Welcome, Hellcome

They came crashing into the plant room together — naked but-for-an-oversized-vest human SmithGuild on top of lingerie-clad Nelda.

"Um, this isn't what it looks like," Nelda said.

They were both grabbed and pulled apart but a swarm of armed guards. As she was dragged from the room, Nelda saw only confused glimpses of what was around her.

Pallid SmithGuild disappearing into a crowd of black-clad security.

Angry Brenda standing with her arms folded looking like the proverbial cat that got the cream.

Dandruff wearing a sparkling clean new lab coat and shouting at a middle-aged man in a navy-blue suit which was at least twenty years out of style.

The machine was glinting gold but also emitting black coffee-colored smoke and great puffs and clouds from near where she had inserted the cracked flux fuse.

Beaker locking eyes with her and mouthing: gsfsgf yygvd kkkddd. [Guess I suck at lip-reading.]

"I want a lawyer! And so does he!" Nelda shouted as she was lugged by her arms towards the big swinging doors. "I know my rights!" [I don't know my rights. Fuck, what are my rights?]

She wanted to shout SmithGuild's name but also not give these people any information about him. So Nelda redirected her attention to lifting her feet off the ground and elbowing the assembled guards in the groin, face or any other handy target.

She was distracted in these efforts by her underwire choosing this moment to come loose and stab her painfully in the boob. [Traitor bra, I was depending on you!]

The guard quickly lifter and carried her to an elevator that went down far enough that it seemed like they should be surrounded by magma. From there she was propelled down a row of enamel painted metal doors to the one door that stood open. Literally thrown inside she faceplanted into a metal toilet and rolled against a rudimentary bed built into the concrete wall.

The door slammed shut, and several different locks clicked into place in an unassailable-sounding sequence. One glance told her everything there was to know about the space barely big enough to call ed room. Grey pained concrete about the size of four telephone boxes end-on-end. Loo at the end, light under a metal grid above, bed on the right. No window, no clock, no nothing else.

[Welcome home, bitch.]

She felt the side of her jaw. "I want a lawyer and a dentist!" she shouted at the closed door. "And I ain't saying shit til I see them!"