Moving Forward

Daisy took a deep breath and stood up from her location. The food in this cave was already finished and she had no supply of drinking water to quench her thirst.

By now, her body had already returned to its former glory. Her naked body showed graceful curves and some part of her body, like her inner thighs, weren't covered with dirt and showed her white and delicate skin surrounding a petal-like organ.

"Maybe Ray found another exit!"

She looked at the entrance to the tunnel filled with glowing stones and looked above her head.

It looked like she was stranded inside an empty well. She looked at the walls going above and saw various indents and small holes. Looking at the arrangement of the rocks on the wall, her expression turned thoughtful.

"There are Gu Worms hidden in the tunnel and the surroundings are dangerous."

"Even if I did not encounter any beasts, I was stranded naked alongside Ray, this was an incredibly dangerous situation in itself."

"Not only that, there was no food or water for survival."

"But it seems that this inheritance is created with keeping the time period in mind."

She started to go through her experiences in the tunnel during the past few days and she felt that her thoughts were correct.

"By now, the supply has already been used up and there is no way to replenish."

She went inside the cave and started to collect the other Gu Worms and put them inside a pouch that contained water for her.

She gripped the mouth of the pouch and walked out once again. Even if she wanted to stay inside the cave and refine all the other Gu Worms, she also wanted to survive and currently, she was in the most optimal condition.

If she didn't act now, her condition would deteriorate once again and she would have no hope for survival.

"But, this Gu Worm may provide a clue itself."

She sensed the Gu Worm inside her Aperture floating on the surface of her Primeval Sea lazily.

She looked at the two choices in front of her and took a deep breath.

This choice will determine her fate!


"Another blockade?"

Gohan's eyes were cold as he looked at the tunnel blocked by large rocks.

"Is there another set of Gu Worms on the other side of the tunnel?"

Gohan's mind created a lot of thoughts as he pondered carefully before doing anything.

"What is that guy planning? Leaving me here and then providing me with Gu worms. The most probable reason feels as if the kidnapper has some conspiracy for the Extreme Physiques."

Gohan looked at the stone blockade and started to inspire the Crystal Strength Fist Gu with his jade green Primeval Essence.


Low, crackling sounds emerged from his fist as his a layer of crystal emerged on his left fist from within his skin.

Unfortunately, it took some time for the fist to be fully covered by the layer of strong crystal and it let out slight reflection inside the relatively dark tunnel.

"If I could use the Core Strength Gu together with this Crystal Strength Fist Gu...."

Gohan licked his lips and felt a little dry.

He could only imagine the destructive power of the attack produced by the combination.

He looked down at his fist and marvelled at the use of the Gu.

Even though this Gu Worm provide a slight enhancement to the attack power of the fists, the most prominent feature of this Gu Worm is actually the strong defence provided to the fist itself.

If he starts pounding at the rocky blockade, Gohan was completely confident that he would be able to destroy the wall without any damage to his left fist.

But there was one drawback that gained Gohan's attention.

The use of the Gu Worm was inflexible!

The crystal surface would only emerge when Gohan clenches his palms into a fist and then the position of the hand will have to remain the same.

If he tried to change the position of his palm, the crystal surface would fall off immediately and the backlash to the Gu Worm may even destroy it.

Gohan looked at the blockade and then...




The wall shuddered on every punch and the rock had started to cave in as small web-like cracks started to spread just after three punches.

But it wasn't over yet!



Gohan saw the condition of the blockade and looked at his own left fist and felt immensely satisfied.

There was not even a tiny crack on the surface of the crystal fist and it continued to reflect the light dangerously.

Without any suspense, the rocky wall was destroyed after a few minutes.



"Haa... haa... I... got... it..."

A thin man lay on the big rock as it tried hard to breathe more. His face was unnaturally pale and his small body had shrunk even more.

"Kugo... was... supposed... to... be... supplies!"

He gasped for breath as he thought internally. He looked at his side and saw multiple parchments and a few insects walking out of the small hole.

He felt regret.

He was Chiaotzu!

He kept on thinking about the moment when he sent Kugo to his death and felt that the move was self-destructive.

(A/N: Get it... self-destruction.... chiaotzu.... yeas it's probably a bad joke.)

It has already been a day since he was unable to move completely and only waited for his death to arrive.

It was at that moment.




Muffled sounds came from the blockade behind the Stone Ape as it got up and started to stare at the surroundings vigilantly.

Even the Gu Worms trying to crawl out of the small hole fell back inside from the shock of the sounds.