Shadow puppets

David went to his room, he set in a meditation position floating gently in the air, the reason he wanted to have a rest before going out was so he can prepare himself mentally for what is about to come, he going to attack the slain theocracy and he was going to attack hard that they didn't even know what hit them.

David has lived most of both his life's in peace and didn't once have to really hurt somebody or wanted to, but he knew that he must change his old way of thinking, in this life and the next ones to come he will have to undergo many trials and tribulations and he knew that if he wasn't smart enough, ruthless enough or strong enough he won't be able to survive.

And that is why he chose to be the one to take care of the slain theocracy, that would be his first test.

He wasn't going to spare any men women children or elders, he wanted to test and harden his heart and soul because he needed that kind of mindset in the next world's to come.


After resting and adjusting his mindset for one hour he decided it was time to move out, he called shalltear and Dracula and told them to meet him on the first floor.

Going to the first floor he regrouped with them and they flew south, after a while, they have reached the borders of the slain theocracy.

His plan wasn't to just eliminate the people at the capital he planned to kill each and every one of them that included each and every citizen of the slain theocracy, even those outside the country.

'system seal the area all around the borders of slain theocracy country, prevent anyone from going in or out, also prevent any sound or image from escaping from inside the barrier or going inside from outside, search the country and find clues about all citizens outside of the country, after finding them use any means to eliminate them, Dracula doesn't have a World Item, for now, make sure he doesn't get controlled ' ordered David.


[slain theocracy Country have been all sealed]

[reviewing records and identifying all citizens outside of the country, permission to purchase 10.000 level 30 shadow puppets from the store to commence elimination mission]

[due to host follower being too high leveled world items can't affect him anymore]

'Hmm, it's good that world items are useless against him now, so what are those shadow puppets? '


[shadow puppets, are what the name implies they are humanoid puppets made of and live in shadows created by the system, they can be purchased at any level that is not above host, they have the ability to grow and improve from then on, their only purpose is to serve the host, they can pass through All defenses, seals, and formations unobstructed nothing can stop their path, they can copy anyone shape, behavior, and personality, and will gain the power and memory's of anything they devour, in simple terms they are the perfect infiltration and assassination tool].

'wow!! That is amazing, I really should pay attention to the shop items from now on, those shadows will get the job done for now plus they will have a lot of uses, later on, permission granted, and system after they are finished with the slain theocracy outside the country tell them to come back immediately '



After the words of the system ended 10.000 black humanoid beings appeared in front of David, Dracula, and shalltear, they seemed to be devouring the very light from around them.

Both Dracula and shalltear were surprised and immediately jumped in front of David to protect him, but before they could attack they heard David voice in their ears "at ease, they are under my command" David said, he looked at the shadow army and said "you know what to do now go" after he finished his words they all disappeared as fast as they appeared.

Dracula and shalltear were shocked right now, they know that David was strong but they didn't know he had such frightening ability, although they could feel that the shadows were weak none the less there were 10.000 of them and they were all level 30 and he summoned them all in a second, just this created a newfound respect for David in their hearts .

Dracula said "David Sama may I ask what was the need for an army of that size".

"to hunt the citizens that are not in the country of course, unless you want to search the whole world for each and everyone at a time," said David with a bit of sarcasm in his voice.

Dracula was shocked and didn't know how to retort it was indeed the best idea possible, but who would have the ability to execute it except a supreme being.


While David was leisurely chatting the entire slain theocracy was in a state of chaos, one moment everything was fine but in the next, they were sounded by a white indestructible barrier that prevented them from leaving, they even lost all communications with the outside world, they couldn't even see what was happening outside.

They even used angels summons to dig underground but to their dismay, the barrier wasn't a hemisphere it was completely spherical.

Right now Inside the biggest building of the slain theocracy capital, that was the Palace which 'Pontifex Maximus' resided which was like an emperor in a normal nation(from now on I will just call him an emperor), the emperor was on his throne while six old people were standing at the end stairs.

Those six old men were the cardinals which have a position only below that of the emperor himself.

The emperor was silent for a long while thinking before saying "report everything that you figured out till now"

One of the cardinals below spoke with great fear in his voice but clearly not from the emperor, "yes sir, we have done a full investigation on the barrier that surrounded the country for the past 4 hours, we couldn't determine what spell tier the barrier is but we are certain that it's at least a 10 tier barrier spell, we even brought Zesshi to try and break it but unfortunately it didn't show any sign of weakening even after she delivered her strongest attack"

The emperor was both shocked and scared shirtless by now but that was only on the inside on the outside he appeared not affected at all "who the hell did we provoke, could it be the sorcerer-king?!, he is the only known person who is capable of such feats" he paused for a while before continuing "if even Zesshi couldn't break it that means the person who cast the spell is stronger than her, mobilize the entire army and order all the scriptures to be positioned near the Palace 24/7, dismissed"

All the cardinals bowed before exiting the room, leaving the emperor on his own, he thought out loud "as long as we have that with us no one can take the slain theocracy down not now not ever" after he said that he got up from his throne and went to take care of the rest of his business.