(Chapter Eight) The Princess of Fargo (3)

Vera leaned her back against her now closed door. Her heart was beating wildly as she clutched her chest, face fully red from embarrassment. "What did I just do? I kissed him," She muttered to herself as her fingers traced her lips. It all happened so fast, but her lips still burned from the touch of his kiss.

Burying her face into her hands, she started grinning like a school girl with a crush. She had kissed Gray and he didn't resist her. Was this a sign that he had feelings for her? He had also patted her head just like he does with Ada. "Gray asked me for my help. I shall ask Reverend John for his assistance," She talked aloud to nobody but herself as she began packing. Two servants were waiting for Vera and hauled away her stuff to the wagon.

Making her way down the hallways, Vera greeted people as they passed her. Coming to a stop in front of two large oak doors, she pushed them open slowly. Standing at the front of the building was a man on hands and knees, praying to a statue behind the altar.

The creak of metal hinges disturbed this man from his prayers. Slowly he rose to his feet and dusted the dirt from his clothes. "Welcome, Vera," The man spoke and turned around, a soft smile on his face. John, nicknamed Jax, was another member of Mystic Shadow. Physically, he appeared to be in good shape. He was rather short with bronze skin, blue eyes, and brown hair that had began to turn gray.

"Jax. I'm glad you are here. Gray plans on going to my homeland of Fargo. He's asked me to guide him. We could use an able healer for our journey," Vera pleaded for this man's help.

Jax chuckled softly and nodded his head. "Of course, my child. The Lord would never forgive me for allowing you younglings to come to harm," He boasted with pride in his strength, fueled by the protection of His Lord. Jax reached into a nearby closet and pulled out his bag. "Lead the way young one," He finally said, his preparations complete.

Gray had been making his way around the castle, gathering a few necessities for their trip. Fargo was three days from Astoria, even on horseback. Gray knew that he was going to have to rely on Vera now that he was blind. That would take some getting use to for this young man. He was never one to rely on other people. All you can trust in is your own strength, or so he always told himself.

"Gray!" A sweet voice carried itself on the wind, piercing Gray's thoughts. A familiar figure made it's way toward him accompanied by an older gentleman. "I hope you don't mind, I asked Reverend John if he would assist us," Vera explained sheepishly to the man she had kissed no more than an hour ago.

"Of course not. A well versed healer is always welcome when one expects trouble," Gray said with a soft smile, thankful Vera hadn't brought up their little kiss earlier. Things were already complicated enough between them. "Jax, have you been briefed on our mission?"

"Yes, Gray. Vera filled me in on the way. I shall pray for our success. We must return your sight to you," He nodded his head and expressed his thoughts.

"You truly are selfless," Gray said softly. "How's your newborn little girl? She hasn't even turned one yet. Are you sure it's alright to leave?"

"I already received the blessings of my wife. She knows I must follow the Lord's will," He said, dispelling Gray's concerns. "After all, I told her I would be safe with the Mighty Gray Butler by my side," He joked and let out a hearty laugh.

"I'm not so mighty without my sight. I can't guarantee your safety, Jax," Gray muttered wistfully. John walked up and balled his right hand into a fist. He pressed his fist against the left side of Gray's chest.

"Your strength doesn't come from your eyes, my child. Feel with your heart. Your courage and devotion to your friends give you strength. Never forget that," John spoke with the wisdom granted him from his long life. Gray's confidence returned and he nodded at John. "Now let's go, shall we?" John continued and the three of them made their way to the stables.

A single stable hand was tending to over a dozen horses on his own. He looked much to young to be doing this task alone, but he did seem competent. "Excuse me, sir. Did my request for a carriage and supplies not arrive?" Gray asked as he neared the stable hand.

"O-oh, y-yes, my Lord. Ri-right this way please," The young boy struggled to form complete sentences through his stutter. He was clearly nervous at this meeting. He had heard stories about Mystic Shadow. Most rumours labeled them villains and it was said that they were blackmailing King Durgaz. None of this was true, but a lot of people still steered clear of Mystic Shadow.

Gray and his friends were led around behind the stable. The carriage in front of them wasn't glamourous but it was a nicer ride than most. Two giant thoroughbred horses were attached to the front. These were war horses, bred from the fastest and strongest stock. They stood at a whopping seven feet and weighed as much as three grown men.

"These are some fine steeds. Thank your supervisor for me," Gray said and tossed the boy a silver coin. "Keep that. It's yours," Gray said and climbed up into the front. He grabbed a hold of the reigns as John and Vera climbed inside.

"Are you sure you can do this? Last time you took the reigns we ended up at the bottom of a ravine," John joked through the small window behind Gray.

"We got a pretty good story from it, besides, that was ten years ago, Father. How long do you plan on holding that over me?" Gray shot back and gave John a small grin.

"For as long as the good Lord gives me life," He joked back but Gray knew he was serious. He didn't mind it, though. His life felt like normal for the moment. Things were almost like old times, but Gray's face changed. He was focused and serious now.

Vera watched the two men bicker back and forth, a soft smile on her face. She felt left out, but she didn't say anything. Gray needed this right now. She could tell he was nervous no matter how confident he seemed. If this rumour gives him nothing, his faith would shatter. She wouldn't let Gray lose himself.