
"The Immortal!!"

"Is this the Immortal?!"

"Wait, did I hear Marwa?"

"Who is- This tree?!"

"Earth God Marwa still alive?!"

"So he transformed to a creature? How?"

Marwa looked at the levitating angel in front of him. She was giving some bottles to girls to increase their healing speed. Marwa didn't really care if these girls live or die. He just wanted to kill them because blonde girl was looking like someone who will try to take revenge. And how that angel-like thing can know him? Obviously it was one of the god shamans he was with from past. "So this was 'The Immortal' they were talking about?" Marwa murmured.

"Cannot u talk anymore?" The Immortal asked with a hand supporting her chin. She was not really looking serious.

Marwa wrote to the ground with his branches: "Where is Thiara"

The Immortal surprised when she saw the first question Marwa asked. She was expecting he would ask about her name or how to achieve immortality or something about body change.

"Was she with you? I don't know. If she was also in the formation you draw for that realm breaker wormhole, I'm sorry for your loss but I can say she is already dead." She talked slowly and clear.

"Do me a favour. Bring her if you can find."

Marwa stayed there for some time and left in his huge puppet form with leaving these sentences on the ground.

Snow White watched as Marwa left. She couldn't help but ask: "My lady, do we must chase it?"

The Immortal nodded her head: "If you want to die faster, go ahead."

Snow White lowered her head in shame.

"His soul is as strong as mine. Immortal level, I'm sure of this. But this is not his original body and also possess different type of energies than his original. So he cannot even use his earth elemental attacks. This is pitiful… Such a god to reach immortal level with a wrong body… We can say it will be first and last half-immortal level creature. And another fact I'm sure is there cannot be a second immortal in this world…" The Immortal sighed while watching leaving Marwa. She knew Marwa still could listen her.

"My lady, what we must do now?" Snow White asked after seeing Reiko almost awakening.

"Safely travel back with these shamans and welcome them to a feast. They must help us voluntarily so they must be sure about safety of their people." The Immortal said and then pointed to the ground: "Announce Earth God Marwa still alive and searching for a woman named Thiara who is a prodigy at bewitching skills. I'm sure he would reward nicely anyone helps him."


Years after years passed away in peace.

The humans travelled far met with life without threat of foreign races . The Immortal and all high level shamans disappeared for years to work together at an unknown project they named "Heaven" and during these times, countless new strong families and powerful awakens born. Human race was flourishing.

The Golden Apple Tree stood erect in the middle of the west continent.

Every year countless adventurers would appear under it with a pretty woman who is skilled at bewitching abilities to seek rewards. Many of them would fake but still all of them rewarded by a huge golden apple that enchants their body and soul increasing their life time and abilities.

No matter how dangerous was the road to the tree, around tree was always safe haven for those adventures. Rumours of The Golden Apple Tree and Earth God Marwa spread beyond continents even in many different races.

As a well-known shaman and a half immortal creature Marwa won respect and admiration of countless people with his generous rewards and hospitality. Some people chose to stay there and build some houses. One house, two houses and slowly a city built.

His apples were not only useful to humans, but also other races too. To show respect to tree, no one allowed to fight in this city and the first city that includes all kind of beings appeared in the history to develop to even a bigger trading center. The Babylon was born.

There was even a cult prays in Marwa. However those people slayed by the tree which didn't move for countless years, after trying to sacrifice virgin girls for him. Though this action gathered more support for another faith group which is more nature friendly.

Every day someone would appear to make a report about they found Thiara to show to Legendary Golden Apple Tree. Even though these reports were false, The Tree still would reward them. Maybe because of that, many people named their daughters Thiara and taught her some bewitching skills.

It was funny to see at least one Thiara in every family. So many girls had two names; Britney Thiara Spears, Dua Thiara Lipa, Taylor Thiara Swift and many more…


Today was another day many new tourists appeared at the Babylon City to trade their goods or report information to Marwa about another Thiara.

There was a green robed young lady among this batch. Her dark skin and white hair would surprise people around her. So people around her identify her as one of those foreign race beings immediately. The group slowly approached to the forbidden area to see a middle aged man with a gentle and charismatic face. One of his legs was a puppet leg that takes a lot of attention and also the reason even strangers can immediately recognizes him. They all greeted him with respect.

"Sir Xiao Chen, we would like to have a chance to offer our words to the Supreme Shaman Marwa." A scholar looking old man among group talked for everyone with the words he thought most suited.

"Sure I'll lead our precious guests there one by one. Please be patient while waiting." Xiao Chen said invited them.

As the time past all people went inside came out with a smiling face holding a huge golden apple. Xiao Chen looked at the last visitor of the day with a little tired face and talked.

"Please this way"

Young lady led to under the tree where she saw a nice looking lady looking at her with a smiling face while holding a huge golden apple to give her as the report she will doesn't matter. Young lady couldn't hide shock when she saw there was colourful plant veins directly connected to her back from The Legendary Golden Apple Tree.

"Is this-"

"A plant heart." Young lady obviously get used to answer this question many times replied rapidly. "I cannot recall what happened exactly but my heart damaged and the kind senior helped me to stay alive with my husband." She smiled to charismatic middle aged man behind the young lady. "What is your report? Do you have any news about Thiara?" She asked.

"I don't have. But-" She said while taking off the hood of her robe to reveal a pair of long and sharp ears slowly moving along with the wind. "As a royal member of The Holy Forest, It's my duty to greet The Elder Tree whenever I met."