Pvp duel

David rushed at momonga with inhuman speed, but when he was halfway through momonga shouted 'hold of rips', suddenly giant fang like bones sprouted from the ground in 360 degrees blocking all David escape paths.

"fly" David shouted and shoot to the sky when he was out of the bones reach he sent a strong sword slash at momonga which responded by raising a wall of bones in front of him.

Before he could follow with a second attack, he heard "astral Smith" and saw several white light needles coming towards him, he threw his sword towards them wich flow on its own and started defending against the needles.

'tch, what an annoying ability it's like fighting two enemies at the same time' thought momonga

David landed on the ground not far away from momonga and rushed at him, but when he was just a few meters away from him several light orbs appeared on the sky an headed towards him, those were trap mines ainz had set all around him just in case, unlike when he fought against shalltear in the series he was now equipped with his best items to the teeth and didn't lack Mana to set all those traps.

"dammit, ice doom" a semi-spherical ice doom appeared around David protecting him from the traps, but they still dealt some damage.

Momonga was charging a powerful spell when suddenly the ground below him split apart and David came out from there and before momonga could even react he delivered a strong fist to his lower jaw which sent him flying.

Momonga stopped mid-air relying on his fly spell as he stared at David strangely, it took him some time before he understood what happened, he thought, 'I see since this is no longer a game there are no restrictions like not going underground and attacking your opponent'.

And like that they continued to fight for another 15 minutes before they decided that it was enough, there was no clear winner but if it was for real David would have won even if his powers were sealed off, after all, each and everyone who has become a World champion is a Monster in Their own league .

"wow that was really different from Yggdrasil, now we can cast spells faster and more conveniently with no delay," said momonga

"this is why I said that we should get used to it, it's so much different than before," said David

At this moment mare and aura were walking back towards them, mare said "that was amazing sister, they didn't rely on their strength and powers alone most of the time they used strategies to fool each other and achieve better results "

"as expected of the supreme beings" aura said.


After some time the guardians came and sebas and Dracula came back, the events from then on happened pretty much just like in the main series, when momonga finished, he turned towards David and they both teleported outside the throne room.

"let's go inside," said David

Momonga followed him and soon both of them went inside, David cast numerous anti-spying spells and even went as far as to use a few dozen anti-spying items, but all of this was just a cover for the real countermeasures, 'system, seal the room and prevent any and all spying eyes'



Momonga seeing David do all of this couldn't help but ask " is all of this really necessary"

"you will understand in a second but first promise me that what I will say to you next Is kept a secret for as long as you live," said David

Momonga understood from the tone of David that it's something serious and said right away "I promise "

"Alright it's about the gift that I am going to give you but first" David waved his hand and a golden chest appeared around his feet, he opened it and showed it to momonga.

Seeing the chest momonga was confused but he nonetheless asked "mmmm David that's just a chest filled with Yggdrasil coins, it's not even 0.0001% of what we have at the treasury"

"that is true but..." David lifted his hand and grabbed at the chest of gold, all the gold coins that were in it were lifted into the air but the chest was still filled to the top with gold coins.

"how is this possible, is it some kind of storage" exclaimed momonga

"this is different, this chest is named endless resources chest and it can create every resource in Yggdrasil that you want it to endlessly, for now, it is set to gold that's why it's full of it, and for what tier it is, it is a universal tier item which is above world tier ".

" WHAT" shouted momonga " universal tier why have I never heard of it I thought world-class items are the highest there is and why would the developers put something as broken as this in the game, and you didn't even ask from me to keep this a secret but the other thing " momonga bombarded David with questions, thankfully he had enough time to think about a good lie.

"alright easy one thing at a time, first I didn't know about the existence of universal class items until about a month ago but since the game was already gonna end I didn't bother telling you, second for why would the developers put something like this in the game I think they were planning on doing it in the future but since the game was going to end they just released those items in random places of Yggdrasil, and finally for the other item it's a universal class item too" David paused and waited for momonga reaction but he seemed fine which is what he expected since he kinda hinted that the second Item is more powerful than the chest.

"it's called pandoras book as for its abilities....." David told momonga about the book abilities, he could swear that after every sentence he mentioned he saw a green glow envelope momonga, which was his imagination but he was sure that the calm down effect of momonga undead race was activated at least ten times till now.

(A/N : I didn't feel like talking about the abilities of the book again so I just skipped it)

After David finished talking momonga said, "I need to take a seat" and headed for the throne.

'I think I broke him' David thought.

"now do you understand why I have taken all of those countermeasures?" said David

"I certainly do" momonga replied " so where is this book," asked momonga.

"wait a sec," said David before reaching his hand in the air and pulling a black leather book with a creepy skull engraved on its cover "this is it".

"it doesn't look that much," said momonga.

"Oh trust me it is," said David.

'system how will the book be bound to him'


[the book will be bound to him the moment he touches it]

"Oh I see, hey momonga catch," said David before throwing the book towards momonga who caught it unconsciously.