Chapter 23

A.N The characters are stronger then in the novel. Zeus and the titan are capable of city busting in this story without outside assistance. They are suppressed when fighting demi's but when they fight Naruto they are at full power.

Naruto will be a lot stronger than his so6p mode without using a transformation by the end of first part. I hope you enjoy.


Naruto felt some weight of his shoulders as he regained a part of him, even if he was not able to utilize it at the moment. Just by having the crown, Naruto was receiving a passive boost to his powers but he was unable to fuse it to his body.

It had some unknown runes over it, which was the cause of the resistance.

'I will need the other pieces to see if I can absorb them.' Naruto thought as he didn't want to devour Kurama by mistake and he was content at the moment as he was stronger than ever without using any form.

His power with sage mode alone was similar to when he utilized Bijuu mode and it was growing ever so slightly with every moment. Nature was limitless and so was his strength, he just had to ask and the call will be answered. The connection was becoming stronger along with the compulsion but Naruto's will was unbreakable so he was alright.

"It seems you didn't need our help at all. So thank you for helping me get out of this place." Medusa said as she looked down on Naruto as he was being embraced by Ella

"No problem, you are friend and I didn't expect the order of events either so it was just good luck." Naruto replied with a smile as luck seem to be shining on him finally

"I will try to repay back the favors I owe you in the world above so don't hesitate to ask." Medusa said in a calm manner as she didn't like owing favors, they can be misused.

Naruto nodded and stood up, he felt that his power was closing his best. He was filled with energy and his Yang energy was bursting after devouring the essence of Hyperion.

Naruto looked at his hands and saw that it was breaking down into golden energy with a green and black tint. He felt it was natural and his physical form broke down, leaving just energy and with a thought he was once again whole.

'This is really useful; I can just let attacks pass through unless they target the soul.' Naruto thought as turned to the group

"Let us rest for a while and then we leave." After saying his message, Naruto sat down in a lotus position and meditated.

The group relaxed in the area close to the gates of netherworld where the land was black, the air was poisonous and purplish. The battle had actually clearly out the impurities as Hyperion was light and his attacks countered the darkness from Tartarus.

The crater formed by Hyperion's attack would be able to support natural life, if taken care of.


Naruto entered his soul space and walked towards Nemesis, who was happy at his success.

"The world craves balance and finally you have received the luck you deserve after the bad luck. How does it feel now? I can see that it is still far from your best but soon we can stand on the same level and then all your problems will be easy to handle." Nemesis said with a smile, which was filled with genuine happiness for him

Naruto was mesmerized by her smile and it was like the first time that he was actually seeing her. He had been blinded by rage and despair but the light was of hope was shining bright and now he could appreciate the beauty of the person that supported him.

Nemesis wore black clothes, her eyes were black to signify vengeance and it called out to those souls lost in rage and she had long black hair.

"Thank you for all your support. I don't know if I would have succeeded without you." Naruto responded with a smile as he knew he would have most likely succumbed to the wrath of nature without her company.

"There is no need for thanks and I quite enjoyed your company. I was interested and did this on my own violation. Soon you can meet Aunt Gaea, how do you feel?" Nemesis teased as she whispered into his ears while hugging from behind

Naruto didn't know how to respond as he felt his heart beat quicken at the thought of meeting Gaea after so long. The separation of less than a month had felt like a life time and he had felt loneliness like no other, and it made him understand his own desires.

'I love her. I love her more than a friend. I want her to be mine.' Naruto felt those thoughts pop one after another and he couldn't help but smile as he couldn't wait to talk to her again and feel her presence without this darkness

"Hoho, what do we have here? You are bursting with love for Aunt Gaea; did she steal your hurt?" Nemesis laughed at the sight as she saw him smile. She was happy for Gaea but she felt a tinge within her soul at the thought of leaving his sight.

'Have I become attracted to him? We have only been together for weeks.' Nemesis questioned but she had already seen everything about Naruto and felt what he felt, his soul resonated with her domain. She was the bringer of vengeance and justice, and he craved for peace and justice in this corrupted world while never dropping to their level.

"I love Gaea more than I have ever loved anyone. She is truly the one for me. She has saved me from the loneliness I would have felt in this world and guided me when she could have left me dead." Naruto replied in a dazed tone and the images Gaea then mixed with Nemesis and Ella along with Alice

He felt awake and looked away as he realized that he felt slight attraction to Nemesis as well. He loved Gaea the most but that didn't mean he didn't appreciate the others especially Nemesis since she was there in his time of weakness.

"Once again thank you for your help, I hope we can be together even after we leave this place."

"Of course we will be together. Your goals are part of my domain and you might need my help as Tartarus won't like this relation." Nemesis reminded him of the primordial abyss that would be filled with anger once Naruto is together with Gaea

"I will handle him when he actually grows some ball to break his Fathers laws and enter the world above in his real form." Naruto replied with a chuckle as he felt it was impossible for Tartarus to act as his mere presence would destroy the planet and he was the abyss, the monster pit. He was not allowed to move around in a place filled with mortals except for the realm of primordials.

"Be careful for what you say. Anything can happen and logic, and fear can be sometimes be overcome by rage." Nemesis warned as she moved away from him and sat beside Hestia

Naruto nodded and walked away towards the deeper parts of his soul, where he found Nico sleeping on the grass under a giant tree.

Nico looked like a normal kid but Naruto sighed as he saw him. Nico had become an elemental not just any elemental but an elemental representation of his powers. He could not exist away from Naruto; they were together for eternity until Naruto found a way to separate his soul from his powers.

"I apologize for slighting you and for any damage I may have done. I appreciate your desire to help me and keeping me alive but is it possible to leave." Nico muttered as he sat up and looked towards Naruto

"I am sorry but you can never leave my side. You are part of me from now on. The moment you let my powers overload your body, you had decided to become one with my powers. If I try to remove them, you will disappear as your soul is too weak to handle the process.

Even if you can't leave my side, you still retain your own personality and we can work towards freeing you in the future." Naruto replied calmly as he walked closer

"That is good enough. How is my father and what about my siblings, do you know?"

"Your father is okay but he is trapped while your sister, I don't know."

Nico nodded, "What do I do? Can I help you or do I stay here until then?"

"You can help me when we fight as you can act independently from me when I allow it. So you can provide support and distraction or sneak attacks. And this place is malleable; you don't have to be worried about getting bored." Naruto said as the world started changing and they could see the sky being built along with stars filling the space.

The day changed to night then to day while mountains in the horizon appeared along with cities and different kind of beasts.

Nico was surprised as he had ever seen a soul space before and then he saw the place become a world of its own. It even contained humans and other species.

"Are they just people you have seen or can they actually converse with me?"

"They are people I have met but you can find some of them and they will be able to talk to you." Naruto replied while not elaborating on why. It was only possible because Naruto actually talked with his clones when not training as he never actually had friends.

The clones did things and had different experience, and sometimes they let out emotions that he held deep in his heart so they were like different people. Naruto found that interesting and made his clone transform into people he knew, and the clones created personas to act like what they transformed into.

So when Sasuke had said that it was a weakness and it was sad that he used clones, it had hit close to home and reminded him of the days when he was alone.

"That's more than I expected." Nico muttered in amazement at such power and turned to Naruto

"Please save my family, I don't mind being your slave in return."

"You don't have to ask for this as my goal overlaps with my purpose. Now relax for awhile and learn from what I have seen so we may have a better chance against a skillful foe." Naruto said as he patted Nico on the back


In the domain of Night, Gaea was sitting with her sister to get the first hand news about Naruto as she was unable to enter the territory of Tartarus unless she wanted to be captured by him.

He was a forceful being and didn't like to let go, when she had broken off. The only reason he hadn't tried to capture was because she never had any interest in other people in the past.

"It seems your lover boy has succeeded and even killed a titan." Nyx said in a nonchalant manner, her voice echoing in her palace of Darkness that was filled with nightmarish beings and cosmic horrors

Gaea froze for the first few seconds and then yelled in joy at the news.

"YES, HE DID IT. We can finally be together again." Gaea said in an excited tone that overshadowed the danger in the horizon

"Calm down girl, you still need to think of a way to fight off the Cosmic Emperors servant." Nyx poured cold water on her charade and brought her back to reality

"I really should have killed that bitch when I had the chance, now she is too strong while I am still stuck at the same level. It is my mistake that I looked down on her and ignored her when she conquered this world.

Even Zeus being like this has to do with that wench, everything is her fault and I won't forgive her. I may not be enough but once Naruto absorbs his powers, he will be stronger than his previous self and even stronger than me." Gaia muttered in a tone filled with adoration, she had full confidence in Naruto now as he had eaten one titan at the moment

"Can you feed him Kronos?" Gaia looked at Nyx and asked in a calm manner, like it was no big deal sending her son to his permanent doom

"Haha, you are really a cruel girl. So I will do this one favor for you since it's been a long time we got together like this." Nyx replied as she hugged Gaia. She was one of the higher beings and didn't really feel anything; it was just a whim that she acted on.

Higher beings just wrote some rules and followed them to make life worth caring for. They had no concept of good or bad, everything was the same since it was like watching ants to them.

Even Tartarus felt nothing except pride so he could be riled up but the others didn't really care what a nobody said to them as they will disappear in their presence.

They had to create personas when they exited their domain if they wanted to feel emotions or enjoy events and Nyx was a caring sister when she was not bringing nightmares to foreign worlds.

"Thank you sister" Gaia reciprocated the hug and said in a jovial tone



In a land filled with destruction where the tall buildings and beautiful sites had been replaced by craters and lava overflowing from the deep, stood a tall man.

The man had golden hair and was wearing a golden armor, his eyes were emerald color and he watched the site with sadness.

"Why didn't you wait for me, Mother? I was so close to finishing and we could have overcome this ordeal." The man muttered in a frustrated tone as he saw the world collapse on itself since his mother had died, he could have healed it but it was pointless.

'The enemy was too strong at this time. Mother had believed she could have done some damage but the battle was too one sided, which meant she grew once again.

Can father really win, if I save him?' The man thought as he looked towards the Moon, which had been destroyed some years ago when a woman clad in light green chakra had fought in this world after going insane hearing about his father's death.

'She will be great help but it could make it worse if father doesn't accept her. Well there is no other choice, sacrifices have to be made.' The man mused and his hand shone with golden energy, which caused the space around him to churn and he walked through a portal to the unknown land of his father that he never met.


A.N Hope you enjoyed