

Gohan immediately jumped up and gasped for air. His body covered with a layer of sweat and his body devoid of any articles of clothing.

His lean muscles were on full display. His short black hair and his pale skin created an attractive contrast.

"Alright, I can officially say that I have met the weirdest encounter of my whole life." Gohan muttered and looked around.

The surroundings were narrow and the ceilings and the ground were filled with luminous stones, allowing Gohan to observe the place.

"It's a cave."

Gohan slowly walked backwards, but he only found the passage blocked by large rocks.

"I was kidnapped, unclothed and thrown in this cave with the entrance blocked."

"If the culprit had any ill intentions at the moment, I wouldn't have survived. Instead, he took away my Primeval Stones and also the unrefined Gu Worms in my pocket."

"He intentionally left my Vital Gu. After all, if the culprit is capable of slaughtering a whole restaurant, he could've killed me, too. So taking away a Gu Worm from an unconscious body isn't hard to achieve."

"So this person wants me to go down the passage. It can also be assumed that my Gu Worm will be able to give me the appropriate assistance."

Gohan looked at the glowing passage, his expression thoughtful.

After all, he could keep on thinking about the reasons that he was kidnapped and left alive. But he wouldn't achieve a breakthrough in that area because he wasn't clear about various situations.

Like, what is the motive?

It is the most important clue to understand the mind of the culprit.

So Gohan didn't waste his time on such an inefficient task and started to analyse his current situation.

"Cultivating in this area is not possible. After all, I will need my Primeval Essence."

"Then there is the trouble of satiating my hunger and thirst. There is no source of food and shelter."

Gohan looked down his body and smiled bitterly.

He took a deep breath and started to walk down the passage. His eyes were scanning the narrow path with caution.


Western Qi Mountain

"Damn those Demonic Path Immortals!"

An Old Bald man screamed in anger. His face had ordinary features filled with wrinkles. His bushy mustache and white beard flowed along the wind.

"Calm down, Fellow Immortal. We are also looking for the culprit."

A Gu Immortal with a body of an eight year old spoke. His eyes filled with the vicissitudes of life and his voice extremely deep, unlike his appearance.

"Yes, Fellow Immortal! We will punish the culprit for his vile actions. Looking at the damage, it could be said that the Gu Immortal used the means of Blood Path."

"Damnit! Blood Dao should be eradicated from the five continents."

A total of six people could be seen on the peak of Western Qi Mountain.

From their investigative means, they could see that every human on the mountain was slaughtered in an extremely brutal manner.

"Wait, I have found the traces of six Gu Masters that have gone missing." A white-haired, tall youth spoke out.

"Hmm? Devil Ape Immortal? You have already found such clues? Amazing! The Saiyan Family is really marvelous in their approach of investigation."

The white-haired youth simply smiled in response.

'Damn! Saiyan Family already had so many strong Gu Immortals. But they have also managed to recruit this Devil Ape Immortal. Originally, he was a demonic path Gu Immortal excelling in transformation dao. With the help of the family, his strength must have risen for sure.'

Many Gu Immortals thought the same way.

"Fellow Immortal, I haven't heard about you since I started cultivating." Devil Ape Immortal looked towards the Old Man that cried with rage and anguish.

"Me? Oh, it's very rude of me to not introduce myself. I am called Muten Roshi, my peers used to call me Turtle Hermit Immortal."

The old man let out his aura and spoke out hoarsely.

"Rank 7 Gu Immortal?" Devil Ape narrowed his eyes and released his aura, too.

Immediately, the other four Gu Immortals felt completely pressurised.

'Clash of Rank 7 has no space for the cannon fodder that is the Rank 6 Gu Immortal.'

The four Gu Immortal had the same thought as they felt suffocated.

"Haha, with such a Devil Ape helping me to avenge my clan, I can rest assured." Muten Roshi laughed out loud and the surrounding pressure diminished instantly.

"Then I will do my best to help such a respectable Ancestor." Devil Ape smiled lightly. But his eyes had no expression.

'Rank 7 Gu Immortal... sigh... this is slightly troublesome.' Devil Ape thought internally.

'Fuck! These vultures! The moment these immortals heard about the treasure, they immediately ran here.'

In fact, Muten Roshi couldn't care less about the mortal Gu Masters slaughtered. He only had is mind occupied by the breath of Immortal Gu in this vicinity.

His mind thought of various possibilities as he tried to create troubles for the other five and get the most benefit.

The other Righteous Gu Immortals were the same.

They used the excuse of a Demonic Gu Immortal slaughtering the whole village and arrived at this location to retrieve the treasure if it really exists.

None of these Immortals could care about the demise of the entire Mountain.

"According to this Devil Ape Immortal, six Gu Masters have gone missing. These six are the key to understand the true situation."

"Why would these six get kidnapped if they had nothing to do with the Immortal treasure?"

Muten Roshi, The Turtle Hermit Immortal thought of various clues and he felt that these six Gu Masters will be the key to solve the big puzzle.

"Sigh... all this is really tiring. Maybe I should scout for more 'talents' and lay my seed once again." He thought internally.

"Hmm? Now that I think of it, there was that pretty blonde in the Elemental Mountain. After this, maybe I will go there and get her for myself." He couldn't help but think of the young 'talent' he peeked on.


"So, this is where the Core Strength Gu should be utilised?" Gohan muttered.

He was hiding behind the curve of the tunnel as the passage went underground. As he stretched his neck out, he saw a brown-furred Lion. It had a green mane and a red tail.

Tri-Fur Lion!

Gohan only knew the name of this species. He still didn't understand the true abilities of this wild beast!

His hands were filled with small, sharpened glowing stones, making his clenched fists shine in the dark passage.

"I only have these resources." Gohan gritted his teeth and activated the Core Strength Gu.

Immediately, the Gu Worm turned into a brown phantom in his aperture and Gohan felt his whole body connected with one single point.

He stood up and threw one of the glowing stones towards the left eye of the Lion.

'Once more!'

Another stone flew out, shooting towards the right eye of the lion.

The two glowing stones looked incredibly conspicuous as they flew towards the lion at extreme speed.


The Lion roared in anger and immediately jumped forward, crashing its head with the two stones, saving its vitals in time.



The barrage of stones did not stop there! Gohan wanted to scout the abilities of the Lion and a single exchange won't bring him any benefits.

He had already collected enough stones and he kept shooting at the Lions, targeting different locations.

Mouth, Tail, Penis, Ankles, Sides of the belly, Ears.

The Lion was able to evade and counter some of the stones, but it still got hit by the stone on the sides of its belly and the end of the tail, making it growl in rage and pain.

But strangely, the Lion did not leave its designated location.

This revelation cause Gohan to understand the strength of the hidden enemy.

If he still did not understand that this place was provided for him specifically, then his experiences until this point of life have been completely wasted.

"If this place is designed for me, then that person would have understood my actual situation. Or else, why would he arrange all of this?"

Gohan's eyes brightened.

If his guess was correct, then he might uncover some of his own secrets that he is unaware of.

Even though he was pondering, he still kept on shooting stones until 50% of his Primeval Essence was depleted.

The end result was that he could only injure the outer layer of Lion's thick skin. This only caused Gohan to frown and question his own speculation.

"How am I even supposed to defeat such a beast? Did the culprit simply want me to die and placed me here to satisfy some of his fetishes?"

He sat on the rock, completely exposed to the Lion, but the opponent could only roar in rage. It wouldn't come over no matter what happens.

"It's guarding something?" Gohan thought out loud. His eyes narrowed at the position where the Lion stood and started to scan for any unnatural deformities.


"If we are brought here, then Gohan and others must be nearby!"

Ray spoke to Daisy.

As he looked at Daisy, his eyes couldn't help but fall on the private areas covered by her hands.

As it turned out, these two were also stranded in a narrow passage without any clothes.

Perceiving his gaze, Daisy immediately glared at Ray with red eyes. Her expression was full of rage and disgust.

"Uhm, as I was saying, the road behind is blocked and we can only continue to move forward."

Ray coughed to hide his embarrassment, but his little thing showed an honest reaction.

Looking at the erect pole, Daisy only snorted and started to move backwards, but she didn't dare to turn and reveal her white buttocks.

"Hmph! I am not going with you!"

Her figure slowly receded and went back to the blocked entrance.

"Cheh, nothing but a pretty face. If I didn't want to reserve my energy, you would've been begging for me to continue and ravage you!" Ray gritted his teeth hatefully and he started to walk towards the other end of the tunnel.

Meanwhile, Daisy slowly squatted down and hugged her body. Crystal Clear teardrops fell on her cheeks as he sobbed.

"Mother, father! I miss you! I don't want to be here! Please, someone, save me!" She kept on crying alone.

Her petite body and soft skin showcased a delicate that would make others want to protect her.

Alas, she could only cry in the corner of the tunnel as her body illuminated under the shining stones embedded in the walls.



"Huh?" Daisy immediately looked above herself. She could feel light tremors from the ceiling of the tunnel.

Debris and glowing stones fell on the ground and Daisy immediately retreated to avoid getting hurt.

In such a situation, even a small injury can cause a fatal outcome.

Her eyes scanning the walls of the tunnel cautiously.


Gohan let out a mouthful of impure air and stood up from the large rock. His eyes glanced at the Tri-Fur Lion with a hint of disdain.

"I get it! The treasure you are protecting is my reward and your existence is a test."

"But... you are also a large meal!"

Gohan's eyes turned brilliant and he immediately jumped towards the Lion. Its body was more fatigued than Gohan, after all, the lion was also hungry.

In a sense, they both were a big and delicious meal in each other's eyes.

The Lion also let out an excited roar.

This crafty human finally came to his domain!

It immediately jumped at Gohan and swiped its forelimbs, as if it wanted to slash Gohan's body and drink his blood without waiting anymore.

Core Strength Gu!

Gohan's body bent backwards and his body above the knees touched the ground, but still, as the claws swiped above Gohan's head, he let out a terrifying punch at the joint of the limbs.

It could be said that even in such a tricky position, Core Strength Gu completely complemented Gohan's attack and the power output of the punch was the maximum his body could afford.


A painful roared emerged from Lion's mouth. It couldn't balance its body and fell on its face.

How could Gohan let go of such an opportunity?

"Let's test the true extent of the Gu."

Gohan immediately jumped on Lion's back and used his Gu Worm to reinforce his jaws and bit hard on Lion's neck!