Leaving nazarick

The moment his hands touched the book disappeared and a black light envelope momonga before fading out.

After a while, momonga shocked voice came out.

"my god I can feel that the States boost is even higher than the guild weapon and all my equipment combined, this is crazy, and I suddenly know all about its uses" momonga was shocked down to his core, if he got this weapon back in Yggdrasil he was pretty sure that he could stand at the vanguard of nazarick and stop any and all invaders on his own, no he was extremely certain that if he was given an opportunity to attack the strongest guild in Yggdrasil right now he will absolutely decimate them.

Momonga stood up turned to David did a little bow and said: "I have no words to express how I feel right now David I can only say thank you".

"it's nothing, it's nothing, besides what are Friends for" said David waving his hand, momonga seeing his friend nonchalant attitude laughed lightly and said "OK I will take the chest to the treasury and have pandora's actor guard it, after that we should investigate about this world more there is a lot we don't know, and determine the average power level, until then you should be careful"

(A/N: Only now did I remember the NPC momonga created is named pandora's actor, if I knew that I would have named the book something else, or is it something good that the book is named that? )

"am sure we will be alright, for now, I am taking Dracula and going out of the tomb, only contact me using 'message' if it's really urgent"

"but..." momonga wanted to refute but he knew how stubborn David can be and he could only agree "alright".

After they both exited the throne room both of them went their separate ways David teleported to the Colosseum to get Dracula who was still there with the guardian while momonga went to the treasury.

David was intending to tell momonga about the possibility of world items existing in this world to prevent shalltear from being controlled, but he held himself back since that would help momonga learn and be more careful.

After he arrived at the Colosseum he saw that all the guardians including sebas and Dracula were in a circle surrounding aura who was holding a little blue dragon.

'has it already been three hours?' David thought while approaching them he could already hear them speaking.

"this little fella is really impressive it just hatched but it's already level 60," said Cocytus.

"of course it would be, I expected nothing less from a gift of a supreme being," said demiurge

"and the ring is really impressive as well, it's truly is the dream of every magic caster" commented shalltear

"I wonder what momonga - Sama got, I am sure that it's better than this," said albedo.

"so the dragon egg already hatched" suddenly a voice rang out from behind them, they All jumped in fear and retreated back, when they saw it was David they let their guards down, but fear still gripped their hearts, they didn't feel that he was there until he spoke, if it was an enemy he could have killed at least one of them by surprise before they could do anything.

The all bowed down before saying " welcome David Sama".

David nodded before looking at Dracula and saying "Dracula we are going out for a while, rest of you can admire that dragon later, now you have tasks to do"

"yes, David Sama" All of them replied at the same time and left one by one.

Demiurge wanted to assign guards for David, but immediately he brushed that idea away, if there is someone or something out there that can actually hurt him, then they are doomed.

When everyone left David grabbed Dracula shoulder and teleported to the first floor, after arriving there he saw a lot of monsters but all of them moved out of the way and bowed.

Getting outside of nazarick he cast fly on himself and flew towards the sky.

He observed the senary all around him and said: "this is a really beautiful world isn't it Dracula?"

The world that David has been living in for the last 32 years was in no sense of the word a habitat that human beings should live in if anything he was happy that he chose to be born rich.

"I wouldn't really know David Sama since I only left the 10 the floor recently, but if David Sama said so then I am sure it is," Dracula said.

They went to the west for a little bit before heading north, if he remembers correctly there is a mountain range in the North, which would be the perfect place for his future plans.

After flying for a while they reached a place which was so high up the mountain that it would be near impossible to reach it without fly spell and even if someone reached there it would be extremely hard for them to survive.

"This place will do it for now," said David.

"David Sama if I may ask what are we doing here" questioned Dracula.

"well to train, of course, at least I will, you will stand guard and make sure no one disturbs me," said David.

"as you wish David Sama," said Dracula doing a standing bow.

David pointed his hand in front of him and a huge tall tower appeared out of the ground.

After that David entered the tower he ordered the system to seal it and entered into his portable training chamber.