Sad For You

Love had always been known as the scariest and hardest pain to heal. Because love had been the pain from the start of time and yet we need love to heal that pain as well.

Sometimes we love someone without even knowing it ourselves. And we love so deeply that the fear of that love buries itself deep in our soul. That's when we start denying our feelings because to us, only denying would help us overcome that fear. 

One can never be prepared for the loss of a loved one but how can we be sure that one can be prepared for love? 

Ru was that person who didn't know whether she was ready for love or not but she knew in her heart she had loved Xiao Zhiren for long. Perhaps longer than he had and that was something her heart was certain about. 

"What are you thinking?" 

With her back against his chest, Ru was lost in her own thinking. His voice had vaguely registered in her mind.

"Do you think people are scared of love?" She asked distractedly.