Chapter 4

-Last Time-

She gets knocked back, but manages to do a back flip and land on her feet and use Surface Walking to make her slow down.

Due to special Training, you've gained the skill [Wind Blast].

She checks the skill out.

[Wind Blast - LV1 75.00% (active)]

with your wings, propel a great force of wing forward to blast your foes away

- Maximum force without unbalancing: 25%

- Damage: 2 Damage for every percent

Cost: 50 MP

Oh… Cardin didn't know what was gonna hit him.

-This Time-

So 50 minutes later and 10 minutes of trying to figure out how to use a scroll and get to the area Cardin would be at during this time.

She walked into a Classroom with had an open arena for people to fight in and the Woman, Glynda her name was, looked at her in confusion, she waves at the teacher slightly, "hi, I uh, made a bet with one of the students and I'm here for it." she looks at the class and four people, all of team CRDL, stood up and got ready while she waited.

The team comes out, their leader with a mace in hand, the Mohawk guy with two daggers, squinty eyes had a short sword, and slick back had a halberd.

"The battle between Team CRDL and Reficul shall commence!" all four team members rush at her, she readies her sword and waits, once Mohawk tries to slice at her she ducks under the first slice and goes for a graze with her sword, don't wanted to stab and destroy all his aura and kill him instantly.

She manages to connect and see damage to his AP was taken, so it must have been a shield of sorts.

She jumps over Cardin and pulled out her gun and used 100 of the 5,000 MP stored in it to blast him from above.

Which had inadvertently knocked her into the air with the blast.

'Not planned, but l can wing this… oh god, Yang's pun are already rubbing off on me…' she sighs as she comes back down, a moment before landing her Wings grow in size and she push herself off to the side to avoid the attacks and fire a bullet at them as she lands.

Everyone was looking at her in shock, which makes her quirk a brow, "what, thought these were for show?" she smiles slightly before preparing to use Wind Blast.

"Let's see you handle this." she fires off a blast and makes them unbalanced slightly, she frowned at the fact she should of trained the skill before using it in battle, but…

'Oh, this is gonna be fun.' she runs at them while their still unbalanced by her wind and strike at them, they managed to block her attacks but she was in the middle of them now.

She crouched on the ground and used her feet and left hand, she had holstered her gun for the moment, and pulled her wings back.

And flapped down with as much force as she could.

She was sent flying into the air and the four members of CRDL were all sent to the four sides of the arena.

She lands but didn't notice one of them managing to get behind her and readying his sword to stab her.

And must to his surprise, the sword went through her instead of damaging her Aura, there was blood and everything, shocking everyone.

She stands still in shock for a moment, surprised by how painful the attack was, she jumped forward away from the blade and put a hand over the wound, she flinched abit.

"The Match is ov-" "No." Reficul cuts Glynda off, shocking everyone even more.

"Miss Reficul, you have been stabbed and are bleeding, I am stopping this matc-" "and I said no, don't worry, while this may hurt it's nothing to getting slapped through two trees by an Ursa twice you're size."

She stood up fully and patted the injury, the blood was beginning to evaporate, confusing everyone, "and it's fine, while I can't defend myself against attacks like that, my body heals at an abnormal rate a few moments after injury, I should be fine to continue now, though I am mad about my clothes being damaged…" she finishes with a glare at squinty eyes who gulped slightly.

Cardin smirk before dashing at her, she merely turns around and her fist glows red, she punched him in the stomach lightly and he got sent flying out of the arena.

She looks at the other three who looked terrified, "and you wouldn't like me when I'm mad…" they gulped before preparing their weapons.

Reficul smiles slightly at their guarding, "I should let you know, I was only going at half power against you, but now that you've injured me…"

Slowly a black and red fiery aura forms around her, making her incredibly frightening to people as her eyes seem to glow, "I don't feel the need to hold my punches." she sheaths her sword and holsters her gun before flapping her wings slightly and float off the ground.

"Well, come on, why not dance with the devil?" Glynda face palms slightly, but the students didn't seem to pick up the meaning behind that phrase.

Dove, Russel and Sky all rush at her, she decides to flap her wings harder to make them loose balance when close to her.

She grabs Russel by the throat and flies up and throw her by the stands, knocking him both out of the arena and consciousness, she looks down at Sky before dive bombing him and destroy all of his aura in one hit, and tossing him aside.

Dove, who was the one who had stabbed her looked at her, "any… chance I could talk you out of this…?"

She stares at him for a moment, "make an offer, you have one chance." Dove begins to think on something, "uh, how about money?" Reficul seems to think about it, "hmm, how much you willing to part with?"

He things for a moment, "200 Lien?" she stares at him before flying at him and doing a round house kick to his face, knocking him out instantly.

"That's chump change…" she sighs before her aura reseeds into her and her wings go back to normal size.

She got a notification saying she won the duel and got 2,000 EXP for each foe defeated, getting her 8,000 EXP in total.

'Hmm, maybe I should duel more people…' she sighs before going off to repair her clothes.

Which was de-quipping and re-equipping the Devil's Attire to refresh it since it didn't have durability as it didn't provide Defense.

'That is incredibly broken considering that it does…' she thinks to herself before going to an open field to practice her skills, now not her normal skills she was trying to learn a new skill, namely a Meditation skill to regen Mana faster to train better.

[Meditation - LV1 12.50% (Active)]

allows the ability to calm one's mind and regenerate Mana faster

- calms mind 1% faster

- Increase Regen by 100 MP per Minute

She decides to find a tree to sit in and enters a Meditative state, and get's a pop up to meditate for how long or control Meditation, with a side note that Meditation EXP will be halved if not controlled.

She picks 22 hours and just goes for it…

She closes her eyes and go to Meditating…

Opening her eyes at around 11:30 AM, and looks at the Meditation skill notification.

You've leveled up Meditation x59

[Meditation - LV60 19.12% (Active)]

allows the ability to calm one's mind and regenerate Mana faster

- calms mind 60% faster

- Increase Regen by 6,000 MP per Minute

She smiled at the progress on the skill, she also remembered she had to give Ozpin her decision on joining him or not.

So… she decided to stretch her wings and fly up to the tower and knocking on the glass, making Ozpin jump slightly, he looks at her with a deadpanned stare before opening a window, "really?"

Reficul flies in and her wings go to normal size, "well, it is faster than the elevator." she shrugs slightly, Ozpin sits down and takes a sip of Coffee, "is this about you joining us?" Reficul nods to him, "yeah, I'll do it, on the condition that when asked, I won't hide that I am a Devil, I am rather proud of that fact."

Ozpin thinks for a moment, before nodding, "I see, that's good, also, I hope you can clear up some questions I have, namely about your power." he pulls out a tablet and shows her being stabbed and healing rapidly.

"Ah, as a Devil I don't use normal Aura, instead of Spiritual energy you call Aura, I use Mental energy that I call Mana, although if practiced I could replicate Aura based abilities." he raises a brow, "what can you do with Mana?"

She raise her hand and clenches it, a red glow emits from it, "with this ability, which I call power strike, the damage dealt by my fist is twenty times the damage would be, and at a 55% chance of doubling that damage." Ozpin looks at her in surprise.

"And the funny thing? this barely costs any Mana to use since I trained with it extensively. I could put it into a weapon but… I think my weapons do enough damage as is, but if needed I will do so…" Ozpin nods, still slightly in shock at the ability that is so causally called forth in front of him.

"Anything else?" she thinks on something before going over to a wall and walks up it.

"You can defy physics?" she shakes her head, "no, I'm just using Mana to stick to the wall with my feet, I'm currently practicing on doing so with water, but it is becoming difficult."

She jumps back down to the floor and looks at him, "by the way, can I move my stuff here? I'd hate to travel to my forest every day." he nods at that.

After a day of moving she had all of the stuff that was in the Devil's Lair moved to a room that was of larger size then her old one so she had plenty of room.

[Devil's Lair] Moved to Beacon Academy.

[Savior or Destroy?] Complete

Gained 70,000 EXP

You've leveled up x5

Gained 15,000 L

She smiles at that before lying in her bed, but her scroll goes off so she looks and see Ozpin was calling her, she decides to answer.

"Hello, you've reached The Devil Herself, how may I help you?" that got a chuckle out of Ozpin, "I was going to ask if you wanted to come meet some of our collages, seeing as you'll be working with them in the future. but is seems you aren't in the mood."

She sighs before sitting up, "I'll be up there in a moment." and hangs up the call, a portal of darkness opens in front of her and she steps through.

In Ozpin's office the four people in there were shocked to see Reficul step out of a portal of seemless darkness, when questioned she just states 'it's how I get around when I don't want to put energy into it.'

She looks at Glynda, the white clad person, and the… drunk…?

"Reficul, these are people currently part of our Order, you've already met Glynda, the man in white is The general of Atlas Military, James Ironwood, and that's Qrow." he points to the man drinking, "he's almost always drunks."

Reficul simply looks at the two, "so… let me see if I have this straight, we have a Wizard, a Librarian, a General, a Drunk, and a Devil working for the salvation of Mankind?" they look at her while Qrow was laughing at the absurdity of it.

"Yes… while crude, not inaccurate." Ozpin says, Reficul sighs, "whelp, already agreed, so no going back now." she sits down in a chair, "hey, Qrow, what you got in that flask?" he looks at her for amoment before shrugging, "I dunno."

She face palms at the answer, "I see what you mean by 'always drunk'…" Ozpin begins to talk with Ironwood about plans while Glynda and Qrow argued.

'I can clearly see the dynamic of this team…' she looks out the window before standing up, "am I here for a reason or can I just leave?" Ozpin smiles at her, "oh yes, while you are accepted here at Beacon, you still need to go through a test to be allowed to attend classes."

She raises a brow, "why would I need to go to classes when I could use the time to train my Devil Skills?" it was an honest question since she would be held back by the teachers and other students.

Ozpin smiles, "well, you won't be required to go expect once a week for each class to make sure you understand everything, giving you plenty time to train outside of class." Reficul nods.

"Alright, what's this test?" he smiles, "why, you're going to go through what every other student did, Initiation." she looks confused for a moment before being told to go prepare for battle in an hour.