Chapter 11

-Last Time-

She didn't bother watching the other matches, so she decides to go to Ozpin to talk about some things, and it was decided that she would spy on them whenever she could to learn their plan.

during the tournament she managed to get the info required to make a plan against them, so she relays it to Ozpin so they can form a plan to defend Vale.

"Reficul… are you sure, those eight can win a war…?" she stays silent for a moment before grinning.

-This Time-

It was the second rounds in the tournaments, and Reficul watched as Weiss and Yang went up against a cat Faunus on skates and a guy with a trombone.

'These people just keep getting weirder… but I like it, keeps things interesting…' the match between Coco and Yatsuhashi of Team CFVY and Mercury Black and Emerald Satari of Team CSMN had already taken place and the two destroyed team CFVY, makes sense, as the two were about 20 levels higher than their opponents.

As the 2v2 took place, she was thinking of ways to get more information on Cinder and her… allies? let's go with that.

'Hmm… and I think Ozpin is involving Pyrrha into this mess, maybe I should be there when he explains it to her.' just as she thinks that she gets a message from Ozpin.

'Meet me at my office at 4:30 PM.' she reads it, shrugging she checks the time, four hours to kill, might as well go do some level grinding for today.

After 3 hours and 45 minutes of grinding levels and skills, she got to this point.

Name: Reficul

Level: 75 (20,140 EXP to next level)

Title: The Devil Incarnate

Perks: [Devil Anatomy]

HP: 10,000/10,000

HPR: 500 HP/m

MP: 13,750/13,750

MPR: 687.5 MP/m

STR: 100

DEX: 75

VIT: 50

INT: 100

WIS: 50

LUK: 30

Points: 0

Money: 250,000 L

[Gamer's Mind - LVMAX (Passive)]

Allows the user to calmly and logically think things through.

- Allows peaceful state of mind.

- Immunity to psychological mass effect.

[Gamer's Body - LVMAX (Passive)]

Grants a body that allows for the user to live the real world like a game.

- Sleeping in a bed restores HP, MP and all mass effects.

[Player's Guide - LV16 (Passive)]

A Skill that unlocks the knowledge of the Game's system and how it works

- Knowledge known: 16%

- Chance of discovering more knowledge: 8%

[Magic Spell Compression - LVMAX (Passive)]

the skill to compress spells into a smaller form

- allows user to compress their magic spell by their understand of the spell

Cost: 1 MP per Percent spell made smaller

[Spiral Energy Bomb - LVMAX (Active)]

A Technique used to gather and spin an Immense amount of Mana in a spiral form

The spiral spin greatly increases it's piercing power, and the increased amount of mana also greatly increases its strength.

- 100% Defense penetration

- 6,000% Attack damage increase

- 20 second spin time

- Depending on the user's wish, it is possible to increase the spin to 10 seconds

- There is an additional attack damage increase as the spin time increases

Cost: 10 MP per second charged

[Meditation - LVMAX (Active)]

allows the ability to calm one's mind and regenerate Mana faster

- calms mind 100% faster

- Increase Regen by 10,000 MP per Minute

[Observe - LV6 12.42 (Active)]

A skill to find the target's Information

LV1: Tells Target Max HP, MAX MP, and information

LV2: tells Target current HP/MP, and stats

LV3: able to see Status affects on people along with titles

LV4: Ability to see Bio of target

LV5: Able to see thoughts on the user

LV6: Able to see intentions/goals of targets

[Stealth - LVMAX (Active)]

A skill to hide the user away from enemies

- 100% Increase to Stealth

[Presence Detection - LV12 (Passive)]

what's this? there's someone around here!

- 12% extra chance to detect a hidden being (may decrease based on their stealth

[Evasion - LVMAX (Passive)]

one for the four fundamentals of fighting, along with hit, block, and taunt.

- 100% increased chance of dodging an attack you are aware off

- 50% increased chance of dodging a sneak attack

[Surface Walking - LVMAX (Active)]

allows the user to stick to a surface

- Wall walking: 100%

- Water walking: 100%

- Air walking: 100%

[Elemental Mastery - LVMAX (Passive)]

to control the elements means to control the battle field… or you know… when things blow up.

- Increase Elemental Damage by 3000%

- Increase Elemental Resistance by 100%

[Devil Transportation - LVMAX (Active)]

allows the user to open a portal to anywhere they've been too or are able to physically see

- Max Distance: 200 Km

Cost: 5 MP

[Devil Flight - LVMAX (Active)]

Channel Mana into your wings to make them grow in size to take flight into the skies

- Max Speed: 100 KM/h

- Air Pick up: 100%

Cost: 5 MP per Minute

[Devil Sight - LVMAX (Passive)]

allows the user to use the eyes of the devil.

- Vision is 4 times better than humans

- Night vision when in a dark place

- ability to see Aura of other beings if focusing

[Devil Weapon Mastery - LVMAX (Passive)]

ones ability to wield Demonic weapons

- +500% Accuracy with Ranged weapons

- +1,000 Damage with Bladed weapons

- +2,000% Impact force with Blunt weapons

[Devil Form - LVMAX (Passive/Active)]

the Devil's Aura flows within you, it had advanced to allowing you to transform into a more powerful form.

- Passively Boost Damage by 1000%

- Passively Boost Intimidation by 100%

- Actively Boost Damage by 2000% (Aura)

- Actively Boost Intimidation by 200% (Aura)

- Actively Boost Damage by 8,000% (Form)

- Actively Boost Intimidation by 800% (Form)


- 5 MP per second (Aura)

- 10 MP per second (Form)

[Power Strike - LVMAX (Active)]

Strike the target with strong force

- 75% Increase in critical rate

- 8,000% increase in attack damage

Cost: 5 MP

[Energy Bolt - LVMAX (Active)]

A skill that attacks by emitting mana.

- Attack power increases by INT.

- Range 1,000m.

Cost: 5 MP

[Wind Blast - LVMAX (Active)]

with your wings, propel a great force of wing forward to blast your foes away

- Maximum force without unbalancing: 100%

- Damage: 25 Damage for every percent

Cost: 5 MP

So she'd say she did a pretty good job, so she decides to head to Ozpins office early.

When she appears in the room with Devil Transformations, Ozpin greets her, "Ah, Reficul, you're early." she shrugs, "well, I've got nothing to do right now, so might as well be here." he nods, they wait around 10 minutes before Ozpin speaks up, "Reficul, I'm aware you know of the Maidens?" she nods to him.

"And you know that we protect the Maidens from forces that would like to… control them?" she nods once more.

"Well then, I'll keep this brief, Would you become our Fall Maiden?" Reficul looks at him in shock, "Would that even work for me? I mean, I already have powers similar to a Maiden." Ozpin smiles slightly.

"Well, maybe I should tell you how the Maidens came to be, back in the age just after the twin gods have left, an Evil witch and a man who would reincarnate over and over endlessly had four children, these children are the four Original Maiden."

Reficul waits a moment, "oh, that's it? I expected some grand story, not a one story sentence." he laughs slightly, just then, Qrow, Ironwood, and Glynda come inside.

Everyone looks at each other before looking at Reficul, who looked down for a moment, "I accept, let's go."

They walk down a hallway and come up to a machine, Reficul uses a weak version of Observe since she didn't need everything she could get right now.

Name: Amber Fall

Level: 1 (75)

Title: Fallen Maiden

Perk: [Fall Maiden]

HP: 1/1 (21,650)

AP: 0/0 (526)

MP: 1/1 (19,950)

STR: 1 (246)

DEX: 1 (195)

VIT: 1 (283)

INT: 1 (162)

WIS: 1 (152)

LUK: 10

Reficul looks at her stats before speaking, "without even looking at her in combat I can already tell she was strong before the incident…" Ozpin sighs, "yes, she was incredibly skilled for her time."

They begin to speak about how they'll go about this, after a few minutes Reficul speaks up.

"So, her very Aura is going to be extracted and placed into me, becoming part of me…" she looks at Amber, who was being preserved in the machine made by Atlas.

Ironwood speaks up, "yes, her life will become yours, what that'll do to you… none of us know, as this has never been done before." they all look at her for a moment, waiting for her to speak.

"… If this can help us against the likes of Salem and Cinder, then while I have no pleasure to taking her life for this, I'll do it." they all nod before getting Reficul into the machine herself.

Ozpin speaks once more with his hand on the lever, "Reficul, just so you know, once I pull this, there is no going back…" she looks at him through the glass before closing her eyes and opening them, they seemed to burn a bright red, "I'm ready…"

Ozpin nods slightly before looking at Amber, "I'm sorry…" and he pulls the Lever.

The affect was instant, as Reficul felt pain shot through her whole body as a soul was being injected into her own, it lasted for around 20 minutes before the process was complete, the chamber she was held in opened and she was pulled out and laid on the ground by Ozpin, everyone was looking at her with a worried expression.

Reficul slowly open her eyes and looked at them, "H-hey…" she smiled weakly, to at least let them know she'll be okay.

She noticed all the notifications she got from that process.

All stats of the previous Maiden was passed on to you: +245 STR, 195 DEX, 283 VIT, 162 INT, 152 WIS, 10 LUK

You've gained the [Fall Maiden] Perk.

[Fall Maiden] and [Devil Anatomy] are colliding, forcing merge.

Perk: [Devil Maiden] forged: x2 to all stats minus LUK, [Devil Magic] unlocked

[Devil Magic] all magic done now is x2 better, and gives off a demonic feeling

Through extensive pain, you've gained [Physical Resistance] skill

[Physical Resistance] level up to MAX LEVEL

[Devil's Attire +1] upgraded to [Devil Maiden's Attire +2]

She stares at all of the notifications in shock, after a few moments Ozpin ask her if she's alright.

"Y-yeah… just feeling the power out and I'm shocked at out much I've gotten…" she subtlety checks her stats.

Name: Reficul

Level: 75 (20,140 EXP to next level)

Title: The Devil Incarnate

Perks: [Devil Maiden]

HP: 40,800/40,800

HPR: 452.88 HP/s

MP: 56,150/56,150

MPR: 378.0767 MP/s

STR: 692

DEX: 540

VIT: 666

INT: 524

WIS: 404

LUK: 40

Points: 0

Money: 250,000 L

And checks her outfit.

[Devil Maiden's Attire +2 - Rank: Epic]

This attire is picked out by the devil herself to become her main outfit, empowered by the essence of the devil and Grimm it is now stronger than before.

- 50% less damage taken

- 10x learning speed with Devil skills

- 400% effectiveness with Devil skills

- 90% less MP needed for Devil skills

'Oh… boy… Cinder is so screwed…'