took the knife out of his belt and charged forward Andrew. Before he reached him another person walked with lightning speed in between and caught his arm holding the knife. With a swift motion that arm got pulled to his back and with the other person his attacker pushed him to the ground. With a thud he landed on the cold floor and could feel his attacker sitting on him and still holding his arm to his back.
Pissed because his mission failed he tried to look who had captured him. He couldn´t see his attacker on top of him so he looked at Andrew.
Andrew came closer to him and knelt down before him.
"Hello Jackson. I must say I never expect you to get the job done personally. I thought you would get a professional assassin." Without a care he laughed and started to talk to the attacker who prevented Jackson´s attack. "You were right. He has skills but he truly isn´t a man yet. Your father must be so disappointed to have him as his son." Andrew said in a mocking tone.
Jackson scrunched his eyebrows in confusion.
Wait... wait wait wait... did he just say YOUR FATHER? YOUR FATHER??? Is this person...?
"Hold on. Did you say your father? Let me go. Let me go!" He wiggled around and the weight on top of him lifted. He stood up quickly to see who had defeated him. His eyes almost bulged out of their sockets. Before him stood none other than Devanta.