Chapter 13

-Last Time-

After about 20 minutes the Civilians are evacuated and the Grimm in the Arena and majority of the City is cleared out.

She see's that person with white hair from before at the train, she managed to see his name tag.

Cardin Winchester LV 91

The Grimm Traitor


-This Time-

She speeds after him, as she could track his movements now she was much stronger and faster, "Cardin!" he stops and looks at her, "oh, well if it isn't the little freak…" he grins at her while she glares at him.

"What the hell are you doing?! isn't Vale your home?" he laughs, "Home? my only home is with my lady Salem." Reficul looks at him before using observe.

Name: Cardin Winchester

Level: 91

Title: The Grimm Traitor

HP !&^%!( *&(!%#


*! &%

She holds her head in pain as she closes the panel mentally, 'What the, why can't I observe his stats?!'

"Ah, trying to use that ability of yours? don't bother, My Lady gave me the means to get around that…"

"how…?" he laughs some more, "you think I'm just gonna tell you? I'm not some cartoon villian." he dashes at her and hits her with her mace, she blocks it but looks at the damage.

-4,500 HP

'WHAT THE?!' she looks at Cardin as he walks in front of her as she was imbedded in a building.

"Hmm, My Lady said one hit from my mace would kill you, but you seem to be fine…" he raises his Axe above his head and swings downwards, just a moment before impact Reficul's Devil Aura comes to life and she grabs the mace before it hits her.

The surrounding couple of meters turn into a Crater while Reficul seemed fine, but she had took 400 damage for that.

"Alright Cardin, if this is how it is…" she transform into her Devil form, "then I won't play nice…" she reels her fist back and punch forward, knocking him into the skies, she flies up after him and grabs him in a choke hold and flies to the ground, making a massive crater in the ground.

She jumps back to avoid a massive burst of energy and singed her arm, dealing about 10,000 damage.

Her eyes widen at the damage before closing her eyes, she opens them to have her Maiden powers activate, she raises her hand to the sky and ten balls of pure flames appear, she lowers her hand and all of them shot down at Cardin.

He raises his hand and blast them with Dark energy, dispersing them, 'hmm, so Magical attacks wont work…' she flies down and tries to impale him on her sword, he jumps out of the way and holds his hand out, a black orb forms in it before shooting out at Reficul, she cuts it in half with her sword but the two pieces stop as they pass her and head back to hit her, hitting her twice in the back.

She glances at her HP, which was now at 40%, 44%... it was regening fast.

She looks at Cardin, who was sneering at her, maybe she could get some answers as she regenerates.

"Why do this Cardin, what led you to serving Salem?" he looks at her for a moment, "well, after you beat me and my team in that fight, we were shun by most of Beacon as failures, my father even disowned me for getting beat by no body. I wanted revenge, it's just that Lady Salem gave me the means to do so."

Reficul was confused, "and how did you do it…?" Cardin smirks, "well, all I had to do was prove my loyalty by killing my teammates." Reficul looks at him in shock, "you… killed your teammates, just for power?!"

he laughs, "those loser's weren't teammates, they were hindrances!" Reficul looks at him for a moment before her eyes are covered by her bangs, "at first I thought you were under control, but if you killed them before you were like this, then I know you did so consciously… I no longer care about trying to save you…"

Her aura explodes from her body, she had her Devil Form and Devil Aura active at the same time, and all of that energy is focused on killing Cardin.

She appears in front of him and grabs his arm and swings it to the side and throws Cardin across the city and appears above him while mid flight, and grabs him and throws him into the ground and raises her hand.

"I won't leave a trace of you left…" all of the sudden twelve massive balls of different elements appear above her and all feed into one above her.

Fire, Water, Earth, Wind, Lightning, Demonic, Light, Dark, Chaos, Nothingness, Life and Death all forged into one ball of energy of elements, it floated above her before compressing into the size of her hand, she causally tosses it towards Cardin.

"Turn to nothing…" she flies backwards slight and the moment the ball touched the ground a pillar of all of the elements it was made of shoots upwards and reaches the skies and passes the clouds, it probably got into outerspace…

She closes her eyes and the Maiden flame disappears.

You've Defeated Cardin Winchester LV91

She sighs, "doesn't feel like a victory…" she looks towards Beacon, there was a giant Grimm dragon at the top and she saw Ozpin and Cinder fighting, and Ozpin had an upper hand against her, but she decides to go to help anyways.

She lands on the platform and Cinder looks at her, "oh, look who decided to grace us with her presence, Reficul I think… you have something that belongs to ME!" she shots an arrow at her…

Which was grabbed out of the air by Reficul, "uh… was that your best attempt or…?" five more arrows.

"You done?" seven more, "how are you even firing this many?" twelve more, "are you gonna stop?"

Twenty more arrows, "okay, that's enough." she throws all 45 arrows back in her directions and she gets impaled from all parts of her body.

Reficul and Ozpin just wait a moment before looking at each other, "uh… problem solved?" Ozpin just face palms, then there was a sudden roar, they look towards the Grimm Dragon that was about to crash into the tower, Reficul flies and punch it, only deterring it off course and making it fly past the tower.

She lands next to Ozpin, "alright, any ideas to kill that?"