What are these enhancements??

"So now, we face the same changes.. as enhanced humans..." Zoya said..

"Me, the Ovcharka, you and Vladimir.."

"Not the same.." replied Recoil

"We don't know specifically, but Vladimir's enhancement was an Intelligence Officers, mine was a Tech Engineer Scientist and yours and the Ovcharka's were Political Scientists.. which were the only ones left.. and the last two were... were used as emergencies.. they were unplanned.."

"I assume each has a specific use in the Enhanced Society.. you have seen some of the enhancements - mainly the physical ones - self healing - regeneration of ones body.. there seems to be a mental communication ability that we are developing - perhaps now there are four of us, we can explore this and see what it is.."

"Its a lot to take in.. I have had nothing... no hope for so long..." finally Zoya weeped..

Zoya said through her tears.. please I need you to come to Novosibirsk with me..

My father is Commander there we will be safe.. and we can safely learn what are these enhancements and how to use them... No one can touch us in Novosibirsk... we, my family we will try to repay you..

They noticed then.. the Ovcharka Mountain Dog as it walked down the road and drawing near to them..

Zoya ran up to the mountain dog and hugged it...

She felt a special closeness for it as it had appeared in her dreams..

Seeing the dog with Zoya and having shared the truth, Recoil said to the mountain dog.

"I've told her.. about the enhancements - so now you can speak openly in front of her."

The dog from under Zoya's hugging arms - said "Comrade, - fellow political officer.."

"Hehehe!" laughed Zoya and Recoil... and the Mountain Dog curved its lips smiling...

It had grown smarter..!