chapter 3: sacrifice and perish arrow.

kaito was thinking if mother cubs didn't come to rescue its child. what should he do, system warned him not to fight Griffon. will be able to watch cubs of panther dying in front of him. Even though Kaito killed so many monsters before coming here for their cores. He never killed a cub of any monster.

Without doing anything watching cubs of panther will make feel shame of himself. he is Thinking himself if mother panther didn't come to protect its child. I will do anything in my mean to protect them.

Seeing Distance between him and Griffon decreasing, Kaito preparing himself to fight Griffon.

Boom...with loud sound Griffon is pushed back to 10m. A small amount of blood is coming from the front left leg of Griffon. As expected mother is the best one out of every people around us. she will always protect us even there is a danger for her. she tries her best to protect her child.

Thinking this Kaito looked at the panther before him it was 3m tall and 2m Width. compared to Griffon which is 4m tall and width of a 3.5m panther is a little bit small.

This panther is in white and black coloured lines. Even though it's colour resembles zebra on earth. It still looks like a panther.

system: status

Name panther

species: panther

subspecies: black and white panther.

level: 23

Abilities: Dark cut, Divine white light.

Dark cut: Dark cut is the offensive ability of black and white panther. The dark cut is able to cut through anything

Divine white light: It is the defensive ability of black and white panther.

It's only level 23 is it able to fight with Griffon who is at level 30. It will definitely die if it directly fights with Griffon.

pushing his hind legs on the ground with strong force Griffon jumped towards panther. just it was about using it's sliver slash a dark cut through its backbone suddenly.

With the cut from its chest blood flowing from the Griffon increased.

With Fierce look on the face Griffon using its thunder agility with a splash, it presented behind the panther. suddenly a silver coloured light slashed in the air.

Boom... with loud sound black and white panther thrown into the air . After travelling 30 m it hit a large tree.

what... Kaito is thinking with a single slash from griffon, black and white panther thrown into a distance of 30 metres .what a fierce attack. Is black and white panther died faith single silver slash.

Even though Griffon is level 30. will it able to kill level23 panther with a single slash. If it is really true then what about me. It's really true I am not of this griffon. luck of me is a really good system already warned me. if not with this slash it will turn me into pulp.

Even though black and white panther have thrown into a distance of thirty metres. Its injuries are not Sevier because it possesses Divine white light as a defensive ability. Divine white light did not defend black and white panther. It is able to reduce the impact of the attack.

It is really able to reduce the impact of the attack. It's really is a Devine ability.

Black and white panther is able to stand after receiving a fierce attack from griffon. With the last bit strength, it again pounced towards the griffon. using dark cut it slashed against the chest area again. Blood flowing from the wounds of Griffon increased.Again black and white panther flashed to towards griffon.

This time it not able to cut through Griffon's chest. Griffon escaped from black and white panther attack using its thunder Agility.

After using its thunder agility again Griffon with a flash as lighting presented behind the black and white panther. sliver slash once again it has used silver slash. This time Black and white panther not thrown 30m into the air. Instead, it only threw 10m into the air.

system warning: Black and white panther is thrown in to air towards you. In order to not to receive damage system suggest host to slightly moving towards left.

Receiving warning from the system he immediately responded. pulling his roots from the ground he immediately moved slightly towards left while holding panther cub which is behind him. In order not get damage from the hit he immediately moved without thinking.

Black and panther who is going to hit tree suddenly fallen on the ground, with a surprise both black and white panther and Griffon looked into the direction where Kaito moved.

He still holding panther cubs In his hand. He was discovered.ohh! my got I have found by this griffon and black & white panther. now he is cursing system as " you fucking bitch see what you have done. Now they have found me, Give me suggestion immediately otherwise."

But he didn't get any response from the system. What should I do, maybe should put this cubs down and still remain as a normal tree? Is it able to work? What if the Griffon come for me instead of that panther.

still, I will try, putting panther cubs on he immediately pushed his roots into the ground and He is acting like a normal.

If someone saw look on his face they will able definitely say a sentence" don't look at me I am just a normal tree do whatever doing. I am not going disturb you."

With the sudden change in the seen both black & white panther and Griffon looking each other like "Bro, just now do you know what happened.".

Both of them are still in shock they don't know what happened. But panther cubs who don't know what happened.They are crying while looking at their mother wounds, with sounds of panther cubs both Griffon and black & white panther came to their senses.

They now remembered they are fighting each other and they immediately pounced towards each other, started fighting again.

Blood flowing from their body covered a total battle area. If some see this place now they really think "Is it legendary dead sea which always flows with red blood".

seeing they are fighting again He looked at little cubs like saying" my luck is like a golden coin tossed into my pocket without doing anything ".

kaito is thinking " If you little guys are able to survive this incident. I will definitely protect you guys until you are able to protect yourself".


With the collapsing sounds of trees, Kaito looked into the direction where the trees are collapsed.

In between those trees, a black & white figure is still struggling to stand. It's using every bit of strength it has in order to stand. looking at black & white panther still struggling to protect its children. kaitos heart was moved.Tears are struggling around his pupils, suddenly he was thinking what's this world.This world has law of jungle only strong Beings can survive here and weak beings are killed by strong Beings. weak ones are struggling for life.They are sacrificing themselves in order to protect their loved ones.

why this happening? why can't I able to protect someone I want to protect is it because I am weak. Why I am weak? why I am weak. with increasing emotions from his heart, roots which are previously in the ground are flowing towards Griffon.

But do you to his low-level roots which are flowing towards griffon are cut with single sliver slash from Griffon.

My power is not enough to kill it.I am still weak, I need more power ...I need... He is still thinking he needs more power.

suddenly a light of warmness covered entire tree. His power is increasing at rapid speed.


system: with self-sacrifice from black and white panther. the host is able to get 100 per cent of the power it possesses. Now the host is level 10.

Listening to the system he looked into a direction where black and panther struggling to stand. There is no struggling of the black and white panther. There is only one look in black and white panther corpse eyes " please protect my children".

That's them is no other meaning in that look. seeing black & white panther sacrificed herself in order to protect its children. suddenly he is thinking again if I am powerful enough to save this cubs there is no need for their mother to sacrifice for herself.

He is again cursing himself and his powerfulness. His tree leaves were turned in to pitch black red. the sky in that area is turning blackish-red.

Griffon didn't know what's going with fear rising from its heart it is looking at the direction of Kaito.

haaaa.... the loud sound of hearts cry

There are only four words from Kaito

Divine judgement: perish arrow

suddenly a pitch dark arrow with burning blood coloured tip. perished into the heart of Griffon.Along with perishing arrow, Griffon disappeared into thin air.