Chapter 10

Last Time

She walks forward slightly, "Blake, kick Torchy in the head for me, will you?" the three look at each other and nod before going on ahead.

Reficul appears in front of Neo and tries to punch her, which she shattered like Glass.

She sighs, "this is gonna be a long day, isn't it?"

-This Time-

Reficul focuses her eyes to try and look for Neo, when she spots her she goes for another much, making Neo create an illusion while dodging to the right.

Little did she know that Reficul could see her aura move away from the illusion, so she targeted that instead.

Neo was launched into the wall but blocked most of the damage with her parasol.

she looks up at Reficul in confusion, which she decided to humor the confused girl, "you see, I have unique eyes that allow me to see aura, you may be invisible, but your aura isn't, making your semblance kind of useless."

Honestly? she doesn't know why she told her how she was countering her semblance, she honestly didn't seem to care about anything for some reason.

Reficul raises her sword and her Devil Aura surrounds her, she looks at Neo dead in the eyes before swinging…

With Ruby and Dr. Oobleck, it was a rather big shock and one of the carts Literally got cut in half, "What happened?!" Ruby called out as the two run to jump to the piece still connected to the front of the train.

"I don't know Miss Rose, but I believe it was Miss Reficul, but let's keep a move on." they continue onwards down the train.

Reficul simply started at the unconscious Neo, she couldn't bring herself to kill her for some reason, Gamer's Mind is meant to prevent the feeling of guilt and other such emotions…

"Maybe I've been spending too much time with people…" she softly says before continuing down the train, almost emotionlessly.

She meet up with Yang and Weiss, who have taken down a chainsaw wielding member of the White Fang, she merely gives the unconcsious body a sideways glance as she continues to the front slowly.

Once she gets there and see Torchwick is knocked out, she takes the three to the top of the train with Ruby and Dr. Oobleck.

In the corner of her eye she saw something move, but couldn't make out other that it was humanoid and had white hair, because as soon as she noticed it was there, it disappeared.

'What was that?' she questioned herself before seeing an ice dome form around her and everyone else before a sudden impact managed to knock her out.

When she came to her vision was blurry, there was a person standing over her with an obvious snare on their face, when she blinked to get a better look at them they were gone.

'Okay, now I know I'm not seeing things.' she stood up and looked around at the Grimm that were invading Vale, she grit her teeth before readying her sword, her Devil Aura explodes around her before dashing forward towards a group of Beowolves, slicing them all in two.

She sighs before moving on to killing more Grimm, Team RWBY woke up a few moments after and after a few minutes Team CFVY comes in and starts killing all the remaining Grimm, when suddenly a Goliath Grimm manages to get through the tunnel, shocking everyone minus Reficul.

A pillar of black aura rises from Reficul and it fades to reveal Reficul in her Devil Form, the more mature one, this would be the first time she was using it for battle so she had to be fast about this.

And it would be the first time she was using it in front of anyone.

She prepares to use a power strike on it, and she slices clean through it.

-900,000 HP

She turns around and see the HP regening at an incredible rate, she goes in for another and around, but the Grimm had kept regenerating from its wounds she starts to get mad at it.

"YOU KNOW WHAT?" she flies into the air and prepares a Mana attack.

New Skill [Spiraling Mana Bomb] has been learned.

[Spiral Energy Bomb - LV1 1.00% (Active)]

A Technique used to gather and spin an Immense amount of Mana in a spiral form

The spiral spin greatly increases it's piercing power, and the increased amount of mana also greatly increases its strength.

- 20% Defense penetration

- 600% Attack damage increase

- 4 second spin time

- Depending on the user's wish, it is possible to increase the spin to 10 seconds

- There is an additional attack damage increase as the spin time increases

Cost: 100 MP per second charged

A massive ball of Spiraling mana in her hand and she was holding it about her head as it increased in size.

"THAT'S IT, I WONT LEAVE AN ATOM OF YOU LEFT!" once it was fully charged she narrowed her eyes before compressing the now building size ball of spiraling mana into roughly the size of her hand.

New Skill [Magic Spell Compression] has been learned.

She disappears and appears under the Goliath, and shoves her hand directly upwards while flying up, both her and the Grimm were now flying into the sky.

"DIE!" after that was said the ball expanded back to it's original size and grew as it ate away at the Grimm, after a few moments it flies off at insane speeds towards outer space, disappearing shortly after.

She reverts back to her normal form before sighing, "and THAT, is why you never dance with a devil…"

"Damn it, Yang really is rubbing off on me…" she says before helping people block off the entrance that the Grimm could get through.

After a few weeks the Vytal Festival was starting, and Reficul watched as Team RWBY destroyed the team they were up against, that training she had them do was really paying off as Ruby was literally able to handle the whole team with little effort, which they did while the others decided to play a card game, just to rub it in.

They would switch every few moments so everyone had a chance to fight, and after they all had a go the four teamed up to knock them out.

"You think we over trained for this?" Yang asked, which all of Team RWBY nods too before going to the lockers.

She was looking around for anyone suspicious, Cinder and her team was there.

'Hmm… whatever they want… they'll make their move for it in the tournament…' she watch the tournament onwards, as Team JNPR finish their match she watches as Team CMSN (Crimson: Cinders team) fight the first round and see their fighting style.

'What could they want…?' she watches as they walk off stage after they had finished fighting.

She didn't bother watching the other matches, so she decides to go to Ozpin to talk about some things, and it was decided that she would spy on them whenever she could to learn their plan.

during the tournament she managed to get the info required to make a plan against them, so she relays it to Ozpin so they can form a plan to defend Vale.

"Reficul… are you sure, those eight can win a war…?" she stays silent for a moment before grinning.