chapter 5: ILLuSion and BarrIeR

After travelling for 3 days Kaito totally travelled a distance of 900 km. I only need 2 to 3 days to reach the pond.

Now Kaito is only 100km away from the pond. kaito is travelling along with little white and a little pink.

using perishing arrow Kaito escaped so many dangers.kaito and panthers travelled 2day towards east.

It's almost they are reaching their destination. They are feeling changes in the surroundings. Every mile they are near to the pond everything looking around are changing. The trees here have more vital energy than trees from where he started.

It's true what's system showed me. Here they're so many plants that are used for medicine.

like lavender, Thyme and so many new species. Now he is only 30km away from the pond. Due to the limitation of his travelling speed he stopped at some distance from the pond. He pushed his roots into the ground and he started absorbing groundwater.

He is feeling fresh, more amount of vital energy from his body.


haha, I have broken through level 16 with just absorbing spiritual water from this ground near the pond. If I am able to absorb water from the pond my growth speed will definitely increase.

After resting for the day. kaito started his journey again. He is feeling more amount of energy upon reaching the pond.

when he is only 1 km away from something stopped his way. He didn't know what's happening he is walking around the place again and again.

what's happening, I have been walking around 2 hrs but I am still at this place. Is this some kind of Illusion that as talked in long live summons.

It's definitely an illusion that confusing us to revolve around this place.


system notification: There is a powerful illusion is presented before us and also a powerful barrier in front of us.

Oh! my God, still there is a barrier ahead. system show me how I am able to trespass this illusion and barrier.

System: even though the barrier is here is established by a person more than a level 50.

The host is able to use his perishing arrow in order to trespass the barrier.

As for the illusion, the host needs to find a starting point of the illusion. Every illusion has a starting point and an end point. If the host is able to find a starting point. He is able to temporarily able to lift illusion for 5 sec.

what the heck I am able to only lift illusion for 5sec. With the increasing level now only able to travel a distance of 32km per day.

Is it enough for me trespass the illusion? I have to try my most speed.

Maybe I have to ask system is their any abilities that able to travel fast in a short amount of time.

system show me is there any kind of abilities that able to cover the large distance at a short amount of time.

system: Due to the contract between the host and panthers. The host is able to use panthers movement skills. using panthers quick skill host is able to travel a distance of 500 per sec. But host needs to use a large amount of his energy and he needs to take rest for one hour after one hour.

" system there is no other options."

system: with host current level there are no other abilities that he is able to use now.

It's ok for me, I just need to take rest for one hour. I have been travelling for more than 4months what's so waiting for about just one hour.

let me first find a starting point for this illusion. This time Kaito travelling slower than his usual speed in order to find the starting point of illusion. After rotating around that place four to five times he is still not able to find a starting point.

pushing his roots into grounds kaito is looking for the starting point. little pink and little white is still playing around that place.

Kaito is looking at them what are they doing. They are playing around a rock which is slightly little different from the other rocks.

Rock with 10cm height, even though it looks different than other rock. people see it as a normal rock. It's just looking grey colour with green grass around it. Everything around it looks normal.

Kaito after looking the rock he turned around and again he is looking around the other things in order to find a clue.

suddenly a light flashed across his eyes. He looked into the direction where light has come.

what he saw is little pink pushing rock with its paw. Suddenly he found when little pink pushing the rock it immediately comes to the position how its originally.

a little pink, Thank you.

saying this kaito holding little pink and little white with his roots. pushing rock he immediately travelling in the direction where previously light has flashes using his movement skill panther quick.

In a flash, he travelled a distance of 500m holding little white and little pink. He trespassed illusion.

Looking at the view he mesmerized because it's different. Everything here is different, trees are with more vital energy. Here there is large no of pink coloured spring trees surrounding golden coloured trees.

They just look like young girls surrounding a handsome prince. Every golden tree here is surrounded by a large number of spring trees.

looking at the surroundings he is thinking it's just as every golden tree has its own harem. it's only me who is single.

Not only here trees here are the same species. But also animals also belong to the same species.

They are all unicorns. They just look like what it has described in those legends. The unicorn is a legendary creature that has been described since antiquity as a beast with a single large, pointed, spiralling horn projecting from its forehead. it just looks like as expected but these things don't have wings as Pegasus. They are in white and pink in colour.

Just as pink trees surrounding golden trees. pink unicorns are surrounding white unicorns.


system notification: unicorns here presented all are above level system suggesting host to not interact with unicorns. It may affect your contracted beasts.

listening to system kaito warned little white and little pink stay beside him not to go a further distance.

kaito pushed his roots into the ground in order to replenish his energy. His energy replenished immediately after putting roots into the ground.

he is feeling his level has another breakthrough. Ding.. with the little sound he broke through again.

now he is level 17, only his level increased no further changes in his body or ability. Now kaito is feeling full of energy. He has a feeling now he is able to break small rocks into dust now.

Kaito's curiosity increased what it looks like another side of the barrier. He remembered system saying he can trespass barrier using perishing arrow.

Holding little white and little pink with his roots. kaito used his perishing arrow. his perishing arrow perished along with the barrier just like those powerful monsters perished.

using his panthers quick he immediately travelled to another side of the barrier. after passing through barrier he looked at the back and shocked.

he didn't believe his own eyes the barrier which was previously perished by his perishing arrow now repaired itself and formed as a new barrier. It looks like nothing happened before.

He shocked because previously all the monsters killed using his perishing arrow disappeared into thin air. none of them come to life again.

This barrier is really lied here by a powerful being. I need to in my limits in this place.

now he finally reached the destination.


system: congratulations to host. now he finally reached his destination. As a reward system is giving host two New abilities. Green Arrow and healing leaves.

kaito didn't have the energy to look at his new abilities and looking at his surroundings. He settled himself near the pond pushing his roots into the ground. He started absorbing water in the pond.

He suddenly felt a large amount of power surging into his body. His levels are increasing repeatedly.

Now he is level twenty. only one point away from level 21.

system: status

Name: kaito

Species: plant

subspecies: Golden fagus

Level: level 20

Abilities: moving roots, seed shot, perishing arrow, Absorbing, Green Arrow and Healing leaves.

Required water: 500 litres per day

Required sunlight: 3 Hrs

Green Arrow: Green arrow is attacking type ability. Using its user able to hit targets at large distances. The user is now only able to use 400 arrows per day.

Healing leaves: using his leaves now host is able to heal small amount injuries.

Now Kaito's height increased, he is the 3 metres height now. large branches, golden green leaves with red layers at its corner.