True Human Creation Physique; Rank 9?


A pitiful sound emerged from Lion's mouth as it laid on the ground. Its expression pained and fearful and large chunks of meat had been torn apart from its body.

For a moment, the beast was confused.

Who is the real animal here? Me or you?

Its expression changed and it weakly looked behind, almost fainting at the sight.

A bloody human but on its tail and pulled it apart.


"Hah, hah, damn, this lion's vitality is off the charts! How can it even keep on healing all this time?"

Gohan's eyes constricted as it saw the huge bloody hole getting nurtured under a white glow.

He then proceeded to analyse his own situation.

Primeval Essence was below the critical line and he felt that the Core Strength Gu was extremely fatigued.

Every single Gu Worm is a living organism that needs to be fed regularly and Core Strength Gu is no exception.

But Gohan was in a dilemma himself! How can he feed his Gu worm when he is left stranded in an unknown cave tunnel?

"Enough playing around. I am not hungry anymore and tearing the flesh of the lion will cost me its blood. The blood of the beast is vital to quench the thirst."

Gohan walked near the Lion and slowly touched its brilliant mane.


The lion let out a small sound and looked at Gohan with expectations.

This animal doesn't want to kill me? Why else would it rub my head?


Gohan smashed the glowing stone in the left eye and kept on drilling it even further.


Tri-Fur Lion's body shook and it couldn't help but roar out loud.


For the sake of completing the task, Gohan drilled another stone inside the right eye and finally embedded it inside its brain.


Gohan let out a tired sigh and fell on the ground. His expression was pale as the Primeval Essence in his aperture was fully expended.

"I can't use Core Strength Gu for the time period! Must hurry!"

His expression turned ugly and he stood up with great difficulty.

He could see the Tri-Fur Lion twitching continuously, but its wounds weren't healing anymore.

"Hmm? If it's a body's talent, then the wound should heal to some extent. But this situation feels as if there is a clear limit on the types of injuries that could be healed."

"Such a situation.... a wild gu worm?"

Gohan's expression changed and he immediately started to observe different parts of Lion.

From the academy, he learned that some beasts are accompanied by Wild Gu Worms. Even though this situation is uncommon, it isn't ordinary either. 

"Probably a healing type Gu Worm!"

His eyes turned brilliant and he looked at the belly of the Tri-Fur Lion. 

"Most of the injuries in abdomen region is healed earlier than other injuries. Maybe, it's there."

He decided to use one of the sharper stones to dig inside Lion's stomach.

But his expression was cautious and his hand struck after feeling different areas.

Gu Worms are very weak physically! Even when they provide a lot of abilities, they also need the protection of others to live their lives.

Gohan has also heard of the cases where young kids accidentally crush a Gu Worm without knowing their true worth.

That's why he decided to find the Gu Worm carefully, or else, he might end up destroying the Gu Worm.

'Tri-fur Lion is just an ordinary beast, so the Gu Worm on its body is most likely a Rank 1 Gu Worm.'

'Is this also a planned situation?'

Gohan couldn't help but think seriously. If the situation of Gohan defeating the Lion and then being unable to utilise the Core Strength Gu is under the calculation of the hidden party, then they must have extraordinary strength.

His eyes suddenly looked towards the joint of the upper limbs.

The mangled skin of Lion started to squirm and a small, red-coloured grasshopper emerged out of Lion's flesh.


Before the insect could move away, a pale hand covered in blood grabbed the Gu Worm and brought it back.


The Gu Worm immediately started to struggle, but it was futile. After all, it was extremely weak in itself and couldn't use Primeval Essence to perform extraordinary activities.

Since Gohan had no clothes on himself, he could only carry the Gu Worm in his fist. 


Daisy looked up and saw that the shaking had already stopped. Her heart couldn't help but feel relieved and she let out a sigh.


Cold Wind blew from the sealed region, making Daisy feel cold all over her body. 

Shivering, she could only curl up and hug her body. She already had thoughts of going back to Ray and work together with him, but when she recalled his disgusting gaze and his erect little brother, she immediately dismissed the idea and simply stay put.

She had already lost her hope and she felt tired.

"Sigh, if I knew I would go through all this, I would've simply stayed in the home village."

She looked up and thought out loud.

Suddenly, her ears perked up and she listened to a weak whistling sound.


She suddenly stood up and looked towards her left.

"Wait, this is a sealed cave but a gust of wind was able to enter the tunnel. There is also a small whistling sound."

Daisy's thoughts were inspired and she immediately felt a possibility of survival.

"There is a small opening!"

Her expression turned hopeful once again and she started to look for the exit.


"Damn it! I have travelled so much and I still haven't found anything except for these goddamn glowing stones!" Ray's expression was furious and he stomped on a Glowing stone.

In his rage, he completely forgot that his foot was unprotected and the act of stomping on a sharp stone ended up hurting himself.

Seeing his injured foot, Ray's expression turned pale and he gnashed his teeth.

"Should I go back to Daisy?"

His mind started to wander as he thought of Daisy's body.

Even though she was a young girl, her body was already in her developing phase and she had nice curves and smooth skin. Even her nipples looked beautiful, like small buds of flowers.

Thinking till here, his expression turned lustful and his body reacted appropriately.

"Hehe, if I knew she hid such a treasure under her robes, then I would've already taken her back in the village. Sadly...."

His thoughts returned to his current predicament and he ignored his attention seeking 'junior brother'.

"Hmm? What's that?" His expression turned strange as he felt some movements in his surroundings.


He looked back and saw a dark Shadow passing by.


His heart turned cold as he felt a cold presence behind his head.

His breathing slowed down and he slowly shifted his head. Even when his instincts screamed and urged him to run away, his reasons suggested that he should play this situation calmly.

Alas, he couldn't do anything as a dark shadow with red eyes bit Ray's head and beheaded him on the spot.


Heart-wrenching sounds of bones getting crushed could be heard from the beast's mouth as it simply chewed on Ray's skull.


Gohan looked at his work in a satisfied manner. He looked at the skinned Lion and then looked down at himself. 

His waist was covered with brown coloured pelt while a red coloured belt hung on his waist, supporting the pelt to cover his bottom.

Meanwhile, a Green-furred scarf-like thing hung on Gohan's shoulder and covered his neck and chest.

His outfit made him look like a tribal lord. And the blood on the fur and the pelt made him look extremely savage.

It took him more than 3 hours to complete this task. Personally, he didn't feel awkward moving around naked. After all, he wasn't embarrassed by his body.

But the problem was that this tunnel is extremely cold and his body's immune system won't help him forever. If he does not warm himself, he wouldn't be able to last long and will definitely fall ill.

"Now, I should probably look for the treasure being protected."

"But before that."

He looked at the red grasshopper in his hand and thought of refining it. Sadly, his Primeval Essence wasn't recovered by much and was only filled by 36%.

But still, he kept on having this feeling that he should try to refine this Gu Worm. He did not know why, but he felt that something about this Red Grasshopper was strange.

So without much hesitation, he sat on the ground and injected his Primeval Essence inside the Gu Worm.


Almost immediately, his chest let out a weak brilliance and the Gu Worm in his hand was refined completely.

Instant Refining!

He did not even waste 1% of his Primeval Essence and the Gu Worm was refined!

Seeing this, Gohan stood up in shock and he touched his chest.

The brilliance was already gone, but he knew that it is the similar situation when his Aperture was opened out of nowhere.

He closed his eyes and tried to feel out the chest region and sent a sliver of Primeval Essence towards the area from where the light originated.

From the use of his Primeval Essence, he felt a primitive aura emerging from his heart and contacting with his Primeval Essence.

Such a method of contacting was unheard of and Gohan did not understand the whole situation. But strangely, he could understand the information sent by the strange being inside his heart.

His expression turned complicated and he finally understood most of the things he needed to understand.

He understood the strange event of opening of Aperture.

He understood the situation where the Gu Worm was refined instantly.

He also understood the true value of the existence hidden inside his heart.

A Gu Worm!

No... more specifically, a Rank 9 Immortal Gu— The Legendary Hope Gu!

Gohan let out a long sigh and sent the Blood Grasshopper Gu inside his aperture and leaned on the wall of the tunnel. 

His eyes looked at the bloody body of the Tri-Fur Lion, but his gaze was contemplative and a little empty.

"I am born with a Rank 9 Gu inside my body. The conditions are unknown, but somehow, I satisfied those condition and refined this legendary Gu inside my heart.'

'At the age of fifteen, the rank 9 Gu worm was utilised for the first time. It turns out that the Aperture of human beings is actually opened by Mortal Hope Gu Worms. But my Hope Gu is an immortal Gu Worm."

"Immortal Gu worms are unique existences and no two same Immortal Gu Worms can exist at the same time."

Thinking till here, Gohan couldn't help but sigh out loud. The information was too hard to digest.

He was suddenly told that he had a Gu Worm that is a unique existence under the Heaven and Earth and its rank is also the highest— Rank 9.

"But my Hope Gu gave me something more. It just didn't open my aperture, but also gave me a strange physique."

"According to the Gu, this physique was obtained by the Human Ancestor, Ren Zu and he named this physique as True Human Creation Physique."

"I finally understand that the Clan Head had misunderstood me for a different extreme physique and tried to give me the best resources to nurture me."

As he thought till here, his expression turned strange.

"That is to say that there is no treasure in Kai Village. More importantly, the hidden person who has kidnapped me is actually a Gu Immortal."

From Hope Gu, he found that the Gu Worm felt the existence of a Gu Immortal and chose to hide its presence inside Gohan's heart.

Such is the world of Gu Worms. If they don't want others to find about their existence, they can utilise their own means and remain hidden.

"Not only that, but this new party also thought that I am one of the Ten Extreme Physiques. So the inheritance may be laid down by him."

"But what is this kidnapper's true motive?"

"It wants me to uncover my potential and get strong. But he isn't afraid that I will get out of his hands, or else, he wouldn't provide me with this opportunity to grow stronger."

Gohan shook his head.

After his complicated feelings passed away, his heart burst out with joy.

Rank 9 Gu Worm!

Moreover, it's a Gu Worm mentioned in the << Legends of Ren Zu >>.

After calming down, he started to look for the treasure hidden around.

He walked near the location where the Tri-Fur Lion stood originally and scanned his surroundings.


Hey guys, Author here.

I want you guys to understand that I have caught up with the raw and already know the general trend of the story.

With that being said, i want to make it clear that the — True Human Creation Physique is not in the original.

I don't know if it will actually be written in the original in future, but right now, the author of the original, Gu Zhen hasn't mentioned anything like this and the situation of the Hope Gu is also unclear.

Now I also want to say that this novel will feature many popular anime characters and their signature moves in the form of Gu attacks.

And yes, this novel may contain some spoiler, but it hasn't reached till that point.

I hope that you guys like birth of a new extreme physique.