Currently, ainz was surrounded by all the guardians, sebas and the Pleiades in his office, David just arrived outside the door when he heard demiurge speaking "... and that is ainz Sama true plan for doing all of that".
"that's is amazing as expected of ainz Sama," said all of them.
"amazing demiurge as always you saw right through my plans," said momonga.
"that is only what I've been able to deduct, I am sure ainz Sama plans run way deeper then what I could even perceive if ainz Sama could enlighten us with his deep wisdom I would be very grateful," said demiurge.
David wanted to laugh his ass out and listen to more but decided that he should go in and save the poor guy by now, he pushed the door open and went in without knocking.
the moment the door was just slightly opened he heard albedo irritated voice "who dares entre ainz Sama office without even knocking, show your self".
David pushed the rest of the door open, when ainz and the rest saw him they were shocked, he has been gone for over a year and they didn't think that he would be back so soon, he could swear he heard ainz relived 'sigh', but that may have just been his imagination, he walked toward ainz desk and set there on a chair, Dracula stood to the side with the other guardians, albedo said "please forgive me David Sama, If I had known it was you I wouldn't have been that disrespectful".
"It's alright albedo," said David, "it's been a long time momonga how have you been, and please don't expect me to call you ainz it just feels weird calling you by the guild name" David looked at momonga and said.
"hahaha it's okay I understand, I am glad you are back, if I had to describe how I've been in a short sentence I would say I was extremely busy, we all were," said momonga.
" I see, sorry I wasn't here but I was doing something extremely important," said David.
"it's okay, and before you left you did make sure we would be alright, and I know you wouldn't just disappear for no reason at all" momonga raised
"thanks, so what were you talking about," asked David.
Momonga stiffened at this and didn't answer, mostly because he didn't know what the hell is happening, but thankfully demiurge decided to shim in and said "if I may speak David Sama" he said.
David just nodded giving him approval, "we were just talking about ainz Sama genius plan for expanding the sorcerer kingdom influence to other Kingdom and in turn achieving three goals at the same time, controlling such kingdoms, discovering if there were any other players hidden in them, and most importantly finding shalltear attacker ".
Dracula had 'filled' him in on what has happened for the past year before they arrived at ainz office, so demiurge just proceeded to tell him about the plan.
" I see that is indeed a genius plan, but you can rest assured about the last part I already know who attacked shalltear," David said shocking everyone.
"WHAT" momonga shouted slamming his hands on the table clearly enraged and wanting to destroy whoever did it, after a while the calm down effect kicked in and he regained his composer.
"how did you find out anyway, even with all the resources of nazarick we couldn't find anything," said momonga after calming down.
"I have my ways but that doesn't matter, for now, the one who attacked and used a World Item on shalltear is the slain theocracy," said David.
Momonga stayed silent for a while before saying "albedo, raise the security level in nazarick to the maximum I am going out" and he stood up from his seat, when he was about to teleport away David said.
"wait momonga leave this to me it's the least I can do after being absent for the past year, trust me in the next 12 the slain theocracy will be no more, and besides if the word goes around that the sorcerer-king decided to destroy a country on a whim it will bring unnecessary problems, no one knows me or know that I am associated with you so that's the better option " said David.
Momonga appeared to be thinking for a while before he said:" thank you, David, I will leave it to you ".
David nodded and looked towards shalltear, her head was down so he couldn't see her expression but he was sure that she wanted to rip slain theocracy apart, they made her betray nazarick and even fight against a supreme being, she really wanted to come with him but couldn't voice it out.
He said, "shalltear I know how you feel don't worry you will be coming with me".
David sentence brought joy to shalltear face as she nodded repeatedly while tearing up and thanking David "tha - thank you *sniff * *sniff * David Sama".
David nodded at her turned to momonga and said "I will be taking a little rest before heading out, Dracula, shalltear you two rest for now and prepare yourselves we will be heading out in three hours" after saying that he teleported out of there to his room.