Moving Forward (2)




Muffled sounds came from the blockade behind the Stone Ape as it got up and started to stare at the surroundings vigilantly.

Even the Gu Worms trying to crawl out of the small hole fell back inside from the shock of passing through the cave.


Dust blew up as the rocky blockade is shattered apart.

The body of the Stone Ape is extremely tensed and it converges its body slightly as it kept on gazing at the cloud of dust vigilantly.

Meanwhile, Chiaotzu tried his best to stand up and look towards the newcomer. Alas, he was too weak to stand and he could only focus on his hearing ability to make out the situation.


A sound was heard at the edges of the dust cloud and the stone ape immediately shot towards the sound and slammed both of its large fists, creating web-like cracks on the impact.

But strangely, there was nothing there!

Stone Ape's beady eyes showed a shocked expression as he felt a slight movement from his side. Without even giving it much thought, the ape shifted his hand and smashed sidewards.

Since it was already covered by the dust cloud, it failed to see the substance blocking his fists and only thought that its fist had slammed against a rock.

The head of the stone ape kept on looking towards the entrance and it failed to notice a small movement this time.


A strong impact hit its body, causing it to kneel on the ground as web-like cracks spread over the stone Ape's abdomen.


The stone ape immediately stood up and howled in rage.

But before the stone ape could look towards the attacker, a crystal fist smashed its head, breaking it apart.

The huge body of the ape remained still for a moment before falling on the ground with a huge impact.

The whole battle only lasted for a while as a youth with his body covered in furs squatted beside the ape and started inspecting its body.

He was Gohan!

As the dust settled, his figure also became increasingly clear, and anyone could point out the bitter expression on his face.

In his hands was a small stone with three legs as its body kept on twitching and bleeding yellow blood.

There was a wild Gu Worm on the beast's body, but Gohan had accidentally killed it when he had attacked the ape with a body blow.

He let out a mouthful of impure air and started to observe his surroundings

After finding nothing out of the ordinary, he looked towards the raised platform attached to a wall.

His objective was clear.

It wasn't hard to walk up the platform as a set of stone stairs was practically constructed. But for some reason, the stone ape never stepped on the stairs. Gohan also noticed that this behaviour and the tri-fur lion's behaviour was slightly connected to the whole inheritance.

The guardian beast cannot leave a specific area and need to protect the area until it dies.

Gohan quickly got up and walked near the pale white kid whose body was already a bag of bones.

"Who are you?"

Gohan crouched near him and still kept a safe distance. This was the first human he had met in this place except for the pile of blood and meat spread all over the place beneath this platform.

The boy kept on gazing at him with pleading eyes but Gohan only frowned. He looked at the various parchments placed near the boy and picked one of them up.

The moment he read its contents, his eyes immediately started to burn green in greed.

These were Gu Recipes!

Not all the Gu Worms are formed in nature and many are created by the ingenuity of a human mind. This is also one of the reasons that humans are called 'Spirit of all living beings'.

He immediately picked up the parchments and adjusted them inside his fur. He was on the clock and he immediately started to store the parchments. Gohan completely ignored the silent man begging him to save his life and then moved his attention towards the small hole in the platform.


He snickered and walked near the hole only to find four Gu Worms scrambling around inside the small hole.

The very first Gu Worm picked by Gohan was a Book Gu Worm and instant refined it under the shocked boy. This wasn't all, since Gohan would require a lot of time to find the entrance of the next pathway, he quickly grabbed the other three gu worms and refined them within a single moment.

He then thought for a moment before walking near the stunned boy.

"Look man, I don't know your name, but I don't have the ability to save you neither the intention—"


He slammed his fist on his head as hard as he could and the boy turned unconscious.

"to save you. So I will cut the chit chat and simply attack you."

Gohan couldn't lift the body of the boy with only one healthy arm and didn't want to waste his Primeval Essence on such a trivial task. Even if he had a lot of Primeval Stones, he didn't want to waste them at all because this was just a windfall.

With that, Gohan dragged the body of the boy near the hole and slammed his head inside the hole, sealing the boy's fate as well as the hole in the platform.




A naked figure could be seen climbing on a steep wall as her naked body was completely stuck to the wall, afraid that she will fall. Meanwhile, the eyes of the figure were glowing golden as she kept on gazing for a moment before they returned normal.

She was Daisy!

Right now, her expression was full of joy as she 'saw' an exit above her. Immediately, her body was filled with fighting spirit as she started to climb up once again.

But suddenly, the whole place vibrated for a moment before the walls fell silent once again.

She could barely hold onto the wall as she almost fell to her death. Even if she did not die, she couldn't afford to get such a grievous injury.

"I will make it out... alive!"

Her eyes burned with determination as she continued her climb once again.

Meanwhile, Gohan was looking at his footing with a strange expression. He had just slightly jumped on the location and this area actually moved slightly. During his fight with the stone creature, he wasn't able to observe well, but now, this looked like the only path to the next tunnel.

Instead of moving forward immediately, he sat on the ground and sent his Primeval Essence inside the newly acquired Rank 1 Book Gu Worm and started to gain the information on this part of the inheritance and further auxiliary knowledge stored inside the Gu Worm.