chapter 4: contracting panthers.

Name: Kaito

Species: plant

subspecies: golden Fagus

plant level: level 10

Required water: 200 litres

Required sunlight: 2 Hrs

Distance: 10km per day

Abilities: moving roots, seed shot, Absorbing and perishing arrow.

perishing arrow is the ability founded according to host emotions. It is a divine ability called judgement. perishing is the divine ability only able to use once per day. using it host able to kill to any monster 3 times more powerful than the host.

perishing arrow after entered into Griffon body it perished along with Griffon. Pitchblackiesh-red clouds covering the sky returned to a normal state as there nothing happened.

Dark reddish leaves turned back to golden green colour. Due to over usage of power Kaito was feeling exhausted. pushing his roots into the ground Kaito is taking rest.

Taking sunlight and water Kaito is preparing his food through the photosynthesis process.

After some time Kaito was looking towards the direction of panther cubs. panther cubs are still there. They are near the Kaito. kaito looking at them and thinking why they're looking at me, not for their mother.

Ok, Their mother sacrificed for herself for giving me the power to me. I will try to protect them until they will able to protect themselves.

But will they follow me where ever I will go?. I don't think they will. kaito started his journey again towards the east. Increase in the level now he is able to travel a distance of 10 km per day.

panther cubs are following Kaito where ever Kaito going. when Kaito kill any monsters he will only absorb the core of monsters. The corpses of monsters were eaten by panther cubs.

It has been 2 months Kaito travelling now he travelled a distance of 700 km. Absorbing cores of monsters now Kaito is level 12.

More than half of the distance covered. Now the two panther cubs are the almost 1m height. Two panther cubs are now at level 10.

They just look like their mother.

But they didn't have black and white lines as their mother. one panther is a white colour and another is a light pink colour.

system notification: the continuous following of you by Panthers. Now trust level between you increased. Now you able to contract panthers.

now I am able to contract the beast I think only humans in famous novels only able to contract monsters.

If I am human I can contract beast by dropping a drop of blood of my mine but I am a plant how can I able to contract monsters.

system show me how to contract monsters.

system: you can contract monsters by placing one of your leaves on its head.

listening to system Kaito placed two of his leaves on both of the Panthers.

golden green leaves he placed on the heads of panthers disappeared into their heads. A mark of golden green coloured leaves appeared on the heads of both Panthers.


system messages showing the status of panthers.

Name: white panther

species: panther

subspecies: white panther

level: level 10

Abilities: Dark cut and divine white light

oh! it has the same abilities as its mother. what about the pink one.

Name: pink panther

species: panther

subspecies: pink panther

level: level 10

abilities: pink ray and divine black light.

wow, pink one has a different type of abilities.

what about the description let me see

pink ray: Pink ray is an offensive ability used to target things at distance.

Divine blacklight: Divine black light is a defensive ability and it helps in reducing the attack power of the opponent.

it has different power compared to divine white light. Divine white light has the ability to recover from damage received from opponents attack. while Divine black light has the ability to reduce the opponent's attack.

Now I have contracted monsters like the heroes of novels who transported to another world.

suddenly Master... master...

listening to the beautiful voice of two women Kaito immediately pushed his roots into the ground and acting like a normal tree.

Again same voices calling master...master...

listening to beautiful voice women again. Kaito looked into all directions in order to find who are the women calling master someone with their beautiful voice.

Kaito didn't find humans near them. seeing there is no around, Kaito thinking am I hallucinating now.

master... master...

Again those beautiful voices are calling for their master. This time Kaito didn't take time, He immediately looked into the direction from the voices are coming he only found two panthers.

master... master...

Again those voices calling for the master. looking at the panther Kaito asked are you the one calling master.

yes, master, we are calling you master but you're not listening to us master.

These monsters are now calling me master. when they are able to learn to speak. no, it's not their speaking it's like they are directly talking through their mind.


system notification: Due to the establishment of a contract between host and monster. The host is able to communicate with the monsters he contracted.

now I am able to communicate with monsters I have contracted. That means those beautiful voices belong to these Panthers.

That means these Panthers are females. oh! what if anyone thinks me as a pervert who live with young female panthers.

what I am thinking, I am a tree and they are panthers how is it possible for us. I am just overthinking.

I have read in so many novels if monsters reach a certain level they will able to turn in to humans.

How these panthers look like when they turned in to humans women. will they look like those legendary monster girls, like the novels I have read?

Will I also able to turn in to human form when I reach a certain level. Turning in to human again I will able to travel along the humans of this world.

I will be able to go adventures with beautiful girls and forming parties.oh! Thinking this thing make go crazy. But all these are my imaginations. I have never read a tree turned in to human form in any novel.

master... master...

listening to Panthers voice again he looked into the direction where panthers.


Little white and little pink tell me what do want.

Master, we are sensing my mothers aoura in your body.

listening to their Kaito didn't know how to respond. After thinking some time Kaito explained what happened to their mother and how he got there mothers aoura in his body.

Listening to Kaito panthers understand their mother died in order to protect them.

Master, you have saved us. Even though you have received from my mother. It's a mother who sacrificed her self in order to give the power to master to save us.

It's not a master fault. we will never blame master for this. Master, you have protected us until today. you have also given food to us.

Thank you, master.

little white and little pink don't thank me it's my responsibility to protect you. Little white and little pink will you blame for contracting you without your consent.

Master, Even though we don't know what happened at that time. we are always willing to become masters contracting beasts with this contract we are able to communicate with the monster.

little white and a little pink, will you always travel with me.

yes, master. we will travel with a master .where ever master go we will follow you there.

little white, little pink let's travel together to the divine pond.

Master what is a divine pond and where is this divine pond located.

It's a place where a lot of resources available for increasing our strength rapidly. we have already travelled more than half of the distance. we only need to travel 200 km more.

yes, master...

Kaito, little white and little pink are travelling together in the east direction. while in travelling Kaito killed a lot of monsters and absorbed their cores.

Now Kaito reached level 15 and little white and little pink have reached level 11.

Now Kaito will able to travel a distance of 30 km per day.

Name: Kaito

species: plant

subspecies: golden fagus.

level: level 15

Abilities: moving roots, seed shot, Absorbing and perishing arrow.

contracting beasts: little white and little pink

Required water: 300 litres

Required sunlight: 2Hrs 30 minutes.