Striking a Fortune

"There really is nothing?"

Gohan looked suspicious. He had already waited for an hour and there was no movement in the Spirit Spring.

His arm was thoroughly washed and the Springwater was light red and Emerald green in colour.

Even though the water was clear, Gohan had decided to wait because of his caution against the Gu World.

In this world, everything is possible. Gu Worms are the essence of Heaven and Earth and if there was an invisible beast inside the Spirit Spring, he wouldn't be surprised.

"Sigh, even then, I need to take a look inside eventually."

The main function of the Spirit Spring is to produce a lot of Primeval Stones.

In front of Gohan's eyes, he could already see uncountable Primeval Stones present in the depths of the Spirit Spring.

"But it's going to be hard."

Gohan took off his furred clothing and looked at his destroyed right arm.

He had already gained all the information present inside the Rank 9 Hope Gu and there was no method to utilise the Gu Worm to heal his wounds.

He could only look for other Healing Gu Worms.


With a jump, he easily submerged inside the water.

He slowly balanced his body and tried to swim deeper into the pool. His time was limited and he had to reach the surface before his breath runs out.

Right now, he was missing the use of Core Strength Gu Worm. If he could utilise the Gu Worm, he would have been able to ignore the burden of his right arm and easily swim inside the water and gain results quickly.

The pool wasn't extremely deep and he could already reach out to the Primeval Stones formed in the bottom of the pool.

Seeing so many Primeval Stones in one location, his heart moved greatly.

It had to be known that rare Rank 1 Gu Worms could be purchased for 800 Primeval Stones, but he simply grabbed around half of the amount in one swoop.

He really struck rich!

He immediately swam to the surface to place the Primeval Stones on the ground and catch his breath.

Even though he could hold on for some time, he had to account for the extra time taken to swim upwards because of his injuries.

Just like this, Gohan started to swim back and forth with a fistful of Primeval Stones. As he collected the fortune, he started to think about the effect on his cultivation with such resources.

His natural talent was incredible and he had a forgotten Extreme Physique— The True Human Creation Physique.

With this body structure, the nurturing of aperture walls is incredibly fast and the growth of cultivation realm outstanding.

If he added all these Primeval Stones to replace the time taken to recover his Primeval Essence, then his cultivation would surely increase at a breathtaking speed.

Gohan took a deep breath and dived once again.

His vision was filled with greenish-red and he slowly swam towards the bottom of the spring pool.

Another fist filled with Primeval Stones!


Gohan frowned and swam back to the surface. The moment he grabbed a fistful of Primeval Stones, he felt a movement within his grasp.

Even though his heart was a little expectant, he did not lose his composure and went on the surface to confirm his speculation.

A Gu Worm!

Gohan was sitting on the edges of the Spirit Spring with his leg dipped in the water.

In his hand was a small crystal shaped bug.

He looked at the Gu Worm for a while and compared it with the Primeval Stones scattered on the ground.

Hope Gu!

A horrible aura suppressed the Crystal Gu Worm, causing it to shudder and Gohan could easily refine it without wasting his effort and Primeval Essence.

"Now then, let's look at its use!"

Gohan willed and his Middle-Stage Rank 1 Primeval Essence drilled into the crystal Gu Worm.

The Crystal Shaped Gu Worm inside Gohan's aperture flew out of his body and connected its senses with Gohan.


Gohan took a deep breath as his vision was filled with uncountable Primeval Stones.

Gohan felt a little strange. He had a feeling that he already knew the function of this Crystal Gu Worm.

He looked at one of the Primeval Stones near him and placed the Gu Worm on it.


The Primeval Stone disappeared and entered the Space created by the Gu Worm.

Seeing this, Gohan let out a grin.

He had finally confirmed his suspicions.

This is really an inheritance!

Gohan immediately sucked in the scattered Primeval Stones and jumped inside the Spirit Spring.

With a wave of his hand, the Primeval Stones place on the bottom of the pool started to enter the space of Gu Worm, meanwhile, his Primeval Essence had also started to decrease quickly.

100... 1000... 10000... 100000...

The number of Primeval Stones decreased at a quick pace.

Gohan couldn't suck in all the Primeval Stones at once and had to swim back and forth.

After a few minutes, the bottom of the Spirit Spring was empty, except for the four existences moving on the bottom of the pool.

He smiled lightly and felt happy.

Gu Worms!