Chapter 12

-Last Time-

"Y-yeah… just feeling the power out and I'm shocked at out much I've gotten…" she subtlety checks her stats.

Name: Reficul

Level: 75 (20,140 EXP to next level)

Title: The Devil Incarnate

Perks: [Devil Maiden]

HP: 40,800/40,800

HPR: 452.88 HP/s

MP: 56,150/56,150

MPR: 378.0767 MP/s

STR: 692

DEX: 540

VIT: 666

INT: 524

WIS: 404

LUK: 40

Points: 0

Money: 250,000 L

And checks her outfit.

[Devil Maiden's Attire +2 - Rank: Epic]

This attire is picked out by the devil herself to become her main outfit, empowered by the essence of the devil and Grimm it is now stronger than before.

- 50% less damage taken

- 10x learning speed with Devil skills

- 400% effectiveness with Devil skills

- 90% less MP needed for Devil skills

'Oh… boy… Cinder is so screwed…'

-This Time-

After a day the 1v1 rounds began, and Reficul had made a full recovery from the Maiden powers going inside her.

She had checked that Physical resistance skill she got from that ordeal, and it was so stupid…

[Physical Resistance - LVMAX (Passive)]

a skill to show how much one is resistant to physical attacks

- 99% Damage resistance

- Ignore 100% of pain

Add on the fact she already took 50% less damage wearing her clothes, she took 1/200 of the original damage compared to without them.

Which means she basically has her defense skill in the form of these two things.

Also, Becoming a Devil Maiden made ALL of her magic Devil based, which means her attire now affects ALL of her skills instead of a few.

Wow, accept unimaginable power and this is what she got.

She also trained in controlling Fire, Lightning, and Wind, since those are the best of offense, just in case she needed to give a massive explosion to something's face.

The Match between Yang and Mercury has just come to an end, and Yang- why did she break his le- oh…

'Cinder you crafty girl… turning everyone against Yang to increase negativity to bring more Grimm when you start this ordeal.' Reficul sighs before appearing next to Yang and tells the guards to stand down.

"T-Teacher?!" Reficul sighs before grabbing Yang by the ear, "you're coming with me young lady…" and proceeds to drags Yang to her dorm room, where Team RWBY all meet up at, Ironwood comes in after a while.

they talk for abit and Ironwood was talking how he has no choice, Reficul speaks up.

"Actucally, I believe Yang." everyone looks at her in shock, she smiles lightly, "after all, Emerald, Mercury's teammate, can create Illusions on one person." she points to Yang, "that person was you, Yang, what you saw wasn't real, but to you it seemed real."

She waits a moment, "and after all, those two are our enemies soon." Ironwood looks at her in shock, "Reficul, you can't involve them in th-" "I can involve my students if I want too GENERAL! after all, in the events to come they're already involved! they at least deserve to know what's coming so they don't freak out!"

Everyone looks in surprise, Reficul never yells in anger, she was always calm, Ironwood goes to her side.

"Are you okay? maybe that is affecting you more than we thought." she sighs, "I'm fine, it's just that, this mess is going to get so much worse and the preparations for it is starting to get to me…" he nods and Reficul looks at her students.

"Well, I guess we should start explaining, Ironwood, send your men away so no one hears this, Ruby, be a dear and close the window." after that is done she sits down on a chair.

"Alright, you four may already know, but we've got a number of enemies, Roman, The White Fang, criminals… and a woman by the name of Salem." they look at her in confusion, "Salem is like me, however she is much older, and stronger… and she has her minions within Vale, you four already know them, Cinder, Emerald, and Mercury all serve her."

They look at her in shock, "and that's not all, they plan to overrun Vale with Grimm, destroying it, they already tried so once and failed, but this one is like nothing we've seen before, unless we do something, Vale willfall." they look at her in now shock and fear.

"But, Me, Ironwood, Ozpin and a few others are aware of this, and have forged a plan to defend Vale, and we know when they'll strike, during Pyrrhas and Pennys match, where Emerald will cast another Illusion… the outcome though… is worse this time then it was with Yang…"

"I want, none of you to tell Team JNPR, because if they know then they can throw this whole thing off and our enemies will do something we aren't prepared for…" she looks at Ruby, "I'm sorry Ruby, but your Friend may not make it through her match…"

They all stay silent for a second before Reficul speaks once more, "but we have the upper hand, we've prepared in secret, our enemies don't know we're expecting them, and we've already done something about what their after along with Vale's destruction."

They look at her in confusion some more, Weiss speaks up, "what could you be talking about Reficul?" their Teacher sighs, "tell me, have you four heard of the Four Maidens?" they look at her with interest, they all nod.

"Well, bombshell, The Maiden's are real, and they're after the Fall Maiden that was secured here in Beacon." all of Team RWBY's eyes widen, Blake speaks up, "What do you mean 'was'?" Reficul sighs and look at the ground.

"Because, to ensure that they don't get the Maiden…" she looked up and a black and red aura like flame comes off her left eye, "I became the Maiden…" they look at her in shock.

Ruby decides to ask a question she hoped none of them asked, "how did you get the power?" Reficul's eye flame cut off and she looked down, Ironwood explains instead.

"The only way for someone to reserve a Maiden's power is for the power to transfer to them after the Maiden dies… but because of… classified information, we couldn't do that.. we instead pulled out what the powers are connected to and implanted it into Reficul, the Previous Maiden's Aura…"

all of Team RWBY looked at her in shock, Blake stood up, angry, "so you killed her just so you could have her power?!" Reficul glares at her, "IT WAS EITHER THAT OR HER DYING ANYWAY!" they look at her in shock because the entire room just shook.

"What do you mean…?" Yang asked, Reficul looks at Ironwood before he sighs and nod.

"The Fall Maiden… wasn't in perfect condition, ten years ago she was attacked, and half of her power ripped out of her, making her unstable, thanks to Atlas tech they were able to keep her alive, but with the coming attack, they needed a new Maiden… I was just the perfect candidate."

they all stayed silent until a knock was heard at the door, it opens to reveal Qrow, "Heya, I decided to come by to…" he looks at everyone and decides to ask a question, "Did I… Did I miss something?"

The fight between Pyrrha and Penny was taking place, and Reficul couldn't help but feel sorry for what was about to happen.

About two minutes into the fight, she see's Pyrrha freak out, 'I'm sorry Penny, I'll be sure to kill Cinder for her doing this, and Emerald too for her involvement…'she stood up and started walking to where the rest of Team RWBY was, since Ruby wasn't there for some reason.

Just as she got there, Penny was… ripped into pieces by her own cords…

"Team RWBY, where is your leader?" she gets to them, they look around before answering that they don't know.

Reficul senses out for Ruby and teleports to her and brings her to the rest, she looks at the four saddened girls before speaking, "are you four just going to cry, or are you going to give justice to those who deserve it?"

Just then the screen goes red with a black chess piece, "because we now have a reason to go and do so…" Team RWBY slowly stand up and nod, wiping the tears from their eyes, just then they are all transported to the arena floor where Pyrrha was, all with their weapons.

She did the same for the remaining of Team JNPR, she walks up to Pyrrha and puts a hand on her shoulder.

"Pyrrha, this isn't your fault, it's the fault of those who want to destroy the kingdom of Vale, they made you see things that aren't real, just like they did for Yang, to build the negativity here to attract Grimm, I ask you a simple question Pyrrha… will you let Vale fall as well?" Pyrrha looks up before closing her eyes and standing up.

"No… I won't." Reficul smiles weakly before getting a stern face, she speaks in a commanding tone, "Alright you four, our current Objective is getting the civilians safety, Weiss, Blake and Yang, you three go to the fair grounds to deal with Grimm, afterwards Ironwood has a Bullhead for us to get to Beacon to clear out any and all Grimm there, no matter what stay in teams of two or more, with the forces we're up against, we can't afford to be alone."

They all nod while they set out to escort the civilians, Reficul heads to the city to help with clearing out Grimm, because of her speed that goes a lot smoother then is would have.

After about 20 minutes the Civilians are evacuated and the Grimm in the Arena and majority of the City is cleared out.

She see's that person with white hair from before at the train, she managed to see his name tag.

Cardin Winchester LV 91

The Grimm Traitor
