Chapter 8

-Last Time-

"Huh… how does this work? do I like, extract my own essence?" as soon as she said out an orb flew out of her chest and she felt drained, the orb disappeared into her inventory.

1 Devil Essence gained, cooldown 23:59:58

She looks at it for a second before sighing and getting ready to set out, she had a quota to fill by the end of five days from now.

This was gonna be a long week…

-This Time-

In a quiet forest a Grimm was wandering around, it had nothing to do since there was no prey to hunt, it heard an odd noise to it's left, looking to see a black circle in the air, it decided to sniff i-


The head of the poor Grimm was blown off before the circle grows bigger and Reficul steps out it with her gun smoking, "I'm pretty glad I've developed the Devil Transportation skill to go to where even I see instead of only where I've been."

It had been two days since she started her quest to better her own clothing,, she made sure she gained two levels, five Grimm Essences, and one Devil Essence per day.

Once she had return from her trip for the day, she got a call from Ozpin.

"Hello, Devil herself, what's up Ozpin?" there wasn't an answer for a second, "I'll need you in my office." and the call ended, the man sounded serious.

She went there instantly and saw Ozpin with a grave face while looking at a tablet, "good you're here, have a look at this."

He past the tablet to her and she looks at title of a Newspaper on it.

"Team CRDL Disappears" she looks up at Ozpin, who nods, "yes, this paper was out yesterday and we've been searching the entire time, I was hoping you could help us out."

Reficul looks confused, "when were they noticed to have disappeared?" Ozpin thinks for a moment, "roughly four days ago." she nods before reading all the information on the tablet.

"Remnants of a battle… pieces of their Armor around their dorm room… Cardin's Weapon was the only one to disappear as well?" now that was confusing, why would that be the only one?

After an hour of discussing, the two split ways to look into this incident themselves.

Reficul sighs as she sets up a board (like the ones in movies with the red string) up in her room and set up all the information she had on it, she looked at it for a moment before sighing, none of the things on their own…

"I can't get any answers without more information." she groans for a moment before deciding to go out to do some skill training, since she has recently remembered she still hasn't train Wind Blast what so ever.

So after a long day of training Power Strike, Energy Bolt, and Wind Blast, she looks at the three skills.

[Power Strike - LV70 1.20% (Passive)]

Strike the target with strong force

- 65% Increase in critical rate

- 3500% increase in attack damage

Cost: 5 MP

[Energy Bolt - LV75 7.29% (Active)]

A skill that attacks by emitting mana.

- Attack power increases by INT.

- Range 750m.

Cost: 5 MP

[Wind Blast - LV25 15.16% (Active)]

with your wings, propel a great force of wing forward to blast your foes away

- Maximum force without unbalancing: 40%

- Damage: 5 Damage for every percent

Cost: 40 MP

She was happy for these stats, she looked outside and saw it was close to night time, so after having dinner with Team RWBY and JNPR, Reficul goes to her room to Meditate and train Devil Form over night.

[Devil Form - LV40 2.16% (Passive/Active)]

the Devil's Aura flows within you, it had advanced to allowing you to transform into a more powerful form.

- Passively Boost Damage by 1000%

- Passively Boost Intimidation by 100%

- Actively Boost Damage by 2000% (Aura)

- Actively Boost Intimidation by 200% (Aura)

- Actively Boost Damage by 3500% (Form)

- Actively Boost Intimidation by 350% (Form)


- 5 MP per second (Aura)

- 600 MP per second (Form)

She could hold the Devil Form for around 19 and a half seconds… considering the multi at the moment it wasn't really worth it, but later on when she maxed the skill it she would probably be able to sustain it.

She heads out to the Emerald forest to get more Grimm Essence.

She hunted some Death Stalkers and a Nevermore for today, after that she went to train Team RWBY and JNPR, it was getting close to the end of the first Semester and some members of the teams would be returning to their homes or going to other places, so training was going to get in now before they left.

"Come on Ruby, I want 400 pushups by the hour, get too it." she glances at Yang, who managed to finish her current one but was hiding it, "you're stealth is still terrible Yang, another 200 sit ups." another groan.

She looks at Team JNPR, who were currently four hours into a fist open sparring match, and Jaune finally got knocked out, the kid made a lot of improvement over the semester they've been here.

She glanced at Weiss, who was straining her aura to exercises to increase it's size to use more glyphs, while Blake was doing intense speed training.

This continued for the whole day, namely because the day after tomorrow was the start of the holidays, and she wanted them to be rested to enjoy it.

While she trains them coldly, she has honest intentions of preparing them for anything that comes their way, she just doesn't show it much.

At around 5:30 PM (they started at sun rise) the teams were finally let off and were told that tomorrow was a day off before heading off to the Emerald Forest.

She sighs as she slowly flies there, she had checked their stats, the strongest of them at their strength stat in the 30s, with Yang being one point from 40, and Jaune just hitting it today, their other stats had massive improvements too, they were all at a minimum of 30 DEX, Blake and Ruby were in the 40s, meaning that they're faster than her.

She has a kind smile on her face, one of few nice ones she gets, she was proud of her students.

after arriving she looked around herself, sword and gun in hand, the ground rumbled as another Behemoth comes out of the ground.

BOSS: Behemoth King LV75

HP: 10,000,000/10,000,000


STR: 750

DEX: 30

VIT: 400

INT: 10

WIS: 15


She smirks slightly before her wings grow and she takes flight towards the beast.

Using Power strike with her weapon to cut at the beast hand a few times.

-210,000 HP

- 302,000 HP

- 250,000 HP

Doing the math while dodging back from an attack, 'alright, 762,000 down,9,238,000 to go…' she flies to the side and gets ready to blast him with a few Wind piercing shots.

Her Devil Aura surrounds her a moment before she takes fire, five bullet's, 2,500 in each shot.

- 1,200,000 HP

- 1,200,000 HP

- 1,200,000 HP

- 1,200,000 HP

- 1,200,000 HP

'That leaves 3,238,000 HP left…'

She sighs before using Devil Transportation to get away for a moment and looks at her gun, "now how can I make this look ridiculously stupid yet cool…?"

A moment later…

"MANA WILL BLOUT OUT THE SKY!" in the skies over a thousand small balls of energy rained down towards the Behemoth.

- 5,000 HP

- 5,000 HP

- 5,000 HP

- 5,000 HP

- 5,000 HP

- 5,000 HP

- 5,000 HP

- 5,000 HP

- 5,000 HP

- 5,000 HP

- 5,000 HP

- 5,000 HP

- 5,000 HP

- 5,000 HP

- 5,000 HP

TOTAL: - 5,000,000 HP


She looked at the barren landscape before her, before a thought pops into her head from initiation, "I stillhaven't made a defensive skill…"