(Chapter Seven) The Princess of Fargo (2)

The crowd of people started to thin and eventually disperse. The initial thrill and jealousy began to wear off from the citizens. Many of them returned back to their business, shouting and selling through the streets. Vera's face had turned bright red with all the attention that they had received. She tightened her grip on Gray's hand and sighed happily. The gates came into view and the two of them disappeared behind them.

Once the gates were shut, Gray slowly removed his hand from hers as they kept walking. Vera's smile disappeared and her lips curled into a pout. She folded her arms across her chest and started walking a few paces behind him. Gray felt her presence slip away a little and he paid it no mind. He didn't want to lead her on because he wasn't even sure of his own feelings. If he had to break her heart, he would rather do it sooner than later. Sighing softly, Gray went to turn around and talk to Vera.

Pink hair. That was the last thing he could see before he was knocked flat on his back. "Oof. What the hell?" Gray questioned and slowly opened his eyes. Something squishy was pressed against his face, smothering him, and he started having trouble breathing.

"Oh, I'm so sorry," She quickly said and gasped in shock. Hiedi realized she was smothering Gray with her breasts. Turning bright pink, Ada quickly jumped up and hid her face from Gray. 'Oh my god. His face was pressed into my chest. I'm so embarrassed.' She thought, mentally berating herself.

Gray slowly rose to his feet, a tinge of red on his cheeks. "Just don't let it happen again, Ada. A warrior must always be aware of their surroundings," He chastised Ada in a sort of elder brother tone. Ada lowered her head and nodded at Gray's comments. "Make me proud, Ada," Gray said genuinely, reaching his hand out to pat Ada's pink fluff of hair. Her cheeks darkened at his comment and nodded her head enthusiasticly. Gray smiled and Ada sped off to complete her daily duties.

Gray sighed and dusted himself off as he turned to face Vera. "Why are you always so affectionate to her but ignore my advances?" Vera finally spoke and was jealous at how close Gray was to Ada. "Why can't you do that to me?" She asked shyly as she put her hands behind her back.

"Do what with you?" Gray asked, puzzlement coming into his eyes. Vera puffed up her cheeks and turned around, storming off away from Gray. "What did I say?" Gray asked, lightly scratching the top of his head. With Vera gone and Ada busy, Gray decided to visit Vice Commander Bell.

Gray's brain was finally starting to adjust to his new training. Things were almost back to normal but he hoped that Titus could reverse this problem. Things just weren't the same without his vision. Making his way down the hall gingerly, Gray finally arrived at Titus' room. Giving the door a light tap, Gray was greeted by a sleep deprived Titus. Black bags hung heavy under his eyes and his hair was messy and unwashed.

"Vice Commander, are you alright? You haven't slept, have you?" Gray asked as he walked inside Titus' room. Books and scrolls littered the floor and bed. Gray was saddened that his leader was struggling so hard for him. "Titus, it's a noble gesture, my friend, but if you can't find an answer it's alright. You have done more than enough just by trying," Gray said as he watched Titus dart around his room, checking scrolls, double checking other scrolls.

Titus seemed distracted by his work but he turned to look at Gray with a soft smile. "I think I found something, but you're not gonna like it, Gray," He said the smile never leaving his lips. Gray swallowed hard, steeling himself for whatever impossible mission needed to be complete. "You will need Vera's help. A plant that I desperately need is located in the lands of Fargo. She can show you where and be your guide," Titus said and Gray frowned at the mention of Vera. Things were awkward between them already and Gray couldn't find the words to explain.

"If that is what is required, then I shall head to Fargo with Vera. Thank you, Vice Commander," Gray replied politely and bowed his head respectfully. Turning on his heels, Gray quickly made his exit to search for Vera. Faces passed as Gray made his way around the castle. Vera was nowhere to be found.

Coming to a stop, Gray looked at the door in front of him, the room belonged to Vera. Gray paused for a moment before giving the door a couple light taps. "Vera? It's Gray. Are you in there?" Gray asked softly. The room was silent and Gray went to turn around but stopped when he heard the door creak open.

"What do you want?" Vera asked quietly through the cracked door. She didn't open it all the way. Gray felt her cold gaze and he sighed softly. 'What have I gotten myself into this time?' He thought to himself as he turned his gaze back to Vera.

"I'm sorry, Vera," He spoke sincerely and bowed his head to her. "I need your help. Can you forgive me?" He closed his eyes and braced himself. Nothing happened for several minutes and Gray started to feel uneasy. Lifting his head slowly, his forehead was met with a light flick. "Ow. What was that for?" He asked, rubbing his forehead gently.

"For playing favorites," She said sharply and stuck out her tongue. "And this is for your apology," She whispered and cupped Gray's cheeks between her hands. Standing up on the tips of her toes, Vera closed her eyes and pressed her mouth to Gray's lips. Gray was caught off guard and watched Vera as she kissed him. He stood there in stunned silence and watched her slowly pull away. Her cheeks were red and she kept avoiding Gray's eyes.

Stretching his arm out slowly, he placed his hand on top of her blue hair and began gently rubbing the top of her head. He turned his own head to the side, blushing slightly as he used his other hand to scratch his cheek. He did this to Ada all the time, so why was he embarrassed now? Vera smiled and closed her eyes as Gray's hand gently stroked her head. It was a nice sensation.

After a few minutes, Gray finally managed to collect his thoughts. Removing his hand slowly, Vera opened her eyes, cheeks still red. "Vera, I need you to take me to Fargo. Titus says there's a plant deep in your kingdom that could be used to fix my eyes," He explained the situation to Vera and she nodded eagerly.

"Thank you, Vera. Thirty minutes. Pack what you need and meet me in the court square," He ordered and she nodded again as she ducked back into her room to prepare.