Riding for Novosibirsk

The Riders gathered together at their horses for their final briefing, the three ladies had been assigned to one of the two carriages, the second containing the riders supplies. Vlad inspected his mount and listened as the lieutenant gave his final orders.

Soon they had begun their Journey to Novosibirsk.. A journey of some 260 miles.

Novosibirsk had been a huge city, the third largest in the Country of Russia today according to Arkady was the largest Unenhanced city in Russia.

Vladimir wondered about the Riders and Arkady and their relation to the city - he was glad for finding haven for himself and Recoil with them at least temporarily.

Arkady, rode close to Vlad after some time and turned saying loudly - your dog is holding good pace, he seems to not tire - at least not yet.

If you see him tire or want to rest him - tell me or the sergeant and he can ride in one of the carriages, ok?

Vlad nodded, saluted and they continued riding - then he slowed his pace and looked for the Ovcharka.. It was true.. he ran well with the horses. Thinking to himself..Vlad thought, with the enhancement, this dog already quite the athlete could probably overtake us and disappear into the horizon... he smiled at the Ovcharka. and mid-stride it turned and smiled for just a moment at him..