Like A Phoenix


When Ling Qiaolian called Xiao Zhiren as her most perfect creation, she wasn't boasting. She was telling the truth. When she first entered the Ji Family as a pitiful widower with her pitiful daughter, her target wasn't Xiao Zhiren. However, when she came across Xiao Zhiren, she couldn't help making him her pawn.

As Ru had always said, Xiao Zhiren's biggest problem was his kindness. He was too good and that actually made him a very gullible person. It wasn't really difficult for Ling Qiaolian to earn his trust back then considering how little he was at that time. He was a bright kid with a kind heart and it allowed her to wrap him around her fingers and mold him the way she wanted. 

He could be known as her first experiment body. And it was fascinating how it worked so well. Because day by day, Xiao Zhiren's dependence on her increased. He would do anything for her even if she asked to kill someone, he won't hesitate.