Chapter 14

Chapter 14

-Last Time-

Twenty more arrows, "okay, that's enough." she throws all 45 arrows back in her directions and she gets impaled from all parts of her body.

Reficul and Ozpin just wait a moment before looking at each other, "uh… problem solved?" Ozpin just face palms, then there was a sudden roar, they look towards the Grimm Dragon that was about to crash into the tower, Reficul flies and punch it, only deterring it off course and making it fly past the tower.

She lands next to Ozpin, "alright, any ideas to kill that?"

-This Time-

Ozpin hums, "I'm afraid the only one I can think of is hit it really, really hard." Reficul laughs slightly before speaking, "oh, by the way, figured out what happened to Team CRDL, Cardin killed his teammates and joined Salem, already killed him, that was the massive explosion from before."

She flies off before Ozpin can answer her, she rushes towards the dragon, and brings her fist into the side of its skull with a power strike, hitting with enough force to knock it into a mountain range, she pulls out a scroll and contacts team RWBY and JNPR while she had a chance too.

"Team RWBY and JNPR, report on the Grimm invasion."

From Ruby she got that the city was mostly cleared thanks to the two teams, and that the school was just about finished, but Yang and Blake were injured but managed to knock out the leader of the White Fang, Adam Taurus.

She sighs before ending the call, she looks at the Dragon Grimm before readying another attack with her gun, shooting thousands of small bullets towards it to hopefully kill it, which it didn't, of course.

'Has anything been going the way we expected them too since I killed Cardin?' she sighs before checking the stats on the Dragon.

Grimm Wyvern LV500

One of four Grimm Kings

HP: 150,000/150,000

HPR: 5,000 HP/s

MP: 25,000/25,000

MPR: 4.16 MP/s

STR: 750

DEX: 500

VIT: 2,000

INT: 0

WIS: 10

LUK: 200

That was… a lot of VIT…

She dashes at it and slice it a few times with her sword, but nothing seemed to harm it for good.

She watched as it spawned more Grimm, just then she got a notification.

The Rest of the Maiden's power has been given you two perk: [Devil Maiden] has advanced to [True Devil Maiden], this ability will now die with you.

She looks at it for a moment before sighing, already feeling the power boost from the maidens power in full.

She raises her hand and crush it, destroying one of the dragons wings, but it regened before it fell much.

"Annoying…" she blasts it with some elements but it didn't want to die for some ungodly reason.

Most of the Grimm had been defeated and all forces were on the giant Grimm now, at least they'll deal some continuous damage, until she had an idea, one that would end it for sure, but…

She looked down at Team RWBY and JNPR fighting off the remaining group of Grimm in the City, she decides to hook her phone to all of the communications around Vale.

"everyone within Vale, I have a message for all of you, my name is Reficul, a person working with Ozpin and currently the one mainly fighting the Dragon Grimm, you know the one with six bat wings in the sky? hold that thought." she blasts the dragon with more elements to knock it off course into a forest.

"alright, I want everyone to know that this thing isnt the only one of this caliber, there are three more, most likely in each nation, but I wont be around to help defeat them…" she pauses for a moment the destroy it's wings once more.

"What I'm about to do, there is no going back from, so I will only ask you one thing as my final lesson as a teacher to hunters, 'Are we the prey? or are we the hunters?!'" roars and cheers were heard all around Vale, Reficul hangs up before preparing for her final attack.

her entire body explodes with power, a pillar into the sky of pitch black with red outlines, and she compressed it all into her body, making it shake and crack.

WARNING! WARNING! Body destruction imminent!

she smiles before dashing forward, she didn't care if she didn't come back.


she didn't care if they didn't mourn her…


'shut up system, you aren't stopping me…'

… understood, I hope you really want this, since you aren't getting a third chance…

'A third chance? so this isnt my first time dying… makes it abit ironic in a way, before I do this, how did I die last time?'

You died protecting the one you loved, your sister was about to die but you took her place.

'I see… die for one, then die for them all, huh? poetic in a way, isn't it?'

I'll see you on the other side… Reficul…

she reached the Grimm and pinned it to the ground before her body gives out one word.


A massive explosion the size of Ozpin's tower destroyed any forest around the Grimm, and destroyed every part of its body, along with hers.

You've Defeated Grimm Wyvern…


It has been six months since the attack on Vale, and slowly but surely they managed to rebuild, there was even a statue built in the middle of town to commemorate Reficul's deed as the savior of Vale.

Team RWBY was eating at a café in town that was just opened and it was close to the statue, they were talking about the fun times they had with Reficul.

Team JNPR were at the Gym, because Nora stated 'Reficul wouldn't want that to slack off', she had become their new hellish teacher.

Ozpin and Glynda were looking over the new first years, looking for anyone that might stand out in the crowd.

They saw a young girl with white hair and red eyes, and thought they saw Reficul, but dismiss it as the girl looked completely different and younger

Qrow was on a job right now and was focusing on a picture of him and Reficul drinking together into oblivion.

And General Ironwood was in his quarters looking out a window while thinking about the event's in Vale.

In an endless black void, a being made of light smiled at these events… at least they didn't forget her…

A/N: now, I know you all thing this is 'anti-climatic', or 'not well deserved' of an ending, but honestly, I had this whole thing written when I started writing the Reincarnate Gamer story, and I personally believe this is a good enough ending to the story.