Chapter 2

-Last Time-

"This is my journal I will record all my findings on devil kind, since this is the first entry I don't have much other than their improved strength and endurance."

Devil Anatomy Perk Update: Added 20 STR and 10 VIT

'Whoa! that's so stupid! maybe it was a first thing and it's the only one involving stats, but I may gain abilities if I read further…'

And with that, she continued on reading throughout the night…

-This Time-

After a full seven hours she had finished the book completely, and only now looked up to see the notifications she had gotten.

Devil Anatomy Perk Update: Gained [Devil Flight]

Devil Anatomy Perk Update: Gained [Devil Sight]

Devil Anatomy Perk Update: Gained [Devil Weapon Mastery]

Devil Anatomy Perk Update: Added 5 DEX

Devil Anatomy Perk Update: Gained [Devil Aura]

All things considered, this was very helpful.

[Devil Flight - LV1 0.00% (Active)]

Channel Mana into your wings to make them grow in size to take flight into the skies

- Max Speed: 1 KM/h

- Air Pick up: 2%

Cost: 100 MP per Minute

[Devil Sight - LVMAX (Passive)]

Allows the user to use the eyes of the devil.

- vision is 4 times better than humans

- Night vision when in a dark place

- ability to see Aura of other beings if focusing

[Devil Weapon Mastery - LV1 0.00% (Passive)]

Ones ability to wield Demonic weapons

- +5% Accuracy with Ranged weapons

- +10 Damage with Bladed weapons

- +20% Impact force with Blunt weapons

[Devil Aura - LV1 0.00% (Passive/Active)]

The Devil's Aura flows within you

- Passively Boost Damage by 10%

- Passively Boost Intimidation by 1%

- Actively Boost Damage by 20%

- Actively Boost Intimidation by 2%

Cost: 100 MP per second

With those four new skills she sets off to exploring the room she was in and looking at the items within it.

After awhile she starts to pick together a set of clothing for herself, which was made up of a black vest with four buttons, a red tie, a gray and light gray striped dress shirt, with white sleeve cuffs with four black buttons, a black pleated skirt, with a longer, cape skirt that has a red underside over the shorter skirt not covering the front, gray striped knee-high socks, and black boots with a small bat wing on each one.

Once she put the whole outfit together she got a notification.

Unlocked: Devil's Attire

[Devil's Attire - Rank: Epic]

This attire is picked out by the devil herself to become her main outfit

- 4x learning speed with Devil skills

- 100% effectiveness with Devil skills

- 50% less MP needed for Devil skills

She looked at the affects before smiling slightly, she decides to look at the weapons, she would most likely pick a pistol and a sword since a sword is just a bigger knife.

She found a good sword and pistol combo after abit that she'll use.

[Sword of Pitch Black - Rank: Legend]

A sword forged within the fire's of Pitch Black, this legendary blade can instantly kill those of evil hearts if caught unaware.

- Instant kills those of evil heart if sneak attacked

- Damage: 200-500 HP

[Pistol of Endless Flames - Rank: Legend]

A Pistol crafted in an endless flame, this legendary gun has infinite ammo as long as the user offers the gun MP

- MP Storage: 0/5,000

- Damage: [MP used x 2]

Once she saw that she poured all her MP into it to get it to 1,400/5,000.

She sighs as she looks for any interesting items, not finding much besides 2,800 L in a chest.

After waiting for her MP to fully recharge before deciding to train her skills, she mentally called out 'Devil Aura' and a small black and red energy forms around her, after 14 seconds it fades away.

You've leveled up [Devil Aura] x4

[Devil Aura - LV5 10.00% (Passive/Active)]

the Devil's Aura flows within you

- Passively Boost Damage by 50%

- Passively Boost Intimidation by 5%

- Actively Boost Damage by 100%

- Actively Boost Intimidation by 10%

Cost: 95 MP per second

She looks at the skill after the level up, 'wow a passive buff of that much? maybe I should train this to level 10 to get a double in damage…'

And after an hour and a half she did just that, along with up her other Devil Skills.

[Devil Flight - LV5 23.00% (Active)]

Channel Mana into your wings to make them grow in size to take flight into the skies

- Max Speed: 5 KM/h

- Air Pick up: 10%

Cost: 95 MP per Minute

[Devil Weapon Mastery - LV7 24.21% (Passive)]

Ones ability to wield Demonic weapons

- +45% Accuracy with Ranged weapons

- +70 Damage with Bladed weapons

- +140% Impact force with Blunt weapons

[Devil Aura - LV10 24.15% (Passive/Active)]

The Devil's Aura flows within you

- Passively Boost Damage by 100%

- Passively Boost Intimidation by 10%

- Actively Boost Damage by 200%

- Actively Boost Intimidation by 20%

Cost: 90 MP per second

She'd say that this was a good amount for training, after waiting about an hour her MP fully regenerates and she decides to put in some stat points.

15 into INT and 3 into WIS so she could use the Devil Transportation Skill book, 2 into VIT, 10 into DEX and the remaining five into LUK.

Name: Reficul

Level: 8 (2,500 EXP to next level)

Title: The Devil Incarnate

Perks: [Devil Anatomy]

HP: 1,800/1,800

HPR: 36 HP/m

MP: 2,900/2,900

MPR: 29 MP/m

STR: 25

DEX: 20

VIT: 20

INT: 25

WIS: 10

LUK: 10

Points: 0

Money: 10,000 L

She was very happy for her progress so far, but would probably have to specialize soon to be a really good fighter…

She'll worry about that later, right now she needed to get some levels.

After a run through the forest, and unlocking some more fast travel points within it, namely to the ruins and to a clearing in the middle, she decided to check her stats.

Name: Reficul

Level: 16 (12,100 EXP to next level)

Title: The Devil Incarnate

Perks: [Devil Anatomy]

HP: 2,600/2,600

HPR: 52 HP/m

MP: 3,300/3,300

MPR: 33 MP/m

STR: 25

DEX: 20

VIT: 20

INT: 25

WIS: 10

LUK: 10

Points: 40

Money: 10,000 L

Damn, she doubled her level?

"Hmm… well I do need to start specializing, and I want to be able to throw out skills left and right so I guess I'll focus on intelligences and Wisdom." she doubles her INT and puts 10 into WIS, and puts the last five into VIT.

Name: Reficul

Level: 16 (12,100 EXP to next level)

Title: The Devil Incarnate

Perks: [Devil Anatomy]

HP: 2,850/2,850

HPR: 71.25 HP/m

MP: 5,800/5,800

MPR: 116 MP/m

STR: 25

DEX: 20

VIT: 25

INT: 50

WIS: 20

LUK: 10

Points: 0

Money: 10,000 L

She nods to herself before using Devil Transportation to get back to her Lair.

She had cleared out most if not all of those monsters within the forest, so she didn't have any more hunting to do for now.

She decides that it was time to go to sleep since she had been up for around 20 hours by now. and it was dark out right now.

So lying in the bed in her Lair she closed her eyes and drifted off to sleep.

In the middle of the forest two VTOL Aircraft landed in a clearing and a bunch of students set off to complete their task assigned to them.

Two of the professors, Professor Goodwitch and Peach, stayed with the ships as so they didn't get stolen, while Glynda stayed on watch Peach was doing research inside the aircraft.

While looking around Glynda could see the remnants of a battle that seemed fresh, less than a day old in fact, which worried her since the students were out there.

Off into the deeper parts of the forest, Team RWBY and JNPR were talking while gathering the syrup from the trees.

After a couple of moments Jaune was pulled off to the side by Cardin told him to throw one of the full jars a Pyrrha, after refusing and throwing it at Cardin instead a roar was heard.

Everyone panicked and after a while, Jaune manages to kill the Ursa that was attracted by the Syrup, but another roar was heard and he turns around to see a second Ursa running at him, he readies his blade before something falls onto the Ursa and it slowly turns to dust.

That something, was a someone in fact! she stood up and looked at Jaune, who was nervous because of her appearance, and everyone was ready to attack if need be.

The girl that seemed to be around their age sheathed her sword on her back and put the pistol into its holster before slightly waving at them.

"Hello there." she said, making them calm down as she sounded friendly enough.

Ruby Rose walks up to her and offers a hand, "u-uh Hi?" the pale skin girl with horns smile slightly at her before softly shaking her hand, "hello, my name is Reficul." Ruby nods.

"So… why are you here?" she asked the Horned girl, who hummed, "I live here." this confused and surprised all who heard it, when all of the sudden Glynda comes into the clearing asking if everyone was okay.

After abit Reficul was on a tree stump while inspecting her sword while Glynda was on a Scroll contacting Ozpin about her.

"Yes Professor Ozpin… yes I found someone… she looks like, her… she's a lot younger and seems friendly… yes… alright then…" she hangs up and turns to the girl on the stump, "Reficul, correct? can I ask you to come with me?" the girl shrugs before sheathing her blade, "lead the way."

After that, all the students, the two teachers and Reficul all head towards Beacon.