Chapter 14

A.N. As long as you people keep on commenting and reviewing, you can expect the chapters to keep on coming.


The person blocking her path was Iori Yagami, one of the strongest fighters of Japan. His clan had a tragic past and its path lay with death at all turns, and it starts with birth.


660 years ago, Orochi's seal began to weaken. The three clans decided to move its vessel into another location. Wanting to disrupt their unity, one of the Hakkesshu (Warriors of Orochi) killed the leader of the Yasakani's wife. Under a disguise, the murderer then approached the Yasakani head and reported that the Kusanagi clan was responsible, saying that it was "atonement" for letting the seal weaken. To add more fuel to the fire, the corpse of his wife was found in the Kusanagi homeland. Angered by the revelation, the Yasakani made a blood pact with Orochi to gain the necessary means for revenge. Gaining a forbidden technique called Forbidden Method 1211: Eight Maidens, the Yasakani renamed themselves as the Yagami clan.

As a side-effect of the Orochi's curse, the once crimson flames of the Yagami have a bluish tint. The curse also causes each heir to die young and each mother to die in childbirth.


Iori Yagami was the eternal rival of Kyo Kusanagi. He was the heir to one of the three clans that sealed the legendary snake entity, Orochi, 1,800 years ago. His clan wielded pyrokinetic powers. They keep the seal over Orochi intact with help from the Kusanagi and Yata clans using three ancient artifacts. His family's treasure was the Yasakani Jewel and his family crest was the crescent moon, which he wore on the back of his jacket. He also wore a plain silver ring around his left middle finger given to him by the love of his life that had died by his hands.

His official nickname was Flame of the End.

Iori was a serious, blunt and rude character. He was not interested in making friends or enemies, only showing investment in getting results that appeal to him. He may seem to be incapable of acts of kindness or empathy but he wasn't antagonistic nor mean outside combat.

This kind of personality was a result of being frequently tormented by an Orochi identity that resided within him, which mocked and belittled him as its "master". Iori can be sympathetic to other people, but his Orochi persona often threatens to take over and harm them. Iori tries to ignore it until it angers him, causing him to physically snap in a usually violent manner.

Sometimes he seems to have trouble knowing which identity was actually his and suffered from a slight identity crisis. It's due to this personal trait that he doesn't like to associate with others and he lived as a lone wolf. He still retains pride for his humanity and won't let himself die under any circumstances.

Despite Iori's violent and sadistic personality, he still follows his own moral code and wouldn't be low enough to take pleasure in bullying the weak.

Regarding his family duties and his ancient family feud, Iori doesn't care much for them. If the Orochi seal is threatened, however, Iori doesn't back down from the challenge of re-sealing it. His participation often provokes Kyo's pride enough to begrudgingly bring the Three Sacred Treasures together. Iori seems to want to clash with his rival whenever they meet; he can't recall the reasons why he hates Kyo.

Like his rival, Iori just seems to instinctively hate him. Despite how much he claims he wants to end Kyo's life, Iori merely wants to keep his own rivalry with Kyo going for an unclarified reason for the sake of his own amusement.

Truly a tragic young man and his own hands ended the person that he loved the most. After that he has girlfriends but they are just there to pass time.

He had been once again invited to the KOF and been joined by two women that had provoked him. He had almost killed them but let them go and made them his servants.

He wasn't stupid and he knew they wanted something from him. There was a reason why they wanted him to join when he could have missed it since he wasn't interested in fighting so much but Kyo's presence drove him on.

These days he had been passing time with his band and making music plus watching some fights from time to time or participating in them when he came across Naruto.

His interest was piqued as Naruto had very high reserves and was something new. He might not be a battle maniac but that didn't mean he didn't like a good fight.

He had watched the videos and was thinking of challenging him but instead found a demonic presence. He was part of a clan that fought against such presences and eradicated them.

It was his duty to erase such foul creatures and hearing the words servant of Orochi made his blood boil.

"I was going to kill you painlessly but a filthy creature like you deserves pain." Iori muttered coldly and the people ran away because of his bloodlust.

Seeing the people move away, purple flames appeared in his hand and he waved his hand sending a flame wave at Eliza.

"Know this, if you continue such foolishness you won't leave this place alive." Eliza canceled his attack with a wave of her hand.

The flames weren't strong enough to cause any damage to her body.

"Act as a cherry blossom... and scatter, you bitch!" Iori threw more flame waves at her to gauge her speed and endurance level.

The flames got stronger progressively and she moved after the third. Iori predicted she would come for him so he spun around with his claws open and flames unleashed causing a flame twister.

Eliza had been about to attack him and seeing his move changed her movement, and did a sliding tackle as his legs were open.

Her habit of saving energy meant she mostly used hand to hand combat without any demonic energy.

Iori was a skilled fighter and someone that had experience in death fights so the moment her leg hit him, Iori didn't resist and did a back flip.

He launched flames below him but Eliza pushed against the ground with her hand moved to the side. Landing safely without a scratch, she could see that her foe wasn't bad. He wasn't as strong as Naruto but he was still strong enough.

She could see that his manner was going wild reacting to her presence, a sign of Orochi's curse.

Orochi was the will of this world given shape and it meant he would never tolerate foreign presence like the corrupting demons.

Pushing against the ground, Eliza appeared in front of Iori too quick for him and kicked him in the face. The force sent him flying across the street as he had been barely been able to put up his flames in front of the kick to lessen the impact.

Eliza didn't stop as she ran beside him and kicked in his sides, sending him in the air as he blocked the attack with his hands this time.

He could now say that he was fucked. She was too strong that he was reminded of Rugal and how he that man only got defeated through team work.

'I cannot run.' Iori thought as his other side belittled his abilities and he screamed as he slashed down at Eliza as she came at him like a rocket.

His claw covered in intense flames that could melt the strongest of metals in seconds against Eliza's foot covered in demonic energy.

Iori felt his bones break but he held on and caught her foot, "Now suffer and die."

Smiling like a maniac, Iori released all his flames onto Eliza and covered her whole body.

"Not bad but sadly not enough. You should have retreated when I gave you the chance, now sleep." Eliza muttered in a calm tone as her clothes had suffered burns along with her body.

Catching his face, Eliza used her energy as a spring board and launched herself towards the ground.

"Young Master" Mature and Vice cried out as they acted quickly before she slammed head into the ground with that dark energy.

Mature used her power of light to speed up and arrive before they crashed. She launched several cutting attacks at Eliza while Vice used her power of darkness to cover the landing site.

Seeing that this was getting troublesome, Eliza threw Iori at Mature and dodged the attacks easily. She wasn't bloodthirsty person and would like to avoid conflicts.

Iori noticed their attempts and bit his lips in annoyance as he covered his body with Ki to avoid getting hurt by Mature's attacks.

Luckily she could cancel them out and caught him, she expected him to slam her into the ground but Iori didn't attack and just got out of her hands to stand on his feet.

"You are lucky that your friends arrived or you might have entered eternal sleep. I find fighting a waste of my energy so I will let you go. As for your duty to erase me, you should forget about since I have no interest anyone. My partner provides for my meal and I have no need to kill humans or cause chaos. Now, I hope you learnt a lesson here. I won't be merciful next time and will kill you with full force." Eliza said with a dull expression and released her presence into the surroundings causing the ground to crack.

It caused the fighters to step back by instinct as they could tell it was a dangerous foe.

"I don't like to lose but I will accept your words for now so remember me when you look at the moon. I will have my victory and it doesn't matter that you are a chick." Iori licked his bleeding lips and stared at Eliza. And saw her smirk at him.

"Let's go Vice, Mature" Iori turned around and threw away his red jacket as it had gotten too damaged for use.

Luckily the battle hadn't gotten too destructive and had only caused few meters of the streets to get destroyed. The flames had caused the surrounding to melt as well but luckily it hadn't spread anywhere as Eliza didn't want such a thing to happen.

She hated flames a lot.

"I really dislike people like him." Eliza muttered with a sigh as she decided to continue her trip and disappeared from the battle zone as the people in charge got to fixing it.


A.N Hope you enjoyed and comment