A Spirit Spring? Combined Inheritance Ground!

The light disappeared and the rocky blockade was crushed apart, alongside Gohan's right arm.

His whole hand was bloody as his bones had turned into dust. His blood leaked and his flesh was loose and falling on the ground.

He bit his lips in pain and his expression was pale.

"The cost is too much!"

He gritted his teeth.

Even if he got a huge strength boost from the Hope Gu, his body itself wasn't strong enough. His body was frail, his bones were weak and his muscles were thin.

They could not support such an output of power.

But to get out of the tunnel, he had to do this.

He immediately used the Red Grasshopper Gu.

He knew that the strength of Rank 1 Gu Worm couldn't completely heal him. He simply tried to fill the wound of his shoulder to stop the bleeding from the source.

In his current state, he had no hope of recovering his right arm and he didn't plan to. At present, his priorities had changed to finding a proper tool to completely remove his right arm.

The Red Grasshopper Gu Worm was already weak because it wasn't fed recently and could only heal Gohan's shoulder to stop the bleeding.

Every time Gohan moved, his destroyed hand would move and cause extreme pain to him.

"Ah, fuck! This is the world of Gu worms, I am sure, there will be Gu Worms regarding the use of numbing the pain."

Gohan's eyes were bloodshot as he slowly moved and finally walked past the blockade.


There was no exit as the tunnel continued forward.

"Well, damn!"

Gohan started walking forward. He had no choice but to move forward.

After walking slowly for fifteen minutes, his condition turned worse.

His vision was already swirling and his throat was extremely dry. His mind buzzed with dizziness.

At this moment, he finally saw a change in the dark tunnel.

In front of him was a small pool filled with emerald-green water. The water glowed beautifully inside the dark cave and its calm surface reflected the small rays of light until the whole surrounding was illuminated.

"This is..."

Gohan's throat went dry as he looked at the beautiful pool of water.

"A Spirit Spring?"

Gohan looked strange.

A Spring Spirit is a natural resource formed by Heaven and Earth. Its main function is to produce Primeval Essence Stones.

Gohan did not know if this Spirit Spring was a trap or the reward for getting out of that blocked tunnel.

He walked closer to the Spirit Spring slowly and looked for traps on the ground. His eyes cautiously scanned the surrounding.

Surprisingly, Gohan did not encounter any traps and safely reached near the Spirit Spring. He took a deep breath and slowly kneeled beside the small pool.

He did not want to take any risk, so he simply dipped the entirety of his right arm inside the Spirit Spring.

The clear water started to gain a tinge of red as his mangled arm remained inside the water.

If there was any beast waiting for him, Gohan wouldn't lose anything. After all, if any beast really bit his arm, he would be able to lose his burden of an arm and move more nimbly.

Because of this damaged arm, Gohan's body felt a lot of pain every time it moved alongside his body.

He was extremely patient as he waited for any traps to emerge inside the water.

During this time, he used the Red Grasshopper Gu Worm to its limits and finally got some progress.

But he had too much time and he could only try to communicate with the Legendary Hope Gu Worm.

Every living being within Heaven and Earth have their own will and intelligence. Most of them cannot communicate with each other because of many linguistic barriers, but it doesn't apply to a refined Gu Worm that is capable of having its own will.

The Hope Gu had limited knowledge about the world. It did not know most of the things and its information about the world could be even considered less than Gohan.

But he did gain a few vital information.

Like the information on True Human Creation Physique.

In the << Legends of Ren Zu >>, it could be heard that the human ancestor created a new life form out of his own body parts.

Gohan knew about such a thing, but he did not know that this myth was connected to his body structure.

According to the limited knowledge of Hope Gu, one of the functions of this physique is to allow the person to gain realm in Human Dao at a fast pace.

Even though this was a breakthrough in Gohan's limited knowledge about the world, he was still confused.

"What is Dao and realm?"

He squinted his eyes as he pondered on this new discovery.

He tried to ask this from Hope Gu, but he was not given any answer because even the Gu Worm did not know it.

According to the Gu Worm, this is information actually came with the utilisation of the Gu Worm during the opening of Gohan's aperture.


Gohan's eyes brightened immediately.

Use Gu, Refine Gu and Nurture Gu.

He had already refined the Hope Gu, but he was still in the dark about the utilisation of the Gu Worm and the methods of nurturing and feeding it.

Just like this, he started to discover the true abilities of one of the Legendary Rank 9 Gu worms.


In a bright and beautiful location, Daisy sat with her legs closed.

The small cave was filled with beautiful rocks that emitted a bright glow, illuminating the whole surrounding.

In her hands, there was a small yellow beetle.

A small part of the beetle was covered by green colour as it spread at a fast pace.

Beside her, there were plates filled with food and sacks filled with drinking water.

"Huff! Even in this location, refining a Gu Worm is extremely hard."

Daisy's expression was tired.

It has barely been a day since she found this place. It was filled with food and water. This place even provided him with a few Gu Worms.

It was almost as if it's a...

"An Inheritance."

Daisy's eyes were bright. But she still felt something wrong.

"Why hasn't Ray arrived yet? This place is completely open and he should have already returned if he did not find anything."

"Don't tell me... he found an inheritance, too?"

Daisy looked a little anxious.

This location naturally suppressed the will of Gu Worms and allowed her to refine these Gu Worms.

Right now, she had already refined some part of her Gu Worm within an hour.

This speed was mind-boggling for her.

She has already experienced the hardship of refining Gu Worms, but she could have never thought that such an amazing location could be found in the world.

The yellow beetle was the first Gu Worm she had selected to refine.

In front of her was a light green parchment.

On it, the usage and the names of various Gu worms were described.

Since Daisy was still a Gu Master without any Vital Gu, she had to decide carefully about the Gu Worm she should refine first.

"But, why isn't there any clothes?"

Even though her body had regained some of the former glory, she still looked quite pitiful.

She felt extremely embarrassed by her state.

"What is Gohan sees me like this?"

Her mind had a strange thought and her cheeks blushed. She looked around for a little while and rested.

This place did not provide her with Primeval Stones and she needed to wait for her Primeval Essence to recover naturally before she could refine her vital Gu Worm.



Kugo's expression was ugly as he barely held onto the end of the cliff-like platform.

In front of him stood a little boy with a cold expression.

He was Chiaotzu.

"We both will die if we don't work together!"

Kugo screamed at Chiaotzu.

"Heh! I don't need you anymore."

Chiaotzu stepped on Kugo's hands and made him fall on the ground.


His mouth vomited blood as his back was injured. His expression turned terrified as he looked at the giant stone Gorilla rushing at him with a quick speed as violent tremors passed on the ground.


Kugo's voice was cut short as the Gorilla shouted loudly and thumped on its rocky chest.




It started slamming on Kugo's corpse until his bones, blood, muscles and tendons meshed together.

Meanwhile, Chiaotzu looked at the small he dug up on the platform.

The answer was hidden here all along.

His smile turned gentle and interested and he walked to his previous location.