Renren's Bride

Lost in her own world, Ru was standing on the deck with the early rays of sun falling softly on her face. The blue sky above her was an ever-changing art which looked beautiful with clouds and the sun that was wearing off the curtains of darkness slowly.

The sea breeze was blowing her hair and providing some tranquility to her raging emotions.

"Xiaoxue..." She repeated the name again as if tasting the sound of it on her tongue. Oddly, she could feel an affinity with this name as if it was really close to her. "'Xiao' for 'little' then which 'Xue' is it? Xuè for blood? Xué for acupuncture point? It could be Xuē for wormwood like grass..." Ru's mind was engaged in trying to figure out the name she heard in her dream. The scene of those white cherry blossoms falling flashed before her eyes again and her eyes widened as she asked to no one in particular, "Is it Xuě for 'snow'?"