Chapter 9

-Last Time-

TOTAL: - 5,000,000 HP


She looked at the barren landscape before her, before a thought pops into her head from initiation, "I still haven't made a defensive skill…"

-This Time-

it has been two extra days since that fight, and she finally had all the items to upgrade her Devil's attire.

[Devil's Attire +1 - Rank: Epic]

This attire is picked out by the devil herself to become her main outfit, empowered by the essence of the devil and Grimm it is now stronger than before.

- 25% less damage taken

- 6x learning speed with Devil skills

- 200% effectiveness with Devil skills

- 75% less MP needed for Devil skills

She loved her outfit, it didn't physically change, but the improvements to all parts of it including the 25% less damage taken makes the five days it took for this worth it.

She spends the rest of the Semester break making new skills (and using that skill book I totally didn't forget in chapter four) and got four new skills to kill time training with.

[Player's Guide - LV16 (Passive)]

A Skill that unlocks the knowledge of the Game's system and how it works

- Knowledge known: 16%

- Chance of discovering more knowledge: 8%

[Evasion - LV52 (Passive)]

one for the four fundamentals of fighting, along with hit, block, and taunt.

- 52% increased chance of dodging an attack you are aware off

- 26% increased chance of dodging a sneak attack

[Presence Detection - LV12 (Passive)]

what's this? there's someone around here!

- 12% extra chance to detect a hidden being (may decrease based on their stealth

[Elemental Mastery - LV50 (Passive)]

to control the elements means to control the battle field… or you know… when things blow up.

- Increase Elemental Damage by 1500%

- Increase Elemental Resistance by 50%

so… she had an elemental defensive skill, but nothing about being stabbed… or punched… or cut…

"I really need to focus on the things I need to do…" she sighs before heading to the Dining Hall, for some reason there were a lot of people around and once she looked inside the Dining Hall she knew why…

Team RWBY and JNPR were having a food fight…

"what did I ever do to have to deal with these people… oh right… I made friends with them…" she sighs before looking as the fight ended and glanced to her left to see a blue haired boy covered in purple… food? liquid? whatever…

Gylnda comes in and waves her riding crop, and all of the tables and everything go back to where it was before.

"Children. Pleas… Do not play with your food…" Reficul laughs slightly before walking up next to her while Ozpin walks in.

while Yang crashes through the roof, "Let it go." Gylnda sighs, "They're supposed to be the defenders of the world."

"And they will be. but right now they're still children." Reficul looks at Ozpin oddly, but he doesn't pay her any mind, "so why not let them play the part?" he turns around and starts to walk away.

"Afterall… it isn't a role they'll have forever."

after a few days Reficul, Ozpin and Glynda are in Ozpin's office looking out the window, Glynda speaks up, "Ironwood certainly loves bringing his work wherever he travels."

"Well, running an academy and a military makes him a busy man."

"but yes, those are a bit of an eyesore."

A hologram appears on the table saying 'Access requested' Ozpin turns around and calls out "Come in."

after a greeting and Glynda leaving, Reficul speaks up, "hey, you two mind if I go do some training?" getting Ozpin's go ahead she opens a window and flies out.

"Well, she's certainly improved." Ozpin smiles at Ironwood, "oh, you have no idea James."

after awhile and it getting dark, Reficul was walking around the dorms when see Ruby running out of her room and into a group of three people.

she check their names to see if she remembers any.

Cinder LV85

False Maiden

Mercury LV65

Robo-Leg Assassin

Emerald LV60

Illusionist Hunter

she looks at them in mild interest before remember what Ozpin said, 'OH, I need to tell him right away!' she opens a portal of darkness around the corner and get out of there to tell Ozpin about the three students she found.

"OZPIN!" She yelled out, instantly putting Ozpin on alert because she never yelled before.

"Yes Reficul ,what is it?" She takes in a breath, "I believe I found the one who attacked Amber."

after a good two hours of talk the two had a plan in place, but couldn't act until she truly did something to 'gain' their attention.

about a day later at night, Reficul got a call from Blake, "Everyone! If you can hear me we need back-" she was cut off by a boy screaming.

"They got a robot, and it's big, really big!" Reficul sighs, what was Team RWBY doing?

She flies to the city and follows the signal to locate this robot.

when she arrived, she watched Yang stop an attack from giant robot, and then punched the arm off, and watched as the rest of the robot went with another punch, and then that 'Neo' showed up like at the docks and they get away again.

Reficul sighs, 'I can't baby them all the time… but I can be in the shadows in case things get to messy.' she transports herself to her room and decides to go to sleep.

A few weeks have passed and it was around the time the first years would be getting their first missions outside of Beacon.

Reficul looked on at Team RWBY and JNPR as they talked about missions while smiling, she knew Team RWBY were going to go to that White Fang Base at Mount Glenn, so she'll shadow them with Ozpin's permission.

After Ozpin bends the rules for Team RWBY and he walks off, Reficul appears becide him, "so, I'm guessing it's going to be either Port or Oobleck?" Ozpin nods while drinking some coffee, "I'll have to ask, but what about me, do I just do whatever?" Ozpin seems to think about it.

"Well, as you aren't a normal student here at Beacon, you'll have to go with another team… one I think you'll enjoy going with."

She waited with Oobleck while Team RWBY walked up to them and looked confused before realizing that they Had both of us with them.

"Why hello girls! Who's ready to fight for their lives?" The Doctor said while doing what could only be called a failed attempt at a JOJO Pose…

'Wait, what's JOJO?'

"Professor Oobleck?" Weiss asked.

"Yes I'm afraid those bags won't be necessary girls. Seeing as you've opted to shadow a huntsman on what is now essentially a reconnaissance mission. I can assure you we will not be establishing a single base of operations. Rather we will be traversing several miles of hazardous wasteland, and making camp in any defendable locations we may stumble upon. I've packed all our essentials myself provided the air course and readied the airship. And!" he stops pacing and goes right to Weiss's face.

"It's Dr. Oobleck. I didn't earn a PhD for fun thank you very much." everyone looks confused, he goes back to his previous location.

"Come now children, according to my schedule we are already 3 minutes behind, schedule." and he speeds off towards the airship, Reficul speaks up, "I suggest you four hurry, he sees time three times faster with all the caffeine in his system, so he'll get impenitent fast."

after that and doing through a days of work of hunting Grimm and looking around, Reficul offered to take the first watch of the night.

About halfway through the time she'd kept watch she noticed Ruby going after Zwei, probably off to go pee somewhere.

After about five minutes Zwei comes back without Ruby putting Reficul on alert, "everyone, Ruby's missing." everyone got up and within a minute were heading out and following Zwei, they go down the hole and start beating some White Fang members up, she manages to see Ruby and appear next to her and reappear next to everyone.

"Ruby!" Yang hugs her, Ruby explains everything about what's going on, Reficul sighs, "Yes Ruby, I know." Team RWBY looks at her oddly, she just smiles lightly, "why do you think Ozpin sent me on this mission with all of you? because of my speed and stealth I've been out getting information on the White Fang."

"Why didn't you tell us?" Blake asked, "I wasn't allowed too until we found the hideout." we see the train start to take off and I use Devil transportation to get everyone on the train.

After a few moments Weiss opens hatch to see a device.

"What's this?" she asked, Oobleck looks before kneeling down and pointing at it, "That, my dear. appears to be a bomb." everyone makes a slight step away from it.

Reficul speaks up, "alright, Blake, you go detach the caboose, DR. Oobleck, you go check the other one's for bombs, Weiss, Yang and I will go inside while Ruby and Oobleck will defeat anyone up here, since I'm sure they know we're here, if anything happens." she gives everyone an orb of sorts, "crush that in your hand, I'll be there as soon as I can."

And everyone sets off to do their missions, but not before a bunch of White Fang troops get on the top of the train, Team RWBY deal's with them after the cabooses seem to detach on their own, confusing Oobleck and Reficul.

After a couple of moments thinking they see a bunch of Grimm behind them and chasing the train, "Oh… dear…"

After a few moments Yang, Weiss, Blake and Reficul are inside the train, they rush forward for abit before Neo jumps down, to block their path, Yang speaks up, "you three go on ahe-" "yeah, no Yang, i'm the strongest out of the four of us, so dealing with this Neo, who seems to be torchwick's getaway ticket, is up to me."

she walks forward slightly, "Blake, kick Torchy in the head for me, will you?" the three look at each other and nod before going on ahead.

Reficul appears in front of Neo and tries to punch her, which she shattered like Glass.

She sighs, "this is gonna be a long day, isn't it?"