(Chapter Six) The Princess of Fargo

Gray couldn't really sleep well with Vera locked onto his arm. He couldn't do much though so he just laid there, using his wind and other senses to practice. Vera stirred in her sleep next to him and her grip loosened. Gray seized his chance and quickly, yet carefully, removed his arm from her grip. She rolled over once his arm was free and let out a soft sigh. He was finally free from her grasp but he wouldn't leave until she was awake. The capital was usually a safe place, but things had grown unstable. King Durgaz was getting on in years and Lord Argo, the only successor, was slain. The Council of Astoria was in shambles trying to locate next of kin.

Gray sat on the cool grass, legs crossed, letting his mind wander. "Should I make my existence known? If I do, the political turmoil facing Astoria could be settled. But I would be required to sacrifice my freedom. Why should I give up my path I've walked alone all my life?" Gray sighed heavily and rose to his feet. He started pacing back and forth, still deeply lost in thought.

"I understand I'm the next heir, but what if I don't want it? What if I'm not a good ruler like him?" Gray's mind was going crazy over this decision. It would affect the rest of his life and the burden of ruling was too great.

Gray was pulled from his thoughts by a soft, gentle hand squirming into his own. "It's okay, Gray. You'll make the right decision. I know you will. After all, my future husband could never make a bad decision," Vera whispered and laid her head on his shoulder. Gray rolled his eyes and laughed off her remark. She was beautiful, Gray would never deny that. However, he's never had a physical connection with a woman before, so he was unsure how he should act.

"If you say so, Princess," Gray replied and turned to look at her. Her long flowing blue hair cascaded down her back and reached down to her waist. She was a lot smaller in size compared to Gray, with beautiful olive skin. She has a sweet and innocent feel about her and her perfume smelled wonderful. She usually wears a long flowing white dress with gold trim, clothing befitting a royal. Her beauty was almost intoxicating, but even so, her beauty wasn't enough to capture Gray's heart.

Gray stood at a whopping 6'4" and towered above Vera. His gray hair is shoulder length and straight, and is mostly worn in a low pony tail. His arms are toned and he has gentle hands despite his years of combat. He has broad shoulders, a muscular torso and long, toned legs. He looked rather large next to Vera. Gray had spaced out while gazing at her. Vera let out a soft chuckle and poked his nose gently.

"Do you like what you see?" Vera joked affectionately and smiled when Gray's face turned a little red. "Oh, so even a tough knight can be embarrassed," She continued to tease and make fun of him.

"Should a princess be fraternizing with a knight?" He shot back trying to get himself out of the spotlight.

"That's only for knights in my service, of which you are not. Thus my flirting with you is not only allowed, but also endearing," She spoke with a smile but Gray saw into her eyes and shivered a bit. What was that look in her eyes? Her look felt very invasive. He shrugged it off and started walking back towards the city while Vera remained latched onto his arm. The sun had now passed noon and the markets were once again bustling with people. As they neared the edge of town, Vera released her grip on Gray. She straightened her dress and dusted off some grass.

Vera knew Gray wouldn't like being clung to around all these people. As much as she didn't want to let go, she would acquiesce for now. She still remained extremely close to Gray as they entered into the main street. People started to clear the streets and make way for Princess Vera and her escort.

"They look like such a cute couple," One of the gossipy bar maids said in a whisper. Gray tried to ignore these comments but it was embarrassing to hear such remarks. He had never had time for women before, but now he was starting to realize how lonely he'd been. Without thinking, Gray's strong, gentle hand gripped Vera's tiny, delicate hand and held on tight. Vera gasped but didn't say anything as she looked up at Gray. 'Is this because he likes me?' Vera thought to herself as she placed her free hand over her chest. Her heart was beating wildly at holding hands with Gray.

Gray had long since spaced out after grabbing her hand. His mind was on other things, trying to improve the loss of his vision. He couldn't protect anyone, let alone himself, in his current condition. Vera was smiling and waving at everyone as the two of them walked hand in hand. Cheers and applause erupted around Gray, disturbing him from his thoughts. Looking around at everyone cheering and clapping confused him.

Peeking over at Vera, he noticed she was smiling and waving back, laughing even. She was extremely cheerful all of sudden. Gray decided it was best to smile and wave as well. His lips arced upward into a dazzling smile. Many girls swooned over his smile as they watched him leave. Vera gave Gray's hand a soft squeeze. Gray was a little startled by his hand being squeezed. Looking down he saw his hand wrapped gently around Vera's hand. 'That's why she's in such a good mood, but when did I...?' Gray thought to himself but he couldn't remember when this happened.

Rather than make a scene, Gray kept his smile and held onto Vera's hand. If she didn't bring it up later, he would let it go for now. He didn't want to lead her on, though. 'What can I do to get out of this?' He thought to himself and shook his head slightly.