Good Boy

Inside the main lair, everyone was running around because they had started to lose their contact with several of their scout teams and security teams that were scattered all over their territory of the death valley. Losing contact with hundreds of people so abruptly meant that something was wrong. There was no way around it. This couldn't be a coincidence.

"What is going on here?" Ling Qiaolian was really getting a headache at this unforeseen turn of events. No wonder she wasn't feeling good about this situation with Zhang Han earlier. She overlooked a lot of things. And now, trouble was coming right at her door.

"It seems like we are ambushed," replied Yu as he took a break from ordering people around. The security system was hacked and they couldn't see what was going on. Or how many people they were about to face. But one thing was certain, whoever it was, their target was the main headquarter. And they definitely weren't looking for negotiations.