Chapter 15

A.N. As long as you people keep on commenting and reviewing, you can expect the chapters to keep on coming.


Walking above the buildings lost in his thoughts about home and his target, Naruto didn't notice where he was going and just went on blindly.

In these times when he needed to think deeply, Naruto always took walks to contemplate on his issues. He missed the days when Jiraiya would be there for him and provide assistance. Now that he had the memories back, he knew that will never happen.

And now he also missed the presence of his girls and friends. His heart felt heavy as the loneliness had intruded his safe zone.

It was the one thing he feared and hated the most.

He was afraid of what they might be facing now.

He didn't even know if he could really get back home. What Eliza said were possibilities and what about the unknown girl.

There were so many issues that his head was bursting and he just wanted sleep, he just wanted to rest.

'NO, NO, NO, I am Uzumaki Naruto and I will never give up. Slothfulness is for the weak. It is not something I can ever choose. I knew what I was walking into when I accepted that oath. How can I break so easily when I promised? Focus fool, nothing can go wrong. I am unstoppable. Practice and grow strong is the path I need to follow. And now I definitely need people to follow me. I need powerful people to fight by my side against any threat on the other side.' Naruto smashed his head into the building he was standing on and cracked the wall.

He didn't get any damage but the impact helped him focus. He finally got his emotions under control and understood his path once again.

Looking around, Naruto noticed that he had unconsciously walked into another fight because of the strong Ki presence here.

He knew the fighters gathered here and even saw Zangief among the spectators.


In an abandoned parking lot, which was days away from being demolished, many people could be seen crowding the area to watch matches between fighters beyond mortal realm.

For the safety of the crowd there were large screens installed while drones captured the battle that took around the whole parking lot, which was breaking down.

"RA" A man with a muscular body wearing a jaguar mask pile drived his foe into the ground from the third floor, the neck buried deep into the ground. The defeated opponent's survival seemed to be impossible in normal circumstances but this was under the authority of the Murim association and they had healers for such occasions plus the fighters here all had some mastery over KI. This was not a fight for the weak.

Seeing his opponent knocked out the Jaguar walked away with heavy steps.

'For the children'

"Jaguar, Jaguar, Jaguar!" The crowd cheered for the Jaguar masked wrestler while the man raised his hand towards the people to respond to their calls, making them rise higher.

Jaguar was a luchadores from Mexico who support orphans across the world and he never went without his mask in a fight. He was a well known fighter that had taken part in the tournament held by the Mishima Corporation and become famous around the world for his skills.

He was also well known for his kindness and he used his passion to help children in Mexico.

Jaguar used to be a street brawling orphan with no care in the world except fighting. In one of his fights, he was grievously wounded and collapsed in front of a monastery. The Marquez priests took him in, saving him from death. After recovering, Jaguar realized the error of his ways and resolved to start a new life. He became a Catholic priest and renounced his old fighting ways. He then became a man with a mission; he dreamed of building an orphanage for street children, hoping to save them from becoming the kind of fighter he used to be.

Jaguar was successful in building an orphanage, but funds were tight; to bring income to the orphanage, Jaguar fought in wrestling matches, donning his now iconic Jaguar mask to conceal his identity and acquiring the title "Beast Priest". It was at this time that he also came to the attention of his future rival Armor King, one of a wrestling Tag Team who also wore Jaguar masks.

As Jaguar continued fighting to fund the orphanage, he came across the King of Iron Fist Tournament, a martial arts tournament with a large cash prize. Seizing the opportunity, Jaguar entered the tournament. When Armor King comes across the tournament and saw his rival participating, he entered, keen to better his rival. The two met in the tournament and Jaguar emerged victorious, while Armor King sustained an eye injury and was forced to withdraw. Jaguar went on to claim third place in the tournament, securing enough prize money to fund the running of the orphanage while he became sparring partner and friend with Armor King.

During the tournament and seeing his rival, Jaguar accepted his passion for fighting as part of his life and finally felt the pressure lessen.

He was also lucky that the system for fighting was finally completed so they got paid good money for their fights.

Humans still loved the wild rush of dangerous battles and these battles were beyond the limits of humanity. It pushed everyone to become stronger and skilled to get to a better position.

Jaguar wasn't in the top ten but he was still very much well known and one on one none of the Mad Gear could take him.

He was a large man with a wide body and muscular structure, standing 190 cm tall wearing the mask and wearing tight blue pants. His upper body was shown to the world and anyone could see his tanned skin.

Jaguar stopped and looked towards the second floor where he saw a green flash, which bulldozed into its foe and fell to the bottom while leaking electricity.

'Blanka' He thought when he heard the hush and the sound of bones breaking.

A girl wearing revealing wrestling attire, her sparkling eyes shining with a cheerful attitude as she broke the back of her foe and dropped him like he was nothing.

'Mika, she seemed to have grown since I last saw her. Is it the training with Zangief?'King thought and went to his tent to take a short break before his next battle.


Naruto watched the battles from afar and found four opponents worthy of his time while the rest were too weak.

Naruto decided to intervene and use this fight to push his fame higher while also using it as a stress relief. He felt alive when he was in a fight so his mood will get better after one.

"Let's have some fun!" Naruto called out as he jumped towards the battle ground by pushing against the air.


"What do we have here? An intruder on the fighting stage, does he believe he can take on all our participants or is he just a madman?" The announcer spoke as Naruto landed at the top floor and the crowd screamed in excitement as they believed it was about to get even crazier.

"It is Naruto Uzumaki! The rising star that came out of nowhere, what has he planned today."

"I will fight everyone here so come at me." Naruto announced his attention as he stretched his body and everyone could see him clearly on the screen.

Wearing his orange pants and black shirt above his chainmail, Naruto stood with a confident look.

The crowd cried to let them fight and the organizers also accepted it as they wished to know more about his power.

"The people have spoken; let the participants take down the intruder for an extra prize."

Naruto smiled at those words and intended to take it slow since his memories of his skills had come back. His power had risen directly and he could end this city with a single move if he so wished.

Now he didn't think even Akuma would be a challenge for him and he just needed double it before two years arrive.

'Let us see, how good I am when restrained and fighting skilled fighters.' Naruto thought as his eyes burned with fighting spirit that made his chakra visible, which caused cracks on the floor.

Naruto restrained his chakra and saw the first opponent to arrive, it was a girl.

The girl looked at him with an angry with an exciting gaze and was filled with positivity. Naruto knew she was the student of Zangief and well known for her beauty and powers in the fighter circle since she debuted last year.


Rainbow Mika whose real name was Mika Nanakawa and was also known as R. Mika, was a Japanese professional wrestler from the Iwashigahama Japan Women's Pro-Wrestling organization, trained by the domineering Yoko Harmageddon and her idol Zangief.

Mika had long, blonde hair with bangs that were tied in two geometrical pigtails and blue eyes. Her attire was blue and white lingerie-like leotard with ruffles around areas such as the collar, the sleeves, and the leg-holes, wrestling boots with white stockings and a white bustier with blue hearts on both bosoms.

Her attire was meant to be flamboyant, so she could stand out from the more experienced wrestling pools and circles. She also aimed for making her arm joints less constricted due to the exposed portions of her uniform around her elbows, shoulders, breasts and buttocks.

Mika was a sprightly, beautiful girl who prided herself on going all out and wowing the crowds with her wrestling moves. Her performances could be a little rough around the edges, but she definitely had the potential to enter the pro circuit. She idolized Zangief and considers his way of fighting as the ideal route. The mask she wore around her eyes could sometimes make it difficult to tell what Mika was thinking or feeling, but she was very open about her emotions and spoke in a distinctive manner. While a little stubborn, She was a very courageous person often facing opponents head on even saying bold things like "I'll kick your ass" before the match; Mika also won't hesitate to protect her friends. R.Mika had good relationship with her fellow Iwashigahama pro-wrestlers as well often sparring with them with good sportsmanship.


"I am gonna kick your ass, pretty boy." R.Mika said in a cheerful tone as she rushed at him with her arms stretched to entangle him and get him into a chokehold.

Her steps were strong and fast, around mach 1, but the area they were fighting on was weak and because of her movements the cracks spread.

Mika had forgotten about this fact because of her excitement, fighting the person that won against her idol by fluke.

Zangief had yet to fight him seriously so she didn't believe Naruto was stronger since the other side was her idol.

Naruto saw her coming at him with ease and caught her arm to throw her when she tried to use her legs to catch his neck. Naruto fell back and used his leg to throw Mika off him, sending her flying off the roof.

"WOOH" Mika cried out in an energetic tone as she flew and threw a Ki blast in the sky to push her down.

Mika was pushed towards the roof and caught the edge, pulling herself with smooth movements.

"Nice acrobatics, 10/10 impressed. Too sexy to ignore." Naruto smiled at her and Mika laughed before he kicked her in the face.

Mika quickly blocked with her arm and went skidding against the floor, her arm stung from the impact.

'He is definitely very strong.'

"Mika get serious, he is stronger than you." Zangief shouted from below as he watched the battle play out and saw Laura appear on the roof.

Naruto also saw his next opponent come up the stairs along with Jaguar while Blanka had climbed from the side of the building.

Now everyone was here and all the weaklings had been taken care off.

The royal rumble where everyone targeted one foe and Naruto couldn't help but feel alive. The stress was disappearing and his excitement was rising.

'I believe in them. They are my people. They can do it and I will do my part.'


A.N Hope you enjoyed and comment