Chapter 3

-Last Time-

After abit Reficul was on a tree stump while inspecting her sword while Glynda was on a Scroll contacting Ozpin about her.

"Yes Professor Ozpin… yes I found someone… she looks like, her… she's a lot younger and seems friendly… yes… alright then…" she hangs up and turns to the girl on the stump, "Reficul, correct? can I ask you to come with me?" the girl shrugs before sheathing her blade, "lead the way."

After that, all the students, the two teachers and Reficul all head towards Beacon.

-This Time-

After sitting still on the VTOL aircraft that took them to this 'Beacon' the blond woman called it, she was led to the main tower at which the Elevator led to the top, which led to her current situation.

"Now, Miss Reficul, please forgive me for asking but what are you? are you a type of Faunus or something else?" she tilts her head to the side, "What's a Faunus?" the old man, whose name was Ozpin she learned, smiled slightly.

"Faunus are people with animal like appendages, like animal ears and scales on parts of their body." she nods to him, "Then I guess the closest I would be is a Bat Faunus, although I'm not a Faunus, I'm a Devil." he should be glad he wasn't taking a sip of Coffee or else he would of done a spit take.

"A-A Devil you say?" she nods to him, he thinks for a few moments before an idea seems to pop into his mind, "do you have any connections to someone named Salem?" Reficul thinks for a moment before shaking her head.

"Well, I'll explain abit about her, she is the Queen of Grimm, and as such, command them to an extent, and she seeks to destroy all life on Remnant." Reficul closes her eyes to take in this information, "and you want me to help you in defeating her?"

Ozpin nods to her, "yes, having someone of your Potential would greatly help mankind against the darkness." she nods to him before speaking, "forgive me if I need some time to think about this. If you give me two days I'll give you my answer."

He nods to her, "yes, being offered the position to possibly save the world is not something one can easily answer, I will inform the Teachers and Students of Beacon to not ask about you, but if you are asked about what you are, please do say a Faunus and leave it, while the Faunus are hated, Devils are hated more."

She nods before standing up, before she left the man called out once more, "oh, and before you leave, here." she catches the object tossed to her, "that's a Scroll, it will help you navigate around Beacon should you get lost, the school is rather large."

Bowing slightly to him while saying Thanks she turns to the elevator and goes down to ground floor.

On the way down she got a notification.

Quest Start!

Title: Savior or Destroyer?

Ozpin has offered you a job in helping him in the war against Salem, will you join him or join the side of darkness?


Join Ozpins Secret Order


Join Salems Secret Order

Bonus Objective

1: ?


Join Ozpin: 50,000 EXP, 10,000 L, Ability to move [Devil's Lair] To Beacon

Join Salem: 50,000 EXP, 10,000 L, Ability to move [Devil's Lair] To Grimm World

Bonus: 20,000 EXP, 5,000 L, Skill Book

The rewards for each quest were the same, but having access to Beacon's resources and other things would be useful…

The elevator opens up and she starts to explore around Beacon to see what she could find that may be of use.

After awhile she runs into Team RWBY, which she decides to go say hi to, namely Ruby since she was the only person Reficul knew there.

"Hello again, Ruby." Ruby turns to see Reficul, and smiles at her, "oh, hi! nice to see you again, how was the meeting with Professor Ozpin?" Reficul shrugs, "uneventful, but I am allowed to be at Beacon for two days before I answer a question for Ozpin, well, about me staying here at Beacon."

Ruby smiles brightly, "really?! you're getting a chance to stay at Beacon?" she nods to the girls question, they began to talk for a few minutes before a group of people comes up to them, it was Cardin and his gang.

The blond, Yang her name was, was the first to speak up, "oh boy, what do you want Cardin?" the boy smirks.

"I can't help but see you lot getting chummy with this freak, so I came over to deal with her." Reifcul looks at him in confusion, she silently performs Observe on him.

Name: Cardin Winchester

Level: 18

Title: Faunus Hater

HP: 1,000/1,000

AP: 526/526

STR: 30

DEX: 10

VIT: 30

INT: 10

WIS: 5

LUK: 5

Huh that's odd, why is his Hp so much lower than it should be? maybe it was that since he was Human and she was a Devil that their stats acted differently?

"Oi you filthy Faunus, who said you could look at me?" she merely raises an eyebrow at him before he tries to punch her in the face.

She easily tilts her head to the left to avoid the punch and she raised the gun on her hip and has the barrel against his forehead.

Everyone freezes for a moment before Cardin jumps back and gets his mace ready, Reficul aims her gun at him with her left hand while getting ready to draw her sword with her right, when suddenly an idea pops into her head.

"Hey, Cardin was it? how about instead of fighting now and breaking the rules, why don't we make this official? Tomorrow at 1 PM we have a duel, but not just you, but your whole team against me." rule number one with muscle heads, use their ego against them.

"Oh yeah, and what's in it for me?" Reficul smiles at him while holstering her gun, "I mean, if you were to beat me in a fair duel it'll prove you're better than me to a wide range of people instead of a select few." he seems to think about before nodding and putting his mace away.

"Alright then you filthy Faunus, I expect you to show up tomorrow, let's go guys." and then him and his team walks off, Reficul sighs slightly, "alright, Crisis delayed." that got the attention of her new… friends…

"Wait, what do you mean by that?" Blake had asked her, "oh, it's just that I don't think I can take them on at the moment, so I'm probably gonna be training for the next… it's 10 AM so next 26 hours."

Ruby spoke up, "but don't you need to sleep?" Reficul pats her on the head, "I can go three days without sleep, so one day is fine. While on the subject do you have a training field here?" they nod and lead her to one, it was a field with training equipment and drones for combat experience.

"Alright, time to get to work." she looked at her skills and more notibly the ones she could greatly improve on.

'Well, as of right now I can keep Devil Flight on infinitely, so I'll just do that to gain more speed with it. Devil Aura is the most immediate power up I have so I'll train that… it will last for around three and a half minutes without Devil Flight active, so I'll alternate for when I'm regening I'll have Devil Flight active and when full I'll have Devil Aura active…'

After a couple of hours of repeating this, along with mixing Devil Weapon Mastery into it this is what they were at.

[Devil Flight - LV50 2.00% (Active)]

Channel Mana into your wings to make them grow in size to take flight into the skies

- Max Speed: 50 KM/h

- Air Pick up: 100%

Cost: 50 MP per Minute

[Devil Weapon Mastery - LV40 2.01% (Passive)]

ones ability to wield Demonic weapons

- +200% Accuracy with Ranged weapons

- +400 Damage with Bladed weapons

- +800% Impact force with Blunt weapons

[Devil Aura - LV80 21.05% (Passive/Active)]

the Devil's Aura flows within you

- Passively Boost Damage by 800%

- Passively Boost Intimidation by 80%

- Actively Boost Damage by 1600%

- Actively Boost Intimidation by 160%

Cost: 20 MP per second

She believe that it was all good for those three skills, so Energy Bolt and Power Strike were then next two skills.

The strategy for this? spam one skill until dry, regen MP when spam the other.

Pretty simple.

After about five straight hours of that, this is what her skills were at.

[Power Strike - LV40 12.20% (Passive)]

Strike the target with strong force

- 55% Increase in critical rate

- 2000% increase in attack damage

Cost: 10 MP

[Energy Bolt - LV60 17.29% (Active)]

A skill that attacks by emitting mana.

- Attack power increases by INT.

- Range 600m.

Cost: 5 MP

She had around… 15 hours left until her deadline and she didn't know what else to do, she needed a new skill to use in the fight that no one will expect…

'Wait, doesn't my Devil Flight skill have something I'm not sure of…?' she decides to check back to it, 'Air Pick up huh? wonder what that does.' she taps the words on her skill and a pop up comes up,

Air Pick up: 100% - this means that 100% of Air from flapping your wings will be able to be weaponized.

"Oh, neat, let's see if I can do this." she prepares herself and uses Devil Flight, causing her wings to grow to the length of her arms and readies them.

Now, for those of you at home, you know that whole thing about every force has an equal and opposite reaction?

When she flapped her wings forward with all her might she was launched back with such force that it caused a dent into the metal wall she went back first into.

- 1,000 HP

"That… didn't go as planned…" she got up and massage her back slightly, she shakes her head slightly before thinking on a solution for this problem, "well, I could try sticking to the ground with MP…" she waits for a moment before smiling, that was a perfect idea!

She then spent the next 12 hours making and perfecting the skill she just thought of.

[Surface Walking - LV40 40.52% (Active)]

allows the user to stick to a surface

- Wall walking: 100%

- Water walking: 50%

Cost: 60 MP per Minute

"Alright, time to try this again, not at max power unlike last time." she sticks herself to the floor and cause her wings to grow larger, she decides to go at 10% full power for the first go.

Once her wings flap forward a large amount of wind was sent in that direction, it was enough to unbalance a person so she goes to 20%.

Some of the equipment was moved but the force this make her bend back slightly, probably loosing the max force it could do.

Now doing everything she can to make herself stay still, she used 50%.

She gets knocked back, but manages to do a back flip and land on her feet and use Surface Walking to make her slow down.

Due to special Training, you've gained the skill [Wind Blast].

She checks the skill out.

[Wind Blast - LV1 75.00% (active)]

with your wings, propel a great force of wing forward to blast your foes away

- Maximum force without unbalancing: 25%

- Damage: 2 Damage for every percent

Cost: 50 MP

Oh… Cardin didn't know what was gonna hit him.