An Angel

Nobody was expecting to witness The Golden Apple Tree can speak but it did! And its voice was not really pleasant at all. A full power soul attack in rage from a high level creature!

Soldiers, creatures and even high level shamans all caught off-guard to this kind of ability. Their all seven orifices on their faces were bleeding. Many soldiers died the moment they heard it.

The Sun Princess Reiko summoned a full armor around herself and Snow White, which is shining as the sun on the sky and there was even a halo of an angel radiating waves to keep her safe. Her nose was bleeding and looking at Snow White who lost her consciousness with worry.

The tree was more and more stronger than they can imagine. Maybe it was the most dangerous existence they ever seen.

Marwa was also in an unknown mood. He finally was remembering everything. He was sad that how he can even forget his woman. Bewitching word made him recall her and her irreplaceable place in his heart. How I can forget her? Thiara, I miss you. Where are you now? Could she survive…?

"I'll never forgive you cursed plant. I'll burn you to ashes. I'll even purify these lands from your cursed seeds!! How dare you to hurt my Snow White!?" Marwa's thoughts interrupted by a dazzling beam of light leaves a huge hole on him.

Reiko left Snow White to the old shaman to take care her and jumped into the air. Her forehead emitted figure of sun and her body covered by golden lights. Her eyes were burning fiercely. A small white sun appeared above her head and family flag on her armour transformed to a huge red sword and a humongous black lion as her mount.

Black lion as fast as a shadow and impossible to focus on due to shining girl on it. The Sun Princess' all attacks were empowered with sunlight and could reach more than her weapons can allow. Other than that she can send beams of sunlight which almost immediately evaporates everything in touch. Because of such a fearsome power, even shaman alliance wouldn't aid her. She didn't need too. In just twenty seconds, all branches Marwa used destroyed instantly and there was countless smoking holes on his trunk which makes crackles with every move as if The Golden Apple Tree can fell down to pieces any moment.

However there was not a single happiness on Reiko's face. Because she could see all the damage will be recovered in seconds despite how heavy it is. There was not a single weak point on the tree. No heart to stab. No brain to explode. No blood to evaporate. Her eyes searched for the puppet The Tree protected before but couldn't see anywhere.

Her sun power was unique. She was a princess from main bloodline. So she had huge confidence in her abilities to use this godly tattoo power for a long time but the roots and branches attacking her not really trying to smash her or something. They were all trying to bind the black lion to immobilize her. This lion was also a special summoned beast but despite it's high speed it needs also resting periods. Her weak point to expose in seconds surprised her a lot due to she always thought this tree was just another low intelligent creature.

Their fight continued for hours! At this moment everyone figured something was wrong. Her energy was decreasing rapidly. It was evening and sun was disappearing slowly. They understood the biggest weakness of this unstoppable sun power is the sun itself! Her power source was also her weakness. Then what will they do even if the envoy cannot destroy this tree creature? Shamans started to murmur between them to talk about preparations of retreat.

Reiko harrumphed coldly and began to murmur a long spell.

Marwa didn't know what she was planning but despite looking down on everything as ants, this little girl's power was really annoying. He didn't really care much about the burning, disappearing or whatever she doing. His battle strategy as a tree was pretty simple. "Absorb energy and extend your branches or roots and sway them, bind them, stab them. Only long range strong energy powers could damage me like this little girl's strategy. Who can or which army can really provide to use such a method for a long time, oh yeah except this little girl. The symbol on her forehead was borrowing power from The Sun… Exactly like me, I was absorbing energy from earth… So her claiming to be powerful as a God level Shaman must be true", Marwa thought. "She just lacks a huge body as mine to accumulate more energy for a long energy consuming fight."

Marwa's thought interrupted by a burning sensation from above. While he was checking what is happening, his vision blinded.

But the he spectating shamans could clearly see what's happening and they all forgot how to breathe. A yellow column flashed for a second directly from The Sun to The Golden Apple Tree and the huge tree disappeared in seconds. It left behind just three meters long black coloured burnt wood.

Reiko wiped her sweat and removed her black lion and other stuff that consuming energy. The battlefield became silent for a second and all shamans trembled in shock, happiness and fear. None of them could block an attack like this. It was like the saying "God's Judgment" or "Heavenly Tribulation". What kind of name this force deserves? They respected to the strong so now they also know they were at same side they were of course happy. They can finally leave this cursed land without losing more human.

"Finally we can leave. Li Qi Ye, I'll not forget this… Prepare yourself for consequences later. And hurry up and finish whatever you want to do with the damned soul of this tree!" Reiko said with rage.

Li Qi Ye, The Shaman Alliance Leader, was very serious. He already messed up his relationship with the envoy and also other shamans were known they were just used, of course, no one was friendly towards him. He didn't care much if he really becomes stronger. He became side of the burnt tree and put his burning hand with blue flames on it. He closed his eyes to focus but suddenly his right arm damaged by Sun Princess' beam. Even though this beam was not as strong as she used on the huge tree before, why she must attack him?! "Are you attacking me now?!"

When he saw the situation The Sun Princess in, his face paled.

An ivy-like branch extended from her bag she carried on her side and completely bound her in the place, immobilizing her. Some leaves blocked her mouth to scream or talk. She struggled to break free from the plant with randomly shooting beams to no avail. Many of those small beams harmed the allies who coming to her help.

At this moment, the blue flames in Li Qi Ye's pupil silently disappeared. He struggled to look down to see a sharp branch covered in blood stabbed his chest from his back to front. The strongest shaman of the alliance couldn't even utter a sound before falling down to lay there forever.

"Alliance Leader fell!"

"What is going on?!"

Even the struggling Reiko turned her eyes in pain towards to the creature rising from the ground.

This was Marwa!

Unless you destroyed all his roots too, there was no other way to destroy him completely. Funny thing is he didn't even feel anything. He was a real immortal. And this puppet was also created by his parts so it was not really difficult for him to become one with it.

Before the fight with The Sun Princess began, he hid it underground with the two people he protected. Their situation was still not clear. He did his best to keep them safe. But now, the strong attack that little girl used destroyed his main body so it was annoying to create a new one slowly, he used the puppet.

Even though he didn't try hard to improve this puppet, he naturally was absorbing energy from the nature every second. This caused puppet's parts become extremely complex and huge every second. The couple inside it was not even visible.

The puppet slowly walked toward to The Sun Princess. At every step, his body was delaying at every step because of the roots under the ground were trying to merge with it and feed him. So he was also ripping them off at step. Even though Marwa was looking slow, his height was over ten meters so he was closing the distance rapidly. His goal was to finish this girl and end this farce.

Reiko desperately watched the huge creature with green, brown and white veins every side of it in fear. She bited her lips and his fingers brought the blood to her forehead.


A small sphere of sun covered her inside against all attacks of Marwa's attacks. However, Marwa didn't really think deep. It was obvious she was in big problem. There was no way to counter anymore.

"Little girl, approach to plants with water at your next life" Marwa sighed and smashed one of arms of his body on Reiko.

However his arm suddenly stayed still. Marwa couldn't understand why his connection to his arm suddenly cut. Then he saw his plant arm suddenly fell down from main body.

He saw a white haired young girl appeared near Reiko. She was hugging her with her left hand and right arm was holding a weird shaped wide blade which looks transparent. Her eyes were icy as she was an experienced killer afraid of no one. Her forehead also had a white colour symbol! Moon!

"Moon Princess! Majesty! Please run away from there" Old Shaman shouted.

"What? So she was not maid of the envoy"

"Is she also strong as her?!"

Shamans didn't know what reaction they must give. They hastily started to retreat.

Marwa looked to the young woman and smirked: "So the sun down, moon appears. How funny". "Previous one was borrowing power from the sun and it was hot. With this logic, this moon girl must be cold. However I didn't sense this at her previous attack. Whatever you cannot use same trick twice. Let me show you only idiots repeat their methods."

The huge puppet didn't try to attack but stabbed his arms to the ground. Countless seedlings appeared on the whole battlefield and surrounded all humans. They started to grow and in seconds a forest appeared with many trees more than ten meters long.

Snow White realised what's going on and fear appeared in her pupils. Her white pupils turned back to black. Her connection with the moonlight cut!

All the light she can see in this darkness was golden apples appearing on the branches of the every second growing huge scary tree.

"Enjoy the flowers at your next life" Marwa murmured and smashed another tree branch on the two princesses.

"Marwa, please stop before creating a grudge between us." A voice echoed in everyone's ear. This was also a kind of soul power too as tree used before but was gentle and calming.

Marwa shocked to hear his human name in this form and spread apart his branches to sky to see a shining winged human shaped phantom radiating waves of gentle lights everywhere.

"An angel!" A shaman cried.

"It's really an angel. We saved!"

"Your Majesty Immortal! You are the most forgiving and the wisest. We were unable deal with this creature. Please save Reiko!" Snow White, The Moon Princess, cried and kneeled in front of the angel with holding unconscious Reiko in bleeding wounds everywhere on her body in her arms.