The Last Interview

"Isn't Kirishima Group in the midst of a takeover?" Chummy asked, and Yanee shrugged. 

"I'm not sure. I haven't really been following business news for a while now." 

Months ago, Yanee was always up to date with whatever since she had to write features for the magazine. But since she was assigned to write a book, since her return from vacation, she barely watched television. As for information on her interviewees, she only had a simple summary for each of them that Tohru gave her. She knew about their companies and businesses or profession, but she was not up to date to the current events involving them. 

"I think it was on TV the other day," Chummy said as she scrunched up her face trying to remember. "I forgot about the details, but I know the company must be very busy as they just took over a company. Are you sure the CEO and his wife are coming?"