Clichés 14: Jun

"Why don't you say something?" Henry demanded. 

His hoarse voice was laced with frustration, anger, and confusion all rolled into one. When his father came to the office the other day and learned about his fight with the head designer, the old man slipped a secret that shocked him to the core. 

He, Henry Song, was already a married man. The bride? It was no other than the most complicated woman he'd ever met— the woman who bore both his love and his hate. 

Kim Yue. 

"Say something!" 

Since he had out and mentioned their marital status, Kim remained standing by the bedroom door in shock. 

"Say something," he said again, this time, his voice came out in a defeated whisper. 

He was in agony. He was in agony because no matter how hard he thought, he could not think of any rational reason why his wife pretended to not just know him, but also acted as if he was her enemy.