Stay Safe

Xie Haoran felt a cold shiver running down his spine as Ru's fingers were wrapped around his neck in a deadly trap. Damn! She wasn't going easy even on her brother. He wanted to complain that this was not the way he had expected this reunion. But he couldn't since Ru's eyes told him that she wasn't in the mood for any nonsense. He could only answer her with the truth.

"Grandmaster Xiuying's last disciple sent an SOS. I was the one who was assigned the rescue mission," answered Xie Haoran in a very submissive tone.

"Grandmaster Xiuying's last disciple?" repeated Ru with a frown. "Who is that?"

"That would be me," she heard a familiar voice and turned her head to look. Her brows raised considerably as she saw Zhang Han standing at the side. "Senior brother is here for me."