Chapter 10

The destination was three days worth of journey from the place they took off from. As Albion had shown signs of weakening Naruto had him land in an appropriate place, where it was good enough place for them to rest. Even he was still tired and needed to rest or else he might have fallen off the dragon's back.

Naruto climbed off Albion's back as he landed and carried Ella along with Alice, placing them on the ground in comfortable positions so they didn't wake up.

"I will be going to sleep, you can rest as well" Naruto said as he lay on the ground beside Ella

Albion looked at him and turned away to sleep away from the gang, he didn't think of them as friends just enemies that would die soon.

"Sigh" Naruto realized that people don't just change so easily with one conversation.

'I can't let my victories get to my head' Naruto reprimanded himself

"Go to sleep, Naruto. I will watch over everything" Gaea said as she was sat on his chest

"Thanks and good night" Naruto yawned as he said the words and fatigue overtook him, making him fall asleep within minutes.


The next morning, Naruto awoke to find that he was the last one to get up. There was no water source nearby to clean up so he had to do without. He walked to join the others who were sitting nearby, both the fighters looked healthy and Albion sitting in the distance also looked to have recovered completely.

"Good morning" He said as the others responded in kind

He sat down and Alice was the focus of his attention, "You must have heard about what happened so do you wish to accompany us or you want to leave?"

"I wish to join your quest and this is not just from a sense of obligation but because I want to be with you." Alice said with a determined tone

"I am happy that you are joining us, as your help is valuable and I like you as well." Naruto said with a smile

That had taken a lot of courage for Alice to say those words so she felt deflated inside and couldn't muster up anything else after she realized that Naruto didn't understand what she just said.

'He is too damn dense, does he only know of one like' Alice wanted to shout but that would be out of character

On the other hand Gaea was covering her mouth to stop from laughing at the scene, 'He never fails to put a smile on my face.'

"Ella you have done well, so what do wish to have as a reward." Naruto didn't notice the girls reactions and turned to Ella had an eager expression.

She jumped up and with a wide smile she spoke, "Ella wants a kiss." She said directly, with the increase in power her wisdom had increased and just from the situation she realized Naruto would only understand with a direct approach.

Naruto felt embarrassed and overly conscious of her appearance once she said those words, with flustered tone he muttered, "You should do that with someone you like."

"Ella like Naruto" She said with a clear gaze, staring into his eyes so that he couldn't look away from her powerful eyes

'What do I do? I promised and breaking promises goes against my code but I don't love her. How can I lead her on?' Naruto seemed lost in thought thinking of these things when he felt a soft touch on his lips; it was amateurish but still filled with love.

Naruto started ahead into Ella's eyes as she continued to mash her lips with his, he was too shocked to act and let her play with him. Only after two minutes did she separate, "It didn't taste like anything the book described, Ella is confused."

Naruto felt like laughing that the first words she would say after doing such a thing was about the taste of the kiss not being like a books description. While Alice felt defeated that a younger girl had just done more than her and Gaea didn't understand what she feeling, it was a dark desire she hadn't felt for so long.

'Am I feeling jealous?'

"You don't need to think so hard, as you will definitely love Ella. Ella guarantees." She said as she concentrated on the subject at hand

Naruto didn't want t disrespect her belief and resolve so he decided not to deny her the opportunity, he didn't love anyone more than a friend so he really didn't have any reason to deny her a chance.

"Okay" He nodded as he came to an understanding with himself

"Then one more" She said as she tried to latch onto him

"No" Naruto and Alice both said while Alice reacted faster as she watching Ella's movement very closely and jumped her before she could mount Naruto.

Albion felt more and more confused as he watched them, 'What kind of being is he, is that really his true form? He said he would make me stronger than I could fathom, what does that imply? Was he bluffing?'

Naruto talked for awhile and did warm up exercises before they continued the journey. On the third day as they were just hours from their destination, Alice sensed something.

"Enemies incoming, it's a dragon. No, three dragons." She shouted in worry as her voice was carried to the others clearly

Albion smiled in victory, 'Brothers come and free me from this disgraceful state.'

Naruto connected his senses with the wind and shot out lightning bolts toward the dragons but they were too strong for it and his elemental power was weak. It only singed their skin slightly and they roared in delight, as they could see their prey.

"Albion dive down and zigzag through the buildings" Naruto commanded

Albion wished that he didn't have to but the covenant forced him as he dived down with full speed and did as he was told. The dragons followed while one still stayed up, as they passed by between two buildings Naruto quickly threw the two spiked chains connecting both buildings.

Using the wind he created a strong gust and Alice supported him in the act so when the Dragons took the turn they collided with chains causing destruction to the buildings.

"Oh shit!" Naruto just realized what he done on instinct

Naruto quickly concentrated on the falling debris and the chains, while he had Albion fly in place as he held the things up. The chains coiled up the falling dragons that couldn't get a chance to fly within a short space and their bodies kept on colliding with each other.

The chains coiled around them their legs while the other part was attached to Albion who was raging within at what was transpiring.

"Sorry Albion but you have to suffer through this, fly faster towards"

"That direction" Gaea completed for him as he didn't know how to quickly get rid of the burden

Albion with difficulty was forced to carry his fellows towards a construction site, where he rammed them into the incomplete structure making the tonnes of concrete and steel beams fall on their bodies. Naruto made sure they wouldn't get out by manipulating the steel to entangle them and bashed them with the wrecking ball.

They heard a roar of outrage from behind as huge flame came towards them, "Albion, it seems your friend's don't really care for you safety. Blast him."

'Curse you damned being' Albion regretted his choices as he breathed flames towards his brother but his was smaller. Naruto and Alice took action, with their wind powers the flames were fanned towards the enemy causing it harm. The Dragon took damage and staggered; Naruto quickly utilized the metal around him and threw them like spears causing them to rip through its wings.

"Let's go" Naruto said as he captured the other dragon but it was too dangerous as they had made too much noise

"If you had been good, it wouldn't have come to this" Naruto muttered to Albion who just roared in response, letting out his frustration and anger

After the long winded battle and some more hours of travel, they finally arrived in the area where Camp half blood was located. Naruto could see the buildings and people from the sky, "Naruto, there is a barrier protecting the place. Unless you want to fight the Olympians don't touch it."

Gaea warned him as he might just enter the place. Hearing her warning, Naruto crossed out his plan to enter and observe from inside.

'Now the only thing I can do is observe from afar. Luckily the place is open and there not many buildings so nothing to block the view.' Naruto thought as he had Albion land miles away from the camp as he did not want them to be alarmed about their presence.


A.N Hope you enjoyed and comment.

I am really having problem thinking up what to write about the camp.

Is it getting worse or is the story ok?

Didn't write much last week as i was really busy.