How Did They Tame Such A Thing!?

The roar of the creature filled the room again and it moved itself to the left, slowly illuminating Altair in its light as it edged around the rock she was behind. This caused Altair to panic as the she was lit up for all to see and she quickly put her back to the wall as she tried to look at the thing that was blinding her. It was futile, it was like looking at the sun and she couldn't keep her eyes open.

The first man said, "What the hell it's a child."

The second man nudged the first man, "I think you're missing the more important aspect here. She's not wearing a suit, how is she even alive right now?"

The air on the planet only had three percent oxygen, which wasn't enough for people to live on let alone stay conscious. To find a child who was unprotected in this environment and still conscious as if nothing was wrong was completely bizarre. Her clothing was strange as well, as if she had come out of some fantasy book. Judging by her wildly swinging the dagger in her hands, she was obviously scared out of her mind right now as well.

Altair had been completely blinded the machine behind the Humans. All she saw was light before her eyes. With the light suddenly upon her she knew she was doomed and had started to panic.

The first man turned his head back to the massive mining vehicle and shouted, "Turn off the high-beams and let the boss know we found something interesting! I'm sure he'll want to see this for himself!"

The female didn't respond, but the light dimmed greatly as the main lights on the machine turned off and a soft glow took its place.

Altair was finally able to see exactly what was creating the light and her legs gave out on her at the sight of it. The creature throwing light at her was as big as two dragons put on top of each other and three houses side by side. It appeared to be completely tamed by the knights in front of her, though the knights were wearing some extremely odd armor and didn't have weapons. Still, Altair's spirit was defeated at just the sight of the thing giving off light. She couldn't muster the courage to even lift herself up.

'Ha,' She berated herself, 'Some Massacre Queen you are. That thing they tamed, along with that crazy man… We're doomed.'

The two men before her were wearing environmental suits so that they could actually move around and do their job. They were a pair of researchers who had come to investigate a strange energy spike in the area that had lasted for half an hour before vanishing like it had never existed.

The first man cautiously approached to within two meters before stopping and asked, "Hey, do you understand what I'm saying?" Of course, Altair had no idea. She just stared at the thing behind him in terror as she trembled where she sat. The man shrugged while looking back his companion and asking, "Think it's a native?"

The other man gave him a flat look as he replied, "Are you dumb? What could possibly live on this plant?"

The first man pointed towards the trembling girl, "She appears to be alive."

The second man frowned at him, "You should stay away from her. She has a weapon even though she looks like a child. One nick from that thing and you'll be dead in three minutes. The boss will be here soon anyway, so why take any risks?" The first man didn't really agree with him but knew he would get in trouble if he didn't, so he took several steps back and waited.

Altair's terror slowly calmed down over time. The Human's before her kept their distance and the creature had stopped making noise. Occasionally, the two Humans would talk with each other, but she still didn't understand their language. When she calmed down she slowly stood back up. She eyed the thing generating light and found that her fear was turning slightly into curiosity. She had no idea how it would react if she tried to approach it and she didn't want to take the risk so she kept standing there staring at it. After a short time, she moved to brush her hair back as it had become a bit of a mess and her hand paused as she caught sight of her own hair. The color of her hair had changed back to brown and it left her stunned momentarily. She looked at her arm and found that it, too, had returned to an appearance that Humans found to be normal.

She had never heard of Demi-Human characteristics reverting back to the way they were before they emerged. However, upon seeing it she immediately decided that she would use it to her advantage. With her appearance like this, chances were that her eyes had returned to brown as well. If that was the case, then she appeared to be as Human as the next Human and she would be able to hide that she was a Demi-Human. It would help her make the antidote she needed so she could return back to the Council of Four sooner.

Since she looked like a Human, that thing wouldn't attack her randomly right? Under that logic, she prepared to step closer when a low humming noise echoed into the cavern. She looked around curiously but was unable to identify where it was coming from. She wondered if it was another strange creature these Humans had tamed somehow.

The men before her started to talk with each other in greater fervor as they took some more distance from her. Altair took this to be a bad sign and she started to prepare herself to be attacked. The humming got louder and louder and soon a floating creature generating fire underneath it flew around the corner and into the cavern.

The flying thing was a cruiser designed for transporting people and it came to a stop next to the excavating machine and set down. Four men climbed out of it wearing similar environmental suits as the researchers, although two of them were armed with blasters. Three of them fell behind one man who strode forward confidently toward the two men who were standing there.

The newcomer cast a look at the girl who held her dagger before her defensively and asked, "Where did the child come from?"

The first man looked at him and said, "We found her here. She's why we called for you, sir. We aren't sure what we should do in this situation."

The newcomer looked at Altair and shouted in an unfriendly tone, "Girl, what are you doing here and how did you get here?!"

The first man sighed lightly as he said, "She doesn't appear to understand what we're saying, boss. Talking to her will probably be pointless."

The boss turned to the first man and asked, "What about the energy signature? Any sign of it on her or the surroundings?"

The first man shook his head, "No, we found nothing like that even as soon as we arrived. We only found her here."

The boss looked at her and said, "Very well, here are your orders then. Forget you saw her and continue your investigation into the energy here. See if you can't find a trace of it. I'm sure Renald will want to have her examined when we bring her back."

The first man nodded and turned to walk away. The second man quickly followed and they got back into the excavating machine, leaving the boss and the three people who came with him alone with Altair.

Altair glared at them menacingly as if it gave her some kind of protection. She could see that the newcomers were aggressive towards her based on their body language and how he yelled in her direction. They were probably here to deal with her. She narrowed her eyes at him while cautiously bringing up her guard. It seemed she was correct that they would soon attack her.

The boss paid her no further attention as he turned to the armed men next to him and asked, "Do you have any Tranq's with you? I suspect Renald will want her alive and not dead to find out exactly what she is."

The two armed men looked at each other awkwardly before one of them said, "I don't really feel comfortable shooting a child."

The boss scoffed at the man, "Don't be such a child. Look at her," he pointed towards Altair, "She's probably not even human. What human could survive being on this planet without a protection suit? Just hurry up and knock her out."

The man sighed and pulled out a pistol from his side. He dropped the clip out and pulled a different clip from his belt and put it in. He then pointed it at Altair.

Having a strange device pointed at her caused her hair stand on ends. She didn't know what was about to happen but she tensed up and stared straight at the men. She was prepared to dash towards them a moment's notice.

With a pop sound, Altair felt a sting in her chest. She looked down and saw some kind of bee sticking out of her. She didn't even see it coming at her. Did it come from that strange device they pointed at her?

She blinked several times before moving her hand up to pull it out. As she pulled it out her body suddenly became overcome with weariness and she realized that she had been drugged. She quickly dropped the dart in her hand and took two quick steps towards the men before falling onto the ground unconscious.