Chapter 8

A week had passed by and Naruto had grown strong, his partners had also gotten used to combat. Today he was resting for longer time as too much fighting can strain the mind; he was walking the streets of NY that were far from the monster zone when he bumped into one of the gorgon sisters.

"Euryale" Naruto called out as he jogged to her side, she turned around and her eyes brightened at his presence

"Naruto, it's nice to see you again. I thought you would visit us but it seems you are not that interested." Euryale muttered in a teasing tone, she was quite happy at his appearance

"No such thing, it's just that I am busy right now. Otherwise I love to know new people and make friends. How are you doing now? Any problems?" Naruto questioned as she turned to café and sat down

"We don't have any problems except our old ones, life seem to be looking up but the thought of our little sister suffering sometimes makes me just walk alone or else we don't separate." Euryale muttered in a soft tone which conveyed her sadness and regret that she held deep within her heart

"Don't look sad, it ruins your pretty face. Trust in me, I will help your sister. I have read enough about her to say she had good reasons to go insane so I will try to bring her sanity back." Naruto sat down beside her and touched her cheek as he said in a confident tone, she was a friend and a helper so he didn't wish to see her sad

"Thank you Naruto, you are the first person in 1000 of years to have been so nice to us. It makes my heart flutter, would you take responsibility if I fell in love with you?" Euryale looked at him with her beautiful golden eyes as her lustrous purple hair moved with the wind

Naruto looked at the woman who stood smaller than him and smiled, "I don't think I qualify for such a position but thank you for considering such a possibility."

"Oh, you don't seem confident now. Why is that?" Euryale was surprised that the man in front of her would think in such a manner for this subject when he held absolute confidence for others subjects

"I don't have any experience as you know and girls don't seem to like me. In my life, I guess only one girl has ever confessed her love for me and I couldn't even reply so I don't expect girls to like me in such a manner." Naruto said in a calm tone as he remembered the fight with pain and the confession, he wished he could have remembered it earlier and maybe he could have understood what love meant

"Is that so? Then understand that you are a desirable partner, don't look down on yourself as I do feel attracted to you. From your appearance to your strength and aura, especially your personality so show some confidence or you will make the people who like you feel down." Euryale said as she kissed him on the cheek

"It was fun talking with you but I need to leave now so see you later." She said with a smile as she left, Euryale could feel the envious eyes of some others on her and she was forced to evacuate

'He seems to already have some people who love him dearly but I wonder if he would accept polygamy as a solution.'

'I wonder why she hurried away.' Naruto thought as he got up and felt Gaia, his face changed naturally to a peaceful smile as she sat down on his shoulder

'Is this how it feels to have family? I wish we could stay together and it feels so natural.'

"Did you have fun, roaming outside alone?" Gaia asked in a calm tone as she smiled, looking at his happy expression brought joy to her soul

"It was okay but I prefer when you are with me." Naruto replied casually as he decided to head back and get ready for more hunting

"Is that so?" To Gaia this was the best thing she could have heard and Naruto didn't seem to be aware of the connection forming between them


Three days away from the day of battle, it was a peaceful night and the group was gathered in the park. The nymphs had said they should do something fun to liven up the atmosphere especially since it was in their nature and Naruto agreed as he was getting tired of the stifling environment.

Different types of food had been gathered from the human restaurants along with drinks for Naruto and Ella. Naruto was feeling excited to see something like this as it was unique and he liked celebrations.

Lights moved around the peaceful night, flashing in different colors and forming exciting images while the nymphs danced to the music. He would have not enjoyed the music if he didn't understand the words but his body was created by Gaia so he knew all languages.

'Even if it lacks chakra, I do gain the increased connection with the world through this form and when I get back in shape my sage mode should be more powerful.' Naruto thought as he moved his head to the music and enjoyed the show

"So I got my boots on,

Got the right amount of leather

And I'm doing me up with a black color liner

And I'm working my strut but I know it don't matter

All we need in this world is some love

There's a thin line between the dark side and the light side baby tonight

It's a struggle, gotta rumble, tryin' to find it

But if I had you, that would be the only thing I'd ever need

Yeah if I had you, then money fame and fortune never could compete

If I had you, life would be a party, it'd be ecstasy

Yeah if I had you

You y-y-y-y-y-you, y-y-y-y-y-you, y-y-y-y-you

If I had you

From New York to LA getting high rock and rolling

Get a room trash it up 'till it's ten in the morning

Girls in stripper heels, boys rolling in Maserati's

What they need in this world is some love

There's a thin line between the wild time and a flat-line baby tonight

It's a struggle gotta rumble tryin' to find it"

Naruto found it really different and the dance the girls did, looked really exciting and he felt the desire to see them sing more and even join in.

'If I had you' He sang in his mind as he couldn't stop, it was just too catchy. The others also enjoyed it and the place with happiness, especially Gaia who enjoyed the joy on Naruto's face.

"Come on, Naruto dance with us." The little nymphs called out as a new song picked up as they pulled him to the middle and he followed their steps with an amused smile.

Oh don't you dare look back

Just keep your eyes on me

I said you're holding back

She said shut up and dance with me

This woman is my destiny

She said oh oh oh

Shut up and dance with me

We were victims of the night

The chemical, physical, kryptonite

Helpless to the bass and the fading light

Oh we were bound to get together

Bound to get together

She took my arm

I don't know how it happened

We took the floor and she said

Oh don't you dare look back

Just keep your eyes on me

I said you're holding back

She said shut up and dance with me

This woman is my destiny

She said oh oh oh

Shut up and dance with me

Soon Ella joined in as he got passed from nymph to nymph and finally it was Ella who was in his arms as they moved to the rhythm

"Are you feeling happy?" Naruto asked as he looked at her adorable face

"Ella is happy, is Naruto happy with Ella." Ella replied as she stared at him, her life hand changed and the pain of the past was fading

"I am very happy, you are so cute." Naruto said as he bumped Ella with his forehead and chuckled happily

Ella laughed with him and then Naruto was passed to Alice who seemed to be more visible today.

"I hope this is to your liking." Alice asked in a calm tone as she danced in a professional manner, a thing of the past

"It is wonderful and I would love to see it again, and dance with you guys again. When I am done with my quest I am taking you guys with me so that we can all be happy together." Naruto replied in a cheerful tone

"Thank you for the compliment and the little ones would also be overjoyed by your words." Alice replied as she held back her smile as she felt it was too shameless

"You should lighten up more; a smile would look beautiful on your pretty face." Naruto commented naturally with no motive other than to see her happy but his words brought joy to the poor woman

"I will take note of that." Alice replied as she allowed her facial expressions to lighten

"See, it wasn't hard." Naruto said as was charmed by the stunning smile

"I hope I am not barging in but my turn." Stheno muttered from the back as she pulled Naruto to her side

"Sorry, I guess I took too long but you look stunning today." Naruto said as he looked at the gorgon sister who seemed to have dressed differently

"Just for your eyes Naruto, we don't get the opportunity to do this anymore so you can say it is your lucky day." Stheno said in a teasing tone

"I am honored and happy that you joined in." Naruto replied as he moved with her and he seemed to be getting used to it

"We wish we could join the fight as well but we would be burdens so this is the most we can do, moral support." Stheno said as she felt annoyed that once again they could do nothing

"It's alright and without your poison, this would be impossible. So don't look down and you can grow, just find a weapon or start magic. You have the power don't you than learn to use it to the full capacity." Naruto said as he pushed her chin up with his right hand

"Do you think so?"

"I think so; with hard work anything is possible."

"Thanks, we will try as you advised and maybe we can be of use after the battle." Stheno replied with a smile and she took the chance to give him a kiss on the lips

"That was my first and your reward for helping us." Stheno said with a chuckle as she bounced away, the wrath of Gaia might be upon her if she didn't

"You seemed to have a way with the ladies, Naruto." Gaia commented as she stood in front of him and her arms extended so that he could take them

"I am just good at making friends as all my feelings come from the heart, pure and untainted." Naruto replied as he hid his embarrassment and took his hands with his fingers as she was tiny

They all danced merrily and enjoyed the night with no restraints as life could end any time and to drive away the sadness and frustration.


The day of hardship had arrived, now the fighters could see if what they had prepared was enough or not.

This was his first battle to protect people in the background so he was slightly nervous. Naruto sat on the grass in a lotus pose as he meditated to calm his nerves.

"No need to be so bunched up, we are ready for it" Gaia encouraged him as seeing him so act weak didn't sit well with her

"You should act with confidence like usual or else it will spread to everyone" She whispered into his ear and he opened his eyes that were clear of doubt

"Thanks, it's a first so it had me worried." Naruto said as he got up and stretched his limbs

It was still very early in the morning but everyone was tense as today they might be seeing each other for the last time. All their eyes were focused on Naruto, their hope and savior. If he failed most of them would be killed without resistance but as they watched him show his usual charismatic smile they felt their stress lower.

"Come on, don't be down. The dumb dragon won't know what hit it when the Uzumaki gets a drop on him." Naruto shouted in a cheerful voice

"Alice and I will combine to fight it; there is no way it can win so cheer up and show me those smiles, make the world a bright place." Naruto said as he moved along and using of his energy to help them react as it made them feel better in its presence.

To not let down their champion, the Nymphs gathered around and him, and chanted victory slogans. Naruto felt a lot better after saying those words and seeing the nymphs backing him up.

"Naruto, everything is ready" Alice voice came from behind

Naruto turned around and took in her appearance that had solidified a bit more as she had also eaten pills which strengthened a powers a bit which was enough to make the wind around her strong enough to make her features clearly visible.

"Good, let's move out to our positions. We need to take it down away from the park." Naruto said as he started walking

"Yes, I have commanded the wind nymphs to cause difficulty for its flight while the water nymphs are around the lakes to stop any fire. It should fall without any problem with the planned surprise attack." Alice was full of confidence as she had fused with Naruto 30 times by now and she felt invincible together

"I hope it isn't very powerful as even on ground it will be a difficult battle to occupy it until the poison does its job. Healing powers can be really annoying when they are helping your enemies." Naruto said laughingly

"We will definitely be victorious; the little ones support will make us stronger while it is only alone." She insisted with a confident tone

"Don't let that power get to your head or you might mistakes" Gaia advised as she saw that Alice had gotten drunk on the power after being a weak existence for so long

"Sorry, if I sounded too arrogant" Alice said as she came to reality and understood that he attitude might have been affected a bit too much

"No worries it happens to everyone, even I had felt like that more than once." Naruto smiled at her to make her feel less uncomfortable

"Ella, are you ready?" Naruto said as he saw her perched on the tree

She flew towards him and landed, "Ella is ready for combat, so Naruto has no need to be stressed."

Naruto rubbed his head in embarrassment as even Ella had felt his unease at the start of the day.

"Good, once we are done I will reward you for the achievement"

"Ella looks forward to it" She said as she took off to her position


"It's coming" a voice transferred to his ears

Naruto was sitting in wait for the dragon's arrival along with Alice, once he heard the signal he fused with Alice. The power flowed through him waiting for release and when he saw the dragon in the sky, he let go. Like an arrow from the bow, Naruto pierced through the dragon's left wing with very low resistance.

He had focused the wind into rotating around his body so it created huge holes in the wing without the dragon having a chance to react; it flailed its wings while roaring in pain.

As it was occupied Naruto didn't let off and attacked from the front hitting its head distracting him. It fell down without much problem as it decided it was the best choice, Ella took the opportunity to slash the on the wounds created by the fall and by Naruto.

Her claws had been smeared with Gorgon poison, "Good job Ella" Naruto's voice was carried to her by the wind

Now that foe had been grounded it was only a matter of time before it succumbed to the poison but the hard part had just started.

'Keeping it occupied'

Naruto equipped with two axes that were too large for his hands rushed in, moving erratically like a fly. He attacked the dragon with the axes enhanced with wind power while also launching wind blast from different angles.

The body of the dragon was hard and it was big, approximately 30 m from tail to head. It roared in fury and launched a fire breath as it opened its mouth to do so, Naruto rushed in quickly kicking it with full force while being supported by the wind. This caused its maw to shift up from the impact causing some of the flames to be left inside while the rest was harmlessly in the sky.

Ella followed it by cutting it on the eye, this caused it to go berserk and move around wildly trying to hit them. Naruto could see the wounds heal as they caused more, he took the chance and moved in with full speed with both axes at the ready he slashed its throat.

The attack cut through its magic resistant scales and made it bleed; it screeched in pain and flapped its useless wings to make them give space.

'Fucking pests, you will pay for this insult. Making me do something so humiliating' the dragon thought as it turned into a human with scaled hands, legs and a tail.

"Be honored that you came this far" It shouted at them as it rushed towards Ella but luckily she avoided the hit but her right wing was busted. She screamed in pain as she tried to fly away with her left.

The dragon was about to follow through but Naruto intercepted it and slashed down with his axes causing it to block, it used its tail to attack from the side. Naruto had his armor activated so an attack of such low force was unable to break through it, "Interesting".

It muttered as Naruto saw flames boiling inside its mouth, he quickly let go and jumped up supported with the power of wind. The dragon breathed fire straight making the trees burn while following the direction where Ella had moved to, which forced Naruto rush forth.

"Damn lizard bastard" Naruto screamed as he stood in front of the blast using the wind to disperse the flames to the sides but even then his hands felt like they had been burned along with his arms.

The nymphs were hard at work dousing the flames and wind nymphs providing support to his power, the wind came from the back and Naruto charged forth. The dragon had definitely become human to reduce the area of impact but it didn't know how to fight like one so it was quite easy for him to dodge its flailing and punch its face with wind charged fist.


The dragon was blasted sideways as it lost some teeth and the face gained cuts from the impact, he didn't let go and followed it up with an axe kick over the disoriented form of the dragon causing it to be embedded into the ground.

'The poison seems to be working its magic faster as it turned into human shaped being. Stupid lizard, it sucks to be you.' Naruto thought as he took a heavy breath as the transformation took a lot of his stamina.

Naruto walked in closer and sat on its body, and started punching him hard over and over so that the damage will accumulate and it is too disoriented to continue resisting.

"I know you can feel it the poison inside you, its gorgon poison so if you think that you will get rid of it by dying you are really naïve." Naruto muttered with killing intent

The dragon had gained back its consciousness from the pummeling and gritted its teeth.

"Showing resistance is pointless, the pain will continue increasing and even when you die it will follow you unless you get the antidote"

It wanted to resist but the pain was becoming unbearable and death was getting closer, "What do you want?"

'I will kill you for this, no matter what'

"I want you to serve me as I need a mount"


"Did you forget the poison?"

The dragon struggled with its pride and agreed, "I accept"

"That's not enough swear on the Styx" Naruto said with a smile as he had already won

"Fine" The dragon swore and Naruto gave the antidote which already started taking affect but made sure the dragon was in human form otherwise it would take time.

"You are lucky to serve me as if I am happy with your service you will get rewards beyond your wildest dreams." Naruto said confidently as he hid his fatigue

The dragon sat down to rest and heal from all the damage while thinking, 'Like I would believe some unknown being, Master Porphyrion is the one who can grant our wish as he has the power. You will die soon anyway.'

"So what's your name?"


"That's a nice name I guess" Naruto said as he walked away from him towards Ella who was being looked after by the dryads.

"You did well Ella, rest for now." Naruto said as he poured some of his power into her to heal the damage.

"Ella did good, hehe" She smiled with drowsiness as she fell asleep from the fatigue and blood loss.

Naruto also fell to the ground as he let the fusion go, Alice collapsed in front of him unconscious as she had to absorb a lot of damage.

"That was very much unexpected; I don't remember dragons taking on humanoid forms. Things have started to change without my knowledge" Gaia said as she sat on his head and sounded really sorry that she had not provided such info

Naruto couldn't muster enough strength to even assure her as his stamina was too taxed and he lay on the ground trying to gather his strength back but he did he look at her with meaning.

'I don't blame you as it happens to everyone'

Gaia understood his gaze, "You are sweet even when you are falling apart but you can be proud now as you are dragon rider which is higher title than slayer." She flew to his face and kissed him on the cheeks, "You have done well my Champion. Now is the time to rest so let it go." She murmured gently which caused his already heavy eyelids to close and Gaia took her post, sitting on his chest.

The nymphs were hard at work clearing up the damage and healing the fighters while they rested.

Gaia would have continued to watch over them but she felt the dragon was real suspicious so she flew over to him.

"Albion, are there more of your kind in the region or will they come if you are not back?" She said in a cold voice

Albion opened his serpentine eyes glaring at the pathetic creature but his instincts warned him along with the conditions set by Naruto which compelled him to comply with her wishes. He gritted his teeth as cursed that one of them was really observant and not too tired, "Yes, there are three more of my kind and they would come check this place if they sense me here."

"What was the point of attacking the nymphs?"

"They are the ones who served the Olympians and all who do so need to die by the command of my master."

"I advise you to stop trying to be smart, Naruto is a being beyond your comprehension" She warned as she flew towards Naruto to wake him up.

'You have gone too far Porphyrion, I will not save you again anymore. You all have let me down too many times and it is time for me to clean up the mess.'


A.N Hope you enjoyed and comment.

First song: If I had you by Adam Lambert I was thinking of the chunbiyou amv

Second song: Shut up and dance with me by Walk the moon

The gorgon sisters look like the ones from Fate grand order

How is it?

Really had trouble making the fight be a real challenge but then I remembered that the hydra had a human form in the first book. I had to make it stronger than what the books end up showing as Naruto would be stronger and more skillful than the demi's